Saturday, August 10, 2019

Comparison Report Target and Wal-Mart Research Paper

Comparison Report Target and Wal-Mart - Research Paper Example Nonetheless, appropriate use of social media might turn out to be highly advantageous to a company. There are different forms of social media; but Facebook remains the most popular social media channel among people today. Therefore, most companies have adopted this as a platform for their communication with customers. Through Facebook, a company can post videos and photos of their products, address the concerns of their customers, and target new customers. For these reasons, companies have signed up for Facebook, by creating their Facebook pages. This paper compares and contrasts the Facebook pages of Target and Wal-Mart Companies. Walmart is the world’s largest retailer, which operates 10 773 stores across the globe. With over 2.2 million employees, including full time and part time employees, Walmart ranks as the biggest employer. In addition, this company is known for its low pricing and wide selection of products. The sales of Walmart are known to increase each fiscal year . Walmart utilizes different communication strategies, including television, radio, internet, and direct mail. The main message Walmart passes to customers is the value they will have, if they shopped in Walmart stores Graf (n.d). With regard to internet, Walmart utilizes social media, as a communication tool with customers. ... The high number of likes for this company page shows the level of popularity of the company. On the other hand, Target, which is also headquartered in the U.S.A, specializes in consumer goods and consumer services. This company, unlike Walmart, primarily serves the U.S.A market, and has 1 763 stores. Target puts emphasis on merchandise style and the store design, unlike Walmart, which emphasizes on low prices Graf (n.d). However, like Walmart, Target also utilizes social media as a communication strategy. This company too has a Facebook page, which it uses to reach out to its customers. However, there are major differences in the ways Target and Walmart uses Facebook as their communication strategy. One of the main differences between the Facebook page of Walmart and Target lies in the number of followers. For Walmart, there are more than 30 million followers. On the other hand, Target has a close to 22 million followers. Therefore, this means that Walmart is more popular among the F acebook community, as compared to Target. On WalMart’s Facebook page, different products are advertised. Additionally, customers post about their concerns and different issues, which they need to be addressed. These posts then receive response from the administration of the page, as well as other fans of the page. In addition, various events, promotions, and competitions by the company are posted on the page to make customers aware of them. On the other hand, Target also uses its Facebook page to advertise its products, promotions, and events, as well as customer concerns. Walmart has developed different Facebook pages for its different stores. This way, it is easier to address the concerns of customers of a specific store. In addition, unlike Target, Walmart has developed strict

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