Friday, August 9, 2019

Respond to the discussion about Aristotle (for online Essay

Respond to the discussion about Aristotle (for online class-introduction to Ethics) - Essay Example There is nothing we can call as â€Å"ultimate† goal. 2. I disagree with you when you visualize Aristotle’s opinion as belonging to a different time frame i.e. Greek. I think what he is talking about is one of the most fundamental realities of life that never change with time. However, I completely agree with you when you refer to the â€Å"proper function† as â€Å"a higher fulfillment of life†. There is no such think as â€Å"perfect† in this world. But we tend to achieve the maximum in the effort of achieving the perfection. Everything has a room for improvement, and therefore, â€Å"proper function† should always be visualized as something â€Å"higher†. 3. You have made a good attempt to interpret Aristotle’s meaning of â€Å"proper function†, though I have slight reservations in accepting particularly when you say that â€Å"everything that we as human beings aim at is good†. That is not always the case. What about the robbers and serial killers who aim at killing people for their personal benefits? When we generalize certain facts for all members of the society, we need to be watchful of all members who positively â€Å"and† negatively affect the society. 4.

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