Friday, August 23, 2019

Individual Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Individual Design - Essay Example As I reflected upon the ways and means by which I may achieve this simultaneously straightforward yet complex task, I found that I had two possible options. The first, which I immediately dismissed as a non-option, was for me to hold off until all designs were finalized, following from which I could design my furniture piece around them. This was an unrealistic notion since group members were committed to the same deadline and were I to wait until the last moment, not only would I be holding the group project back but, in essence, would not be leaving myself enough time to work on my design. The second option, therefore, imposed itself upon me as the only feasible one. As per this option, I had to remain within the boundaries of our selected logo and slogan, ensure that my furniture piece, in and by itself, complement and communicated the said logo and slogan, not to mentioned the ambience which we, as a group had decided upon. Added to that, I had to go through the relevant academic literature on the topic for the purposes of easing the task at hand through the provision of a guideline for furniture design and design ideas. As I was reading through the said literature and browsing through the Internet, I discovered that the concept of design detail was extremely important. A designer is not supposed to just focus on the overall appearance of the piece but must pay particular attention to every detail which contributes to the said appearance and which contributes to the functionality of the piece and the extent to which it satisfies its objectives. My piece (couch, sofa, chair, seating area) had to satisfy a number of objectives. It had to be inviting, comfortable, easy on the eyes, and in sync with the entirety of the lounge. The rationale behind the mentioned objectives is that the seating area has to be comfortable enough so as to encourage patrons to spend longer periods of time in whirlpool. It also has to be inviting and warm in order to motivate patronage of the place. In other words, I rationalized the listed design objectives as being integral to the promotion of Whirlpool as a comfortably, friendly and warm place where patrons cannot only be assured of quality service but of an ambience which helps them to unwind and relax. Additional objectives emerged from a consideration of the Lounge's theme, logo and slogan. Whirling, soothing water dominated the aforementioned and hence, it had to be somehow communicated through and integrated within the design of my piece. Whirls and swirling lines can do so and therefore, the structure of my piece included the stated just as the pattern include swirl images. It did so, however, in a subtle way so as to communicate the message without screaming it out loud, potentially disturbing and annoying visitors and distracting them from the entirety of the lounge. In other words, design subtlety was motivated by the imperatives of my piece fitting in with the rest and of forming part of a whole and of ensuring that it did not stand out from the rest. By adhering to the above stated guidelines and objectives, my furniture piece ultimately became part of a whole and combined with that whole to communicate the Lounge's theme. Journal Details are everywhere. They are born out of the materials or the construction process used. At times they become transitions between elements, where a closer examination of the type

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