Saturday, August 31, 2019
Marketing Mix of Nesquik Essay
I choose the product Nestle Nesquik because I am constantly buying Nestle Nesquik powdered milk drink. I get the chocolate and the strawberry flavors. My son will not drink milk at all, but if I put the strawberry or chocolate powder in it, he drinks it all day long. Marketing mix is the four ps. The four P’s are product, price, place, and promotion. Product can be described as any kind of service or good created by a company. It also includes the guarantees, branding, creation, packaging, and design of a product (Editorial Board, 2012). Pricing can be defined by how much money people will pay for the product. It is also about the discounts that are for the product. Place is how the product is transported and stored and how it is distributed, so that it can make it to the buyers hands. Promotion has to deal with how the company gets their product exposed to the people. They use media, sales and commercial advertising (Editorial Board, 2012). Nestle Nesquik product is powder flavoring that you add to milk to make it strawberry, or chocolate milk. Its brand logo is a Nestle Nesquik bunny. They created it so that kids will drink milk and it will be healthier than the other syrups out there. It is packaged in an oval shaped yellow container. It has the Nestle Nesquik bunny on it and has Nestle Nesquik written on it. They guarantee that it has 25% less sugar then the leading brand and that it has no artificial sweeteners. Nestle Nesquik isn’t just good tasting and good for my son, it also is cheap in price. It is only $4. 98 for a 21. 8 oz. container. They also have coupons that you can use that if you buy two Nestle Nesquik products you get a dollar off. I know other moms who get this product because it’s the only way they get their child to drink milk and it’s so inexpensive. Nestle Nesquik never changes their price, and it’s because they don’t need to, because so many people buy it. Nestle Nesquik has their products at Wal-Mart because that is where so many people do their grocery shopping at so it is the perfect place to have it at. You can also order it online too and because it is a powder it doesn’t go bad when it’s getting mailed to you. Nestle Nesquik has a commercial where a mom is talking to you telling you how it’s important for kids to drink milk but she just can’t get her kid to drink it. Then another mom comes in and shows her Nestle Nesquik chocolate powder mix, and says I put Nestle Nesquik in my kids drink and she drinks it nonstop! Then the other mom says wow that’s great thanks Nestle Nesquik! Then before it’s over its shows a bunch of kids with chocolate milk saying I love milk now thanks to Nesquik! They also advertise on their container the Disney cartoon Phineas and Ferb. It says â€Å"where’s the bunny? It says the Nesquik bunny is missing and you have to be a hero like Agent P and find the bunny. Doing this gets kids to see it, especially because it is on the bottom shelf, and they beg their parents for the Agent P stuff. Each of the four p’s, price, product, place, and promotion, are very important when marketing Nestle Nesquik because you have to figure out your price that people will pay because if it’s too much no one will buy it and if it’s too low you won’t make any profits. You have to figure out the place that is the best to have it so that people will buy it when they shop. If you put it at, say a gas station, then people probably won’t buy it. If you put it at Wal-Mart though then it will get bought. When it comes to promotion, you have to do something that will grab their attention. Doing commercials get the parents to see the product, and then they get it to try it for their kids. Doing the Phineas and Ferb advertising gets the kids to see it and then they want it so the parents get it for their kids. As for the product part of the four P’s, it is important because you have to have a product in order to sell a product.
Friday, August 30, 2019
I Believe in Love Essay
Love is a refuge that without it nothing can exist. Without the love of God the world wouldn’t have life. Without the passion of two lovers no child would be brought in to the cycle of life. Ignorant people under the guise of social acceptance have removed love from their lives, and have torn themselves apart morally. But I believe love heals all, love never fails, and love knows all. If there’s one thing to learn about the many genres of love it’s this. It is instinctual to give comfort to those who don’t want it, and to push comfort away when it’s given. My father was beside himself as he looked at the charred remains of his truck. He was utterly shocked that the fire didn’t spread at all, but just stayed on the truck. A memory of being in that truck, driving all over Oklahoma, crosses his mind. Thoughts of how I thought I would die in an accident truck by driving it cross my mind. He was stunned to say the least about the incident, and no one could get through to him that we were there for him. My father started to bounce back after a few hours. You could even find a tiny smile on his mouth. My family and I kept our guards and when he was finally ready to accept it, our love was still right there to support him. Love doesn’t give up, so we didn’t either. Another lesson that I’ve witnessed is that no one takes love serious anymore. About ten percent of just the U.S. is divorced, and most of those are 20-24 year olds. There is lust at first sight, but no love. We humans notice symmetry and strong biological traits, and automatically want to mate and carry on those traits as well as ours. But there are all these naive, young, kids who think that lust will carry them to happiness. Then they find themselves in court for a year getting a divorce. Lust will always fail, but love won’t. â€Å"Love and Hate are simply the fraternal twin offspring of Passion.†A quote I wrote myself. Everything on God’s green Earth is a love story because love is passion and so is hate. Love and Hate are two completely different emotions that do the same damage. Who knows about what the day’s conversation vocabulary will bring? We all tell such passionate, moving tales of angst that that is all we know anymore. We may not know what our actions will bring, but love does. After crisis and after victory there is a bond between those who fought to the end, and that bond is love. There are countless quotes all trying in vain to define love in all its nebulous wonders. 1 Corinthians 13:4-7 defines love the best saying, â€Å"Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud†¦It always†¦perseveres.†Love heals all, love never fails, and love knows all.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Revenge Is a Dish Best Served Cold: a Comparison of Fowler
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Cold: A Comparison of Fowler and Snopes Matt Fowler and Abner Snopes are both male characters that possess a motivation for revenge. Some people can only feel better about an unfortunate situation or circumstance by seeking revenge. Such a person would believe that until the other party feels the same pain as they have, only then would justice have been served. We live amongst a society where acts of revenge are quite common and most perceive them to be of a â€Å"natural human emotion. People feel different emotions and think different thoughts on a daily basis and throughout life as we grow and change. Things do not always work out in our favor or the way we have planned for them to. While both men are in two completely different circumstances; the motivation for revenge is mutual. In the case of Matt Fowler, we see a man who has lived his life the best way he knows how. He is a loving father who raised his children well and he continues to execute th is role by attempting to guide his son, Frank, in the right direction when it comes to the woman he is in love with: a married mother of two small boys.It is clear to Matt that Frank is deeply in love and there is nothing and no one that can hold him back from following is heart; regardless to how dangerous the situation may be. Matt is supportive of his son; while pointing out to Frank the dire circumstance that he and his lover are in. The bottom line is that she is a married woman and her soon-to-be ex husband has already exhibited violence towards Frank before. (Killings,105) This heartfelt and much needed conversation is shared between the two men while on a father and son road trip. Dubus 107) Matt and his wife wake up to any parents worse nightmare: their son has been murdered. From that point forward, Matt feels as if he is wandering through life as opposed to living life as he previously have before the death of his son. Matt is struggling between the good man he has always been and his feelings of seeking revenge on his son's killer. There will be no inner peace for him until his son's murderer is dealt the same fate. Matt will eventually act on this urge in a thorough and planned out execution.We have all seen the news programs with families pleating and mourning over the loss of loved ones through unnecessary violence. Many times, law enforcement feels the need to intervene and remind the heartbroken family members and friends that it is best to allow the law to seek justice; as opposed to seeking revenge and continuing the unnecessary violence. As adults, we understand the logic behind this; however, as a grieving parent, whose life may seem be over and pointless without their child in it, this emotion can invade one's soul and not lessen until that emotional fix for revenge is received.Matt Fowler is a man who goes through these roller coaster emotions and eventually acts out on his thoughts. (Dubus 108) Abner Snopes is a man who comes from a dif ferent era and exhibits different values and affections for his children than Matt Fowler does. They do not share many similarities as men and the only thing they have in common is that they are both fathers seeking revenge. Abner Snopes is a character that we see in today's society quite often.He is a man who does not abide by the laws, is not a good role model or example for his children, and when his actions catch up to him and it is time to face the consequences of his decisions, he is not man enough to accept the punishment. Our society is filled with people such as Abner Snopes. These people tend to go through life making selfish decisions and never learning their lesson. They tend to blame others for the reasons they are guilty of unthinkable acts and later continue their reign of terror because now they have something/someone knew to blame for their demise.Their children are eventually faced with two options: 1. Be like my father and repeat the viscous cycle or, 2. Be a bett er man then my father and learn from his mistakes. Abner Snopes is a man who is rough around the edges and shows no mercy when it comes to his guilty pleasure of burning barns. As a father, he attempts to convince his youngest son that he must be loyal to his family because blood is thicker than water and without doing so, there will come a time in his life when no family will be there for him since he didn’t remain loyal to them. Faulkner 505) Abner knows that his young son is a honest boy who does not support his father's barn burning ways; as a result, Abner attempts to â€Å"teach†the boy that being loyal to one's family, regardless if they're right or wrong is the honorable thing to do. Eventually, tried for intentionally damaging a rug by rubbing his dung covered feet on it, and being sentenced to the lesser punishment due to a lack of evidence, Abner is infuriated as opposed to grateful that things didn’t end up worse.He, in return, sets out to burn down the rug owners barn. His son knows this act will be wrong and he cannot stand idly by and allow his father to continue doing what he does. He makes the decision to turn his back on his father and warn the barn owner that his father is coming to burn down his barn. (Faulkner 512) later, the boy hears shots fired and knows he can never return back to his family to deal with the outcome of his actions. One is left to think he continues to live a life of his own and become a better man than his father ever was.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
International Business Strategies in Action Assignment - 1
International Business Strategies in Action - Assignment Example Ghemawat discusses three main strategies that can be implemented by the organizations during their foreign operations and also in response to globalization. The three strategies are categorized as adaptation, aggregation, and arbitrage. The article in a way aims to differentiate how business strategies are formulated based on the origin and nature of a business or an organization, and importantly based on their operations, particularly international operations. The basic premise of this article is how the organizations have to focus on the different business factors that needed to be considered in the foreign country of choice, and how strategies continuously needs development over the years as the business or organization grows in the country of choice. It also gives us a view of how these strategic factors change over the years and its significance in putting an international business strategy in action. An international business strategy is formulated based on different factors yo u can gather in the target market. This is also one big reason why a strategy formulated for a particular country or market would most probably fail in other countries. Summary Author Ghemawat focuses on the international strategies through the three A’s strategy categories of adaptation, aggregation, and arbitrage. ... In that direction, the entering firms will set up local units, as the unit and its employees will maximally know about the local market and can function accordingly and effectively. These country specific strategies could work in certain countries and for organizations in certain sector. â€Å"According to the article, companies that utilize an adaptation strategy most likely have a country-centered organizational model.†( Aggregation strategy provides the organization the option of running their regional operations as part of their global operations itself. â€Å"Aggregation attempt to deliver economies of scale by creating regional, or sometimes global, operations, it involves standardizing the product or service offering and grouping together the development and production process.†(Ghemawat 2007, p.60). Thus, according to the author, this strategy can be applicable in this current globalized world, as many organizations are operating across borders. â€Å"Operations that are designed to function across borders are more likely to be employed if aggregation is the strategy.†( The strategy of Arbitrage can also be practiced by MNC, if they have a widespread reach and network. That is, organizations following this strategy can set up operations in different parts of a country or even in different countries, where there is apt resources including human resources. â€Å"Arbitrage is the exploitation of the differences between national or regional markets, often by locating different parts of the supply chain in different places.†Examples include call centers in India, factories in China, and retail shops in Western Europe. (Ghemawat 2007, p.60). All these three
Kodak and Fujifilm Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1
Kodak and Fujifilm - Essay Example The founder of Kodak, George Eastman, an American, was dedicatedly fascinated on still photography and cameras. He patented photographic film to be stored in a roll in 1884 and after four years he had developed the first camera in the world of his invention and started operating in London. Subsequently, gradually the company became the global leader and started to dominate in the global market which has transcended beyond a century. In 1975, firstly, the company brought in significant change in the world of photography inventing digital camera. However, after 1984 in the photographic industry Kodak noticed profound changes in relation to the behavior of customers but still it remained indifferent about the changes in technologies and marketing strategies. As a result, in the 21st Century, it had to stop to manufacturing of a number of products one by one for being unable to sustain and owing to a lack of demand of the products. Finally, in the year 2012, the company filed for bankrup tcy (Beaudette & Palank, 2013). Fujifilm, a Japan based company was established in 1934 and within a decade it spread its landmark in the global market with the incorporation of effective strategies and continuous modernization of technology. In 1980, in keeping with customer requirements and to ensure its sustainability in the global market, the company made a switch from the film to digital market. As a result, it was able leverage huge amount of money from the film business and gradually reached the pinnacle of success in the photographic segment (Fujifilm Europe, n.d.). Core Business of Kodak and Fujifilm Kodak is a well known organization in the photographic film products, equipments, materials, digital imaging and services. Another principal business of Kodak is Kodak international-financial & banking business (Francis & Nias, 2012). The primarily business activities of Fujifilm entail to be involved in the development, production, sales and services of the color photographic film, digital cameras, color paper, photofinishing chemicals, graphic arts materials and equipments, medical imaging equipments, optical devices, photocopiers and printers. By the availability of these varied products, segmentation and innovation, it has captured a big global market after 1990s and has become a market leader in the photographic world in recent times (Fujifilm Europe, n.d.). Compare And Contrast About The Approach Of Management Of Both The Companies To Embrace Innovation And Management Differences That Have Impacted The Relative Success Of Kodak And Fujifilm In the global market perspective, the key dimensions of ‘change’ and ‘innovation’ are the key determinants of success to sustain in the competitive business world. These two factors are the main reasons for the downfall of Kodak and pinnacle of success for Fujifilm in the photographic market. Though Kodak entered in the market of Japan in 1905 but the management of the organization did n ot take the market seriously for strengthening the distribution system, marketing strategies, segmentation, and for making customers needs and demands assessment. After a long period in 1977, it started to focus to strengthen the marketing chain, distribution system and advertising. As a result, it became one of the best photographic product producers of the year in Japan by
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
An analysis of three women from three works by edith wharton Essay
An analysis of three women from three works by edith wharton - Essay Example Her works display her inborn wit and are characterized for their humor, incisiveness and uneventfulness (Wikipedia). As a child, Wharton lived overseas until the age of six when her family settled in New York. She was not formally schooled, but she educated herself by receiving instruction from her governess and by reading through her father's collection of books (Dwight and Winner). In 1885, aged 23, she married Edward Robbins Wharton, but the marriage was tumultuous and unhappy. The marriage ended in divorce in 1913, on grounds of her husband's public infidelity and degrading health. Wharton's first work published, The Decoration of Houses, is not a work of fiction, but a work on architecture and landscaping. In the course of her life, Wharton has traveled extensively through Continental Europe, eventually settling in France. From France, she observed the battles of World War I from the frontlines and wrote Fighting France: From Dunkerque to Belfort, a series of articles about the fighting. She was involved actively in the Red Cross and with the refugees, and was given the French Legion of Honor award for her efforts. In a writing career spanning forty years, Wharton would produce more than forty volumes of work. Her first work published, The Decoration of Houses, is not a work of fiction, but a book on architecture and landscaping. ... r work, responding particularly to the elegance and precision of her prose and the sharpness of her wit; others don't like her at all, finding it hard to "get into" her fiction because she seems so cold, the prose seems so detailed and self-conscious, and the subject matter is so elite" ("Edith Wharton"). Said Dwight and Winner, Edith Wharton "was a born storyteller, whose novels are justly celebrated for their vivid settings, satiric wit, ironic style, and moral seriousness," whose works contain characters are "[o]ften portrayed as tragic victims of cruel social conventions, they are trapped in bad relationships or confining circumstances." The three works chosen for this paper, The Other Two, The Muse's Tragedy and The Pomegranate Seed, are works of Wharton that provide examples to this statement. One such character trapped by conventions is Mrs. Alice Waythorn from The Other Two. The story is told from the point of view by Alice's third husband Mr. Waythorn, whose glowing fascination for his charming bride then turned to doubt about her personality and the fact that she was married twice before him. It is a doubt that grew each time he encountered her former husbands, to wane into numbness with familiarity with them, and to be resolved in the most humorous and unexpected of turns. The Muse's Tragedy, aptly named, is the story of a woman named Mary Anerton, who was seen by the society she moves in as the muse of the renowned poet Vincent Rendle, and immortalized in his "Sonnets to Silvia." While the public whispered of the great love affair between poet and muse, which lent fame - and after the poet's death, authority on his works - to Mrs. Anerton, the truth is that the love affair existed only in Mrs. Anerton's mind, the fruit of her unspoken longing for the
Monday, August 26, 2019
COMPARE THE UNITED STATES BILL OF RIGHTS TO THE ENGLISH MAGNA CARTA OF 1215 - Term Paper Example The second amendment is the right to keep and bear arms. This amendment guarantees citizens the freedom to protect their life against oppression of the government by keeping arms (Burgan 38). The third amendment states the conditions for quarters of soldiers. These conditions state that citizens cannot be forced to have soldiers enter their houses whether during war or during peace (Burgan 39). The fourth amendment is the right of regulated search and seizure. This amendment guarantees citizens the right to have their places and possessions searched or seized only against a warrant issued under due cause (Burgan 39). The Fifth Amendment concerns provisions concerning prosecution. This means that the citizens cannot be prosecuted unless a Grand Jury finds it legitimate to do so. Citizens should also not be compelled to testify against themselves (Burgan 39). The sixth amendment secures citizens the right to a speedy public trial by a jury that is unbiased. The citizen should have the opportunity to see the witness of the prosecution and to present his own witnesses (Burgan 40). The seventh amendment guarantees citizens involved in suits where the value exceeds twenty dollars a trial by a jury (Burgan 41). The eighth amendment protects US citizens against unnecessarily large amounts for bail, expensive fines or cruel punishment (Burgan 41). The ninth amendment protects citizens’ rights against other rights specified in the Constitution (Burgan 41). The tenth amendment protects citizens against the federal government by only giving it rights specifically mentioned in the Constitution (Burgan 41). 2. The Magna Carta of 1215 was an important charter signed by King John of England on 15 June 1215 after barons who had become dissatisfied with the king’s exploitative form of governance and exorbitant taxes had besieged him in his palace at Windsor (Drew 139). The Magna Charter is important because it restricted the absolute powers of the king and helped t o make the parliament more powerful. Primarily, the charter was intended to modify the feudal relationships between the king and the barons in the kingdom but down the centuries the terms of the charter and the freedoms granted to citizens under it have become a cornerstone for citizens’ rights and freedoms around the world. The document became the basis of the constitutional form of government (Drew 139). Originally, the Magna Carta contained 37 laws but most of these have been lost over the centuries. The most important of the laws that is in existence today is the freedom of citizens to be protected against forcible imprisonment or possession of property by the government. Among other freedoms guaranteed by the Magna Carta were the independence of the Church and its protection against interference of any kind from the king. The Magna Carta also transferred the right to impose taxes to the parliament. Citizens were also given the right to due process and protection from arb itrary punishment and seizure (Drew 139). 3. The Magna Carta of 1215 was written by Archbishop Stephen Langton of Canterbury and was signed by King John. It was originally called Articles of the Barons. The document was signed under pressure from the feudal barons who had united against the oppressive governance of the king (Drew 139). The Bill of
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Write an analysis of 2000 words of one of the following Hong Kong Essay
Write an analysis of 2000 words of one of the following Hong Kong films - Essay Example Moreover the martial art of Kung Fu widely acclaimed in China is found to act as a common stunt piece for many Chinese, Japanese and Hollywood films. Further observation made suggests that the Chinese martial art form, Kung Fu has earned a figure statement. With Kung Fu mostly masculine bodies with high power muscles earning a spectacular vision is mostly tied to. Thus, the martial art of Kung Fu has been associated to a body genre accompanied by heavy sound effects like shrieks and thuds. To this extent, it is found that the Chinese martial arts films are the products of a culture mix. (Hunt, 2-3). The martial arts used in the Chinese film industry in the late 1960s emanated from the tactics used by the Samurai form of Japanese Martial Art. Research made suggests that in the earlier periods of Hong Kong film industry the Chinese form of martial art drew a fictional significance to that of the western action films. Moreover it was found that the Kung Fu form of Chinese martial art was blended with other cinematic instruments such as comedy, stunt and action filled antics. Even it is observed that film stars who were previously well known for their martial art skills now using less of martial art skills and focusing on showing stunts and antics. The level of stunts used in the Hong Kong action films owes their contribution to the effect of Chinese Opera on the fighting stars. However, it is recognized that still the fighting choreography has a close resemblance to the traditional martial arts form. The Kung Fu form of martial art finds its connection to the Southern part of the Chinese republic. Northern China was more concerned with the advent of sword fighting techniques used in action films. However, the use of Kung Fu in the Hong Kong action films has helped the cinemas earn a global repute in a short span of time. The Kung Fu films
Saturday, August 24, 2019
To what extent has female drinking changed in Britain Essay
To what extent has female drinking changed in Britain - Essay Example One of the most prominent aspects of women’s liberation or emancipation and that of the increased financial independence has been the increased rate of female drinking. In other words, the changes in women’s social status have resulted in female drinking habits being changed. â€Å"Women are now drinking more alcohol than previous generations, with the rate of consumption set to increase. Women’s raised economic and social status has resulted in the liberalization of attitudes towards female drinking. The conversion of bars and pubs from primarily male to unisex areas has meant that it is now more acceptable for women to drink without men. The boundaries between male and consumption patterns are also blurring, with women choosing drinks that were once exclusively male.†(World News: Female Drinking on the Increase). This has been a universal fact that the drinking habit of women is increased tremendously. However, the female drinking in the UK has increase d in an alarming pace that it has been often regarded as one of the most captivating issues related to women in the nation. This has been often remarked that in the UK the increase in female drinking has several consequential effects which make the issue even more relevant for discussion. In this paper, the focus has been on the increasing rate of female drinking and its effects on the society. The fundamental question that the paper is concerned with has been to what extent has female drinking changed in Britain and the results of the investigation conducted have wide ranging implications. Female drinking has changed to a great extent in Britain and there are several conditions that made this possible. More and more women get addicted to alcohol these days due to the modern trends in living and social set up. Sophisticated changes in every field can be traced in an understanding of the reasons that increase female drinking in Britain. In the era of liberalization, where women have got more
Friday, August 23, 2019
Individual Design Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Individual Design - Essay Example As I reflected upon the ways and means by which I may achieve this simultaneously straightforward yet complex task, I found that I had two possible options. The first, which I immediately dismissed as a non-option, was for me to hold off until all designs were finalized, following from which I could design my furniture piece around them. This was an unrealistic notion since group members were committed to the same deadline and were I to wait until the last moment, not only would I be holding the group project back but, in essence, would not be leaving myself enough time to work on my design. The second option, therefore, imposed itself upon me as the only feasible one. As per this option, I had to remain within the boundaries of our selected logo and slogan, ensure that my furniture piece, in and by itself, complement and communicated the said logo and slogan, not to mentioned the ambience which we, as a group had decided upon. Added to that, I had to go through the relevant academic literature on the topic for the purposes of easing the task at hand through the provision of a guideline for furniture design and design ideas. As I was reading through the said literature and browsing through the Internet, I discovered that the concept of design detail was extremely important. A designer is not supposed to just focus on the overall appearance of the piece but must pay particular attention to every detail which contributes to the said appearance and which contributes to the functionality of the piece and the extent to which it satisfies its objectives. My piece (couch, sofa, chair, seating area) had to satisfy a number of objectives. It had to be inviting, comfortable, easy on the eyes, and in sync with the entirety of the lounge. The rationale behind the mentioned objectives is that the seating area has to be comfortable enough so as to encourage patrons to spend longer periods of time in whirlpool. It also has to be inviting and warm in order to motivate patronage of the place. In other words, I rationalized the listed design objectives as being integral to the promotion of Whirlpool as a comfortably, friendly and warm place where patrons cannot only be assured of quality service but of an ambience which helps them to unwind and relax. Additional objectives emerged from a consideration of the Lounge's theme, logo and slogan. Whirling, soothing water dominated the aforementioned and hence, it had to be somehow communicated through and integrated within the design of my piece. Whirls and swirling lines can do so and therefore, the structure of my piece included the stated just as the pattern include swirl images. It did so, however, in a subtle way so as to communicate the message without screaming it out loud, potentially disturbing and annoying visitors and distracting them from the entirety of the lounge. In other words, design subtlety was motivated by the imperatives of my piece fitting in with the rest and of forming part of a whole and of ensuring that it did not stand out from the rest. By adhering to the above stated guidelines and objectives, my furniture piece ultimately became part of a whole and combined with that whole to communicate the Lounge's theme. Journal Details are everywhere. They are born out of the materials or the construction process used. At times they become transitions between elements, where a closer examination of the type
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Department of Social Work Essay Example for Free
Department of Social Work Essay The objective of this paper is to show or define theories in the field of social work specifically in handling and working with emotionally disturbed youth and which theory or theories will best help guide this practice. This paper will also talk about areas I feel most confident and strongest in as well as the areas I feel least confident in. It will also show the reasons and factors that contribute to both my strengths and weaknesses. Social Work Defined â€Å"Social Work is the professional activity of helping individuals, groups, or communities enhance or restore their capacity for social functioning and creating societal conditions favorable to this goal ( as cited, Department of Social Work). †Because of the their objective is to help people and communities, the practice is made up of principles, applications of values. â€Å"Social Work is concerned and involved with the interactions between people and the institutions of society that affect the ability of people to accomplish life tasks, realize aspirations and values, and alleviate distress ( Baer and Frederico; Department of Social Work). †According to Baer and Frederico, the purposes of social work may be broken down into 3: enhance the problem-solving; promote effective humane operations; and link people with a system that give them services, resources and opportunities (Department of Social Work). Trauma Informed Care Trauma informed care pertains to organization or programs that services individuals who have survived a traumatic experience. These individuals or survivors are those who have been physically and/or sexually abuse and other experiences that leads to trauma. Often times, these experiences may direct an individual to mental health and some other type of disorder. Organizations that help people with this condition, alters and adjusts in order to keep an understanding on how trauma affects the individual seeking for help (SAMHSA National Mental Health Information Center). Theories in Social Work â€Å"Theories have been developed since it became clear that there were similar patterns or repeating cycles of behaviour both in an individuals life and in the lives of lots of different people (Towland, 2010). †There are a lot of theories or ideas on how to go about social work and how to do the practice for both professionals and students taking up this course. According to Towland in his essay on â€Å"Social Work Theory and Practice Making the Links†a theory is seen to help describe what is happening, explain why it is happening and predict what will happen next. Towland has also mentioned in his essay that he urges to consider the following theories: 1. ) Recognise that no single theory can explain everything; 2. ) Recognise that some theoretical approaches just dont work with some people; 3. ) Take a critical approach to theory; 4. ) Always apply the value base to theory; 5. ) Never be intimidated by theory. In relation to the second and third theories that Towland has enumerated, people are made and created differently. What might have worked with one client may not work on the other. As a social worker who works with emotionally disturbed youth, taking note on why a certain approach is not working with a particular patient is important as well as thinking and finding other ways and means to help and understand the individual. Theories in general help practitioners get a grasp and a clear picture of what is happening and why it is happening. It enables practitioners and workers validate their actions and treatment, give a more accurate bearing on how to deal and work with these individuals and are able to give a precise rationalization on the consequences of a particular treatment or action done. †The aim is that this will lead to social work becoming more widely accountable and ultimately more respected (Towland, 2010). †Working with rural mental health programs â€Å"Establishing ongoing trauma-informed services is one of the most difficult challenges facing rural mental health programs. Schools, community groups, and natural helpers try to meet needs but often go unsupported (Children’s Voice, 2007). †Working with the youth in rural places is much more of a challenge because these people mostly live in small towns and places that medical financial help are in dire or is not greatly extended to the families, helping and treating the youth who are emotionally disturb becomes a bit more difficult and gives more work to the practitioners. They work harder and in longer hours with lesser pays and days off. Working with the developmentally disabled is a challenging task for me and this may not be my strongest area and point because of my lack of patience and experience on this particular field. But although this maybe the case, being able help children and being able to understand the reasons of their trauma and finding ways to help them grow out of their trauma is gratify in to me because I know I am able to give aide to these people. Explaining to the family and being able to give them light and understanding of their child’s or children’s situation and what might be the good and bad consequences of the treatment fulfills me as a social worker. My professional philosophy is shaped by not just what was passed on to me by my parents and mentors, but is and was shaped by my experiences and what I have seen in life. My personal beliefs and concepts in life that may contribute to my profession are: being a role model to not just my family but with the people I work with as well, the value I have for myself, thus, valuing my profession and what it stand for, its aims and objectives, and most importantly is my ability to reach out and help others. By doing this, I am not just able to share myself to others but be able to contribute to society as well. References Department of Social Work. (2008). â€Å"Definition of Social Work. †Retrieved on May 30, 2010 from http://www. wright. edu/cola/Dept/social_work/sw_definition. htm SAMHSA National Mental Health Information Center. (n. d). â€Å"What is Trauma-Informed Care? †Retrieved on May 30, 2010 from http://mentalhealth. samhsa. gov/nctic/trauma. asp#care Ohio Department of Mental Health. (n. d. ). â€Å"Trauma Informed Care†Retrieved on May 30, 2010 from http://mentalhealth. ohio. gov/what-we-do/provide/trauma-informed-care/index. shtml Towland, C. (2010). â€Å"Social Work Theory and Practice Making the Links. †Retrieved on May 30, 2010 from http://ezinearticles. com/? Social-Work-Theory-and-PracticeMaking-the-Linksid=1956566 Childrens Voice. (2007). â€Å"Nctsn Center Supports Rural Trauma-informed Care. †Volume: 16. Issue: 5. Child Welfare League of America, Inc. Retrieved on May 30, 2010 from www. questia. com
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
History and Memory Essay Example for Free
History and Memory Essay The interrelationship of history and memory show that each is individually limited- memory presents limited perspective while history presents limited account- this conflicting nature ensures that without considering both we have a less reliable history. This concept is portrayed in the prescribed text â€Å"The fiftieth gate†by Mark Baker that involves an individual’s journey into the past to reconstruct his parent’s experiences. Baker’s explores the idea that both history and memory are essential to validate, illuminate and add emotion and colour to the other in order to ultimately form a true representation of history. Through the study of this text one can come to understand that the ultimate role of history is to find self-identity and unlock the barriers of the past. Memory is shaped by and composed of individual emotions and self-reflections; as a result it is influenced by bias and is highly subjective. Therefore memory only provides one bias and subjective perspective of history, making the representation of history to be less reliable and limited. This is portrayed in the line â€Å"It was cold, winter, we had winter boots on, the ones with money sewn inside. He says it was cold. Winter. But it was warm. Autumn†. Here the use of direct speech engages the audience into Yossl’s situation. The audience is then able to realise that the experiences of fear, torment and paranoia that Yossl went through in the holocaust has shaped and influenced his memory. As a result his perspective of history is less reliable and thus highly limited. This is portrayed in the line â€Å"I remember this exactly like yesterday: there was a church with some hills†¦can you see my legs through there? Here through the use of a narrative device, an interview, Baker engages the audience’s attention through the use of first person language and direct speech. This then conveys the idea that memory is limited in representing history because it is influenced by individual experiences that will change their perspective of history. In addition the spontaneous responses add a personal sense to further emphasize the limitation of memory that it can fail at any time. History is shaped by collective memory, providing a common representation of an event, personality or situation. As a result the representation of history is less reliable because it does not account for the views and perspectives of those that are a minority or have been forgotten. Baker uses a wide range of textual features to communicate to the audience how documented evidence paints a picture of the past. The use of archival documents, letters, school reports, council reports and Yiddish and German lullabies engage the reader but also adds a sense of authencity and historical presence. However through Baker’s self-journey in the book, the audience is able to realise that documented evidence cannot account for all stories, this is especially seen with Genia’s story of the holocaust. This is explored in the line â€Å"does history remember more than memory? I only recognise suffering in numbers and lists and not in the laments and pleas of a human being, of a mother, screaming for acknowledgment†The use of a rhetorical question builds suspense as the audience realises that the persona has come to a stage of realisation where Baker has understood that memory is just as important as the documented evidence that validates it. Documented evidence is able to validate as well as illuminate memory, while memory adds self-emotions and reflections to fill the gaps of documented evidence. In collaboration they create a more reliable and truthful history. Baker uses archival documents, school reports, lullabies, council reports and letters to illuminate hidden fragments of his parent’s memory. This is shown in the line â€Å"I thrust his report card under his eyes and command him to read. He obeys, like an intimidated school child†¦He smothers an involuntary laugh, hiding the thoughts that lie behind it. †Baker through the use of a simile compares his father to a child. This conveys the idea that the documented evidence has allowed Yossl to step back into his youth and bring forward the significant memories of his past. In addition the use of emotive and descriptive language through â€Å"Laughing†and â€Å"intimidated†creates a warm and personal atmosphere to emphasises the idea to the audience of how memory can add emotions to documented evidence, and thus together to create a more reliable and truthful history. Together both documented evidence and memory allow for an â€Å"exchange of pasts†to create a more reliable, valid and truthful history. Through this Baker has shown the interplay of history and memory. Baker has shown that the importance of the interplay of history and memory is to create a reliable history allowing one to explore the recreation of the past to make sense of who they are, where they are and the journey they have gone through. In â€Å"The fiftieth gate†the journey into the past of his parents has allowed Baker to undergo a self-journey of learning. At first Baker observed the past of his parents with an historian point of view, seeking documented evidence to validate and make true his parent’s memory. However the experiences with the past of his mother, made Baker realise the importance of memory in the representation of history. This is shown in the juxtaposition of the line â€Å"His was a past written on a page of history shared by other survivors. My mother could not point to anyone with the line What are these papers anyway except echoes of the past, dark shadows without screams, without smells, without fear. The juxtaposition of the lines shows the change in attitude of Baker as he realises the importance of memory in the representation of history. The use of emotive language such as dark shadows†creates a dark atmosphere to emphasise the anger and torment he feels because of his ignorance to listen to his Mother’s story of the holocaust. Baker has used a circular structure to convey the idea that the journey into history and memory is a circular one. This is demonstrated in â€Å"The fiftieth gate†through the repetition of the line â€Å"It always begins in blackness, until the first light illuminates the hidden fragment of memory†at the beginning and end of the book. This conveys the idea that the journey will allow for greater insight and understanding of your past and yourself. This will further inspire a self-journey of change and understanding. This has been shown through the changing attitude of Baker himself in the novel. This is demonstrated through the juxtaposition of the lines â€Å"His was a past written on a page of history shared by other survivors. My mother could not point to anyone with the line What are these papers anyway except echoes of the past, dark shadows without screams, without smells, without fear. This conveys that at first observed the past of his parents with an historian point of view, seeking documented evidence to validate and make true his parent’s memory. However the experiences with the past of his mother, made Baker realise the importance of memory in the representation of history. The use of emotive language such as dark shadows†creates a dark atmosphere to emphasise the anger and torment he feels because of his ignorance to listen to his Mother’s story of the holocaust.
The Hawthrone Studies And Their Implications
The Hawthrone Studies And Their Implications According to Hucyznski and Buchanan, In the United States, during the 1920s and 1930s, the Hawthorne studies were to lead to the creation of the human relations movement and a highly influential school of academic and practical management thinking. The Hawthorne studies revolutionised the way in which the management of an organization deals with its human resources and the relationship between the different levels of the human resource chain. The Human Relations Movement originated in the United States of America and was the outcome of the Hawthrone Studies. The Movement and its basic theories were developed primarily by Elton Mayo. These experiments were conducted in the Western Electric Hawthrone Works in Chicago from the early 1920s to the 1930s. The Hawthorne Studies involved the examination and measurement of the affect of physical working conditions such as lighting, humidity, cleanliness, etc. and psychological factors such as managerial leadership, payment systems, working hours and respites between work on the output and productivity of the workers and on employee motivation. The most significant discovery from the Hawthorne experiments was that workers were not so much impacted by physical working conditions and remunerations, or by changes thereof, than they were by the very fact that they were being observed. When workers became aware that they were being supervised, they felt that they were an imperative part of the organization. They felt the need to perform better. This raised employee morale and motivation and in turn increased employee productivity. Thus, the term Hawthorne Effect was coined and used widely to denote the improvement or modification of the behaviour of a subject under study due to the fact that it was being studied. Subsequent studies that were conducted revealed that informal groups and informal social conventions within the organisation played an important role in determining the work habits and opinions of the workers along with the organisation and conduct of work. Course of the Experiments Changes in Lighting: The initial step in the experiments was the gauging of worker productivity against changes in the intensity of lighting conditions. Two groups were selected, lighting being changed for one, but kept constant for the other. However both groups were under the impression that lighting was changed. Mayo observed that output rose in both cases. Relay Assembly: This was the most crucial aspect of the experiments. These were conducted mainly on a small group of six women to test their responses to certain changes, over a period of five years. First, Mayo attempted to find a correlation between fatigue and monotony and productivity. Changes were made in the work hours, break timings, lunch timings, piece works and physical conditions to assess the workers responses to each. Next, a group was employed in assembling relays. The effect of changes was evaluated to see how these changes influenced the production and rate of relay assembly. Throughout the experiments an observer or supervisor was made to record the events and incidents, to direct the women and provide help and information where needed and to listen to their feedbacks and complaints. The most startling observation that was made during these experiments was that the output reached the maximum point when all the incentives, breaks and piece works were taken away from the workers and they were returned to working 48 hour six day weeks. This defied the notion that physical, economic and material benefits affect productivity to the highest degree. Here social factors were at play. The women worked sincerely and to the best of their abilities as a result of being free from any type of coercion. The sense of importance they were endowed with urged them to improve performance. The women under investigation were given the liberty to choose their own techniques of putting the relay parts together. It was noticed that each of them followed different patterns and introduced innovative techniques to avoid monotony. The freedom of movement accorded to the women encouraged them to work responsibly, without inhibitions and incited them to execute tasks in an enhanced manner. Interviews: Interviews were conducted with the workers to establish their attitude towards their work. It was uncovered that the relationships that existed between the workers and their supervisors and management were highly significant. Bank Wiring Observation Room: A sample of 14 workers were taken from the production line and observed for six months. No changes in working conditions were implemented. It was noticed that workers developed their own procedures and methods to protect their interests. Production was constant, even after changes in compensation. Counselling: Counselling sessions were held to discern the problems and complaints of workers towards their jobs. Inferences The results of the experiments led Mayo to draw the following conclusions: Work is a group activity. Workers should be considered a part of the group, but also as individuals. The status of the worker within the group, the recognition of his work and a sense of belonging impacts his productivity more than working conditions or pay scales. Workers are motivated by the attention and importance given to them by their supervisors. The relationship of the worker with his superiors and with the management was imperative to his performance and efficiency. Social and emotional factors play a vital part in determining productivity of workers. The workplace is a social system and the workers are influenced by internal and external social demands. Informal groups within an organisation have a strong bearing on the attitudes and behaviour of the workers. Group cooperation needs to be planned and cultivated. According to Wilson and Rosenfeld, George Elton Mayo stressed the following: Natural groups, in which social aspects take precedence over functional organizational structures. Upwards communication, by which communication is two way, from worker to chief executive, as well as vice versa. Cohesive and good leadership is needed to communicate goals and to ensure effective and coherent decision making. Thus, Elton Mayo looked at the organisation of work from a totally new perspective. He stressed on the social, rather than technical organisation of work. The inferences made by Elton Mayo led to the development of the Human Relations Movement. The implications of Mayos perspectives on modern day organisations are immense. The propositions laid down by Mayo were radical and changed the way in which organisations view their workers and their productive capacities. Mayos suggestions are the premise of human relations and their management in various organisations, even today. Importance of Human Relations Movement for Todays Organisations Mayo and his ideas have made organisations recognise the fact that apart from monetary and material rewards, social satisfaction and a sense of belonging is also important for the workers of the company. In order to guarantee that a worker will perform to the best of his ability, not only his economic but also emotional and social needs must be taken into account. Companies integrate the propositions of Elton Mayo and the Human Relations Movement perspective into their human resource management techniques by recognising the workers need for acknowledgement. As observed, workers tend to be more productive when they feel that they are an integral part of a group or the organisation and when their work is appreciated. The management of modern day organisations involves these perspectives to motivate employees and boost their morale. When an employee senses that the organisation is taking an interest in him, he will be motivated to enhance the execution of his tasks. Workers also perform better when there is internal stimulus, from within the working group rather than when there is pressure from management. Thus, the management must ensure that too much pressure or control is not placed on the worker. Instead group dynamics should be studied and control should be accorded to each group correspondingly. The propositions, laid down by Mayo have also taught organisations the importance of relationships. By maintaining healthy and positive relations with the workers and strengthening the relations at each level of the organisation, the management can further augment employee motivation, satisfaction and productivity. Mistrust or animosity should not be allowed to develop between the workers and their superiors. Communication is also an essential aspect of keeping a worker motivated. There ought to be adequate two-way communication between supervisors and workers. Instructions should be properly and unambiguously given to the employees. Further, employees feedback should be given due recognition. Their problems, complaints and suggestions should be heard and taken into consideration. Mayos suggestions also help organisations comprehend the importance of teams in the workplace. Groups and their functioning play a crucial role in the operation of the organisations. The integration of group or team goals with the goals of the company can aid the latter in ensuring greater efficiency. Freedom of movement should be conferred on the workers as it has been perceived that workers tend to do better when they have the independence to function according to their own methods and techniques. Thus, the Hawthrone Studies and the Human Relations Movement, spearheaded by Elton Mayo have made remarkable contributions to the administration and management of the human resources of an organisation. Since then, there have many developments in this field. Nonetheless, even modern day organisations choose to consider and implement Mayos notions and perspectives when dealing with the organisation of work and management of workers.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
History of Tuberculosis Essay example -- Medical Biology Disease TB
History of Tuberculosis Abstract This paper discusses the historical aspect of the fatal and contagious disease now known as tuberculosis. It discusses the history of Tuberculosis beginning with Ancient Egyptian mummies to the most current discovery of TB. Greek philosopher such as Hippocrates and Plato observed the first cases of tuberculosis. They are two out of the many people that gradually discovered the TB out of the many. It talks about the different remedies that different philosophers and physicians came about that have been revised. Tuberculosis, also known as â€Å"the white plague,†(The history of tuberculosis 2) is a silent and unknown prehistoric air borne disease that quickly spreads and kills nearly two million people worldwide (Tuberculosis-Revolution). Today, tuberculosis is the most deadly disease known to man, more deadly than HIV/AIDS. Despite advances in treatment, TB is a global pandemic, fueled by the spread of HIV/AIDS, poverty, a lack of health services and the emergence of drug-resistant strains of the bacterium (Tuberulosis-revolution Health). However, TB has an unknown past, and in order to understand tuberculosis, one must know its history. Evidence of Mycobacterial infection has been found in the mummified remains of Ancient Egyptians 1000 B.C. The â€Å"Father of Medicine,†Hippocrates (460-377 B.C), made the first breakthrough in TB research. He named the disease â€Å"phthisis,†which means the â€Å"shrinking of the body,†because the majority of the cases he found occurred in the spinal area. However, the majority of the population of that time commonly called the illness, â€Å"Pott’s disease.†Which is tuberculosis of the spine. The Greeks thought that phthisis was a heredity issue, while others though... ... osis?section=section_00>. "Defintion: Sputum from Online Medical Dictionary." 1997-2007. Center of Cancer Education. 29 Jul 2007 . "Healthline-Dictionary Search." Healthline-Scofula. 2005-2007. Center of Cancer Education. 23 Jul 2007 . The History of tuberculosis. 2005-2007. Center of Cancer Education. 23 Jul 2007 . â€Å"Tuberculosis." EncyclopÊdia Britannica. 2007. EncyclopÊdia Britannica Online. 29†July†2007 Brief History of tuberculosis." Brief History of TB. 23 Jul 2007 .
Monday, August 19, 2019
The Chrysanthemums Essay -- essays research papers
Most women have a sense of freedom and independence from their male counterparts, but they will not reach out away from their sheltered lives with a male to a new challenge or a new life. Women whom breakout of the their molds made by their significant other take a chance with life and try to become the independent woman others dream about at night. On the Allen’s farm, chrysanthemums flourish, but does Elisa Allen flourish with them? With tender care, the flowers grow heartily and healthily, though the one who tends them is not so satisfied with her rooting in life. In â€Å"Chrysanthemums,†John Steinbeck portrays Elisa Allen as a stereotypical female, yearning to bloom like the flowers she harvests.      An extremely capable women, Elisa Allen, armed with her scissors, clodhopper shoes, corduroy apron, and a man’s hat, seems to be anything but a demure, timid women. However, her husband, Henry, views her in a stereotypical way, seeing her as a helpless woman who is disinterested in practical concepts. Though he acknowledges she has â€Å"got a gift with things,†he limits her gifts to things that deal with a typical woman’s job: gardening. In addition, Henry jokes, â€Å"I wish you’d work in the orchard and raise some apples that big,†though he does not really except, or desire, her to leave the hobby of her flowers to perform â€Å"real†labor around the farm. Furthermore, after Henry decides to treat her to dinner, he playfully jokes with her about going to a boxi...
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Why Does Theatre Survive :: essays research papers
Why does theatre survive? 3rd term acting studies essay by Ralph Gassmann "All the world’s a stage†¦" to quote the world’s most famous playwright William Shakespeare who rose to prominence in the 16th century during the reign of Elizabeth I, and who’s plays have excited and obsessed the generations since and will doubtless continue to do so as we approach the 2nd millennium. On this stage the actor represents the symbol of man with all his imperfection and weakness, with all his morals and ideals. Theatre provides us with a mirror of the society within which we live in and where the conflicts we experience in life are acted out on stage before us. In the space of a few hours, we participate in a story where the facets of life unfold before our eyes and anything can happen, be it tragic, serious or hilarious! On the stage real people take on characters and we can identify with the emotions and actions as they happen and share the experience in real time. When this miracle occurs, when the audience and those on stage breathe a exactly the same time, there is a unique feeling of a fulfilled desire, which transforms the theatre into an immortal place: a combination of ecstasy and empathy for the human experience -- an inspiring event! Another fact which provides the survival of the art form of theatre lies in the very nature of mankind: its inner voyeuristic drive. The desire to watch other people dealing with their conflicts and fates challenges as well as reinforces values and the morality of society. As human beings we are learning by examples from others and our own experiences. What better place therefore than the theatre to form for ourselves an idea of life and its consequences? An inviting and exciting opportunity to watch believable stories and situations as they could happen in real life, showing us a bit better the truth of our nature. Even children can be seen to be acting out stories and learn from the consequences of their actions: The hero survives and the baddy dies! Apart from being philosophical and educational it can be also very entertaining. And so is the theatre: If comedy is the form in which we see the weakness and faults of others and accept them, then tragedy is the form in which we see o urselves and hopefully try to change. In both forms, we learn in an entertaining way something of the road to survival - in comedy we learn compromise, and in tragedy we learn what happens when there is no space for compromise.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Genre Theory †Robocop Essay
Genre theory is essentially a structuralised method of categorising films by common traits or conventions. The basis for genre theory comes from humans need to categorise things into neat sections and is one of the few film theories actually implemented more by the audience of films rather than film theorists and academics. ’ As intelligent entities, human beings have a natural proclivity towards organizing the components of the world around them into ordered filing systems. ’ (lumiere revolution 2004). However most films in a genre actually share conventions with films from other genres and borrow styles from other genres to make hybrid genres such as action comedies, science fiction/horror etc. The genre of a film depends on many features that make up the film text itself, from narrative to settings and themes in the story which the film has in common with other films (conventions). A collection of films with similar conventions which are grouped together make up a genre category such as horror, romance etc. The theory of semiotics also comes into genre as semiotics is essentially the language of signs such as red usually means danger, relating to genre signs are used to show the audience what type of film they are watching, visual cues such as the place setting or main characters which create the conventions of that genre. For example if someone goes to see a film in the action film genre they can expect to see a fast paced film with lots of spectacle possibly with special effects overshadowing the narrative, with the narrative usually based around conflict resolution. To look into how genre theory applies to Paul Verhoven’s Robocop (1987) it is useful to look at the science fiction genre and exactly what conventions go into putting a film into the science fiction genre. The main convention in a science fiction film is in the setting, often set in a futuristic utopia or dystopia on Earth or in space where technology plays a large part in people’s lives. A major theme seen in science fiction is technology, again it hinges on the premise of what the future holds, and is usually either man against machine or a commentary on mans over reliance on machines. Science fiction films also often feature a social commentary on past events or present political or social issues which are paralleled in the film text. Refer to films like Paul Verhoven’s Starship Troopers 1997, which is essentially world war two in space and the theme of the Terminator films which features machines becoming so intelligent they nearly wipe out mankind, reflection on the increasing reliance on computers to do pretty much everything. The reason I have chosen Robocop to apply genre theory to is simply because it is a very clear example of all the conventions which place a film in the science fiction genre. The setting makes it an obvious example of a science fiction film, set in a futuristic dystopia (not ideal future) where the city of Detroit is run by big companies who have privatised the police force (social commentary on privatisation in America at the time, health care etc.) The future setting is a standard science fiction convention which clues the audience into what genre this film fits into as soon as they see the setting. The main story arc is centred on a project to create a robotic super police officer, future technology being another major convention of the genre. To bring the robots to life on screen require some very impressive special effects which again is something that the science fiction audience has come to expect in order to make the setting and subject matter of the genre believable. As I mentioned earlier science fiction films also tend to have subliminal commentaries on social issues and Robocop is no exception. The transformation of America into a consumerist nation is a big theme that runs clearly through this film, everything is about selling products, even the police force has been privatised and is treated as a product. Robocop is even directly referred to as a product when the subject of his name comes up Bob Morten simply states ‘He doesn’t have a name, he has a programme, he’s a product’ (Robocop . P. Verhoven 1987). Verhoven also stages commercials throughout the film advertising fictional futuristic products again suggesting consumerism as a theme, even the main company in the film is called Omni Consumer Products. Replacing old with new is also a major part of the film, not only in the sense of Murphey being rebuilt into Robocop but also OCP’s plans to demolish old Detroit in favour of building Delta city, a city they can have total control over much like they have control over Robocop by programming him. ‘Omni consumer products or OCP, a company that functions as the unseen and seemingly irresistible casual principle, as it sets about redesigning the human environment – replacing old Detroit with the gleaming modern planned community of Delta City, complete as we learn , even to an element of planned crime and corruption. ’ (J. P. Telotte Science Fiction Film pg 166) The main plot is about OCP creating a super cop robot that doesn’t have the frailties of a human being, there are two projects seen in the film the first to be tried out is the Ed 2009 project which is totally made of mechanical parts and is run by a computer. The Ed 2009 project ultimately fails suggesting that with no human element to control the machines cannot function properly, rather than the other way round. The Robocop project is a combination of human and machine, with the brain programmed to take orders from OCP, with the human brain and mechanical body the project is a success which is perhaps a reference the ability of humans to think for themselves rather than blindly following orders that may not be applicable in the context of the situation. Robocop is in my opinion a shining example of what makes a science fiction film fit into its genre, this is supported by the very conventions of the science fiction genre, it has a distinct future setting which raises questions on what the future might hold, technology is also a major theme which is so often the case in the science fiction genre and also raises questions about morality and socialist issues. So just by looking at this film in particular you can use it as an example to show exactly what the typical conventions of a science fiction film should be. Film Theory Explication. Bibliography. Web Sites: * http://www. main-vision. com/richard/genre. shtml * http://lumierevolution. blogspot. com/2004/10/genre-theory-science-fiction. html Internet source: An introduction to genre theory – Daniel Chandler. Texts: An Introduction to genre theory – Daniel Chandler. Science Fiction Film – J. P. Telotte. The Science Fiction Film as an uncanny text – pg 161 – 178 – J. P. Telotte. Filmography. Robocop – P. Verhoven 1987. Starship Troopers – P. Verhoven 1997 The Terminator- J. Cameron 1984 Terminator 2 – J. Cameron 1991.
Friday, August 16, 2019
Ancient Chinese Foot Binding Essay
Woman in living in China during the Song Dynasty believed that they would appear more graceful and beautiful if they had small feet. They used foot binding, a long and painful process of breaking and moving bones, to deform their feet until they were tiny. Foot binding perceived the role of women in Chinese society and Confucian moral values. This practice affected the lives of many women in ways that are unimaginably painful (Bound). One Chinese legend speaks of a time when Lady Huang of the Song Dynasty started this practice and continued it because her prince loved her little feet. He was proud of her ability to dance and walk gracefully. Soon, others took up the idea of foot binding, and copied her idea of delicate feet. The first evidence found of foot binding is from Lady Huang’s tomb. She lived in the Song Dynasty, which was from around 960-1279 AD. In the tomb, the woman’s feet were bound and wearing five and a half inch long shoes (Bound). Another legend states that the first time foot binding was used was when a young concubine bound her feet tightly to be used in a dance routine for the emperor at that time (Ellis-Christensen). By the twelfth century, the practice was greatly used among the upper class, particularly the Han Chinese. During the Qing Dynasty in the mid-seventeenth century, every girl who wished to be married into a wealthy family had to have her feet bound, in order to have a good life (Schiavenza). The reason for this is because men wanted their wives to be delicate. When a girl reached the age of 4-6 years old, her mother would perform foot binding on her. If she was any younger, she would not be able to endure the pain; but, if she were any older, her foot would be too grown to work with this process (Schiavenza). First, her mother would soak the child’s foot in a mix of herbs and blood, to soften it up. Then, she would bend and pull back the girl’s toes, (except her big toe), under her foot toward the arch until her toes broke. The girl’s mother would also break the arch of her foot. Next, she would bind up the child’s foot tightly with a long bandage, until her foot formed a triangle with the arch, toes, and heel (Ellis-Christensen). In other words, the foot created a steep, indenting curve and fold in the center of the sole, while the heel was pushed up, causing the foot to become rounded. The entire process was extremely painful. These feet, called lotus feet, were three to five inches long, and shaped like hooves (Bound). Even though foot binding created social possibilities for Chinese women, it caused many problems and deformity. The practice resulted in a shorter and deformed foot that came from the muscles and bones repositioning. Women had to walk on their heels, using a shuffling gait, seen as graceful (Bound). The bandages were worn all day and night, unless they were being washed, which did not happen very often, causing the feet to stink. This caused many infections and diseases. The women who used foot binding had to bind their feet continuously for their whole lives. They wore tiny shoes to cover up their feet. The condition of their feet affected their mobility. Women in Ancient China at that time could not leave their houses by themselves. They also could not do any work that servants could easily do. It was very difficult to get up from a chair and to sit down (Ellis-Christensen). The last survivors from this period in time, all that remains of a vanished idea, suffer from old age, arthritis, and the diseases that came with the practice of foot binding (Mao). Toward the end of the Qing Dynasty, when western countries had more influence on China, foot binding slowly gained more and more people who wanted to end the practice. Wives of Christian ministers, educated Chinese who had studied abroad in Europe and North America, and many others began to oppose foot binding (Schiavenza). Finally, in 1911, foot binding was officially banned (Bound). By the time Mao Zedong took control of China in 1949, the practice was gone, with the exception of a few remote areas in the mountains of China (Schiavenza). During the end of foot binding, a young woman named Gladys Aylward had a chance to preach the gospel to the Chinese people. She grew up in London, England, but was called to go to China and be a missionary to the villagers there. Aylward learned the language and culture of the Chinese, and later became a citizen. One of the officials appointed her to be a foot inspector after the law was passed to ban foot binding. Traveling from village to village, while the unwrapped peoples’ bandages, she preached the gospel to them, and told Bible stories. Many of these people believed and were saved (Gladys). Foot binding was not a form of torture, but was performed in respect to the Chinese culture and traditions. By making their feet exceedingly shorter, they believed that they were closer to perfection. Foot binding caused many women to suffer in their older ages, though. It is amazing that through suffering and pain, God finds ways to make himself known. Thankfully, foot binding is no longer practiced, due to the successful resistance movements of western influence (Mao). Works Cited â€Å"Bound to Be Beautiful: Foot Binding in Ancient China. †McClung Museum of Natural History and Culture. University of Tennessee Knoxville, 4 June 2005. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. Ellis-Christensen, Tricia. â€Å"Why Did Chinese Women Bind Their Feet?. †wiseGEEK. Ed. O. Wallace. N. p. , 16 Nov. 2013. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. â€Å"Gladys Aylward’s Long Road to China. †Christianity. com. Salem Web Network, 2013. Web. 25 Nov. 2013. Mao, J. â€Å"Foot Binding: Beauty and Torture. †The Internet Journal of Biological Anthropology 1. 2 (2007). Web. 25 Nov. 2013. Schiavenza, Matt. â€Å"The Peculiar History of Foot Binding in China. †The Atlantic. N. p. , 16 Sept. 2013. Web. 25 Nov. 2013.
Thursday, August 15, 2019
“With Liberty and Justice for Allâ€Â
An opinion of the social inequality that exists as it pertains to Gay Marriage Aimee L. Vroman Strayer University Online Introduction to Sociology SOC 100-015016 Professor Paul Humenik August 22, 2010 Abstract In recent years, the debate over same-sex marriage has grown from an issue that occasionally arose in a few states to a nationwide controversy. Indeed, in the last five years, the debate over gay marriage has been heard in the halls of the U. S.Congress, at the White House, in dozens of state legislatures and courtrooms, and in the rhetoric of election campaigns at both the national and state levels. Moreover, the battle over whether gays and lesbians should be allowed to wed shows no signs of abating. In the last year alone, three states have banned same-sex marriage and four states have legalized the practice. The time for debate is now over. The issue of gay marriage is not one of religious degradation, social erosion, or even ethical breakdown. It is an issue of inalienable rights guaranteed to all citizens of this country.The fact that our federal government does not recognize gay marriages is an atrocity and shameful at best. â€Å"The foundation to gay rights will ultimately be seen as the right to marry, because with that right firmly established in law, most other forms of discrimination could not be justified. †(Bidstrup, Why Gays Should Be Allowed To Marry, 1996) When we as a society look outwards, we see everything that we can do to help other societies attain our level of justice, personal and financial success, freedoms, and everything else that comes with our knowledge and perseverance.However, if we as a society were to look inward at ourselves (something that I am confident that only a small percentage of our society is willing to do) and at our society as a whole, would we see it in a different light? Would we see that even after fifty years of civil rights and equal opportunity that we still oppress and treat some groups of our society as second class citizens? Our country’s Bill of Rights has been modified by Constitutional Amendments to say the each and every American citizen has certain inalienable rights.The right to be married is one that we Americans hold near and dear to our hearts. Why then, is this particular right denied to the gay community? One of the biggest and loudest arguments against gay marriage in this country is that it is against God and that it is against what it says in the Bible (The Adam and Eve, not Adam and Steve argument). Yes, this country was founded on Christian principles and laws that were perceived to be fair to all of its citizenry. However, this is not the seventeen hundreds nor is it the time of the Inquisition.This is the so called Modern Era, in which not only technology and finance are supposed to be upgraded and ever changing for the better but also societal acceptance of people that are different from what we perceive as mainstream and the societal norm. How can there be societal justice for the gay community when we as a society, who proclaim ourselves to be enlightened and forward thinking, deny even this most basic of rights to the gay community? The answer is simple; there can be no societal justice for the gay community in this aspect.What if we were to turn the tables on society and tell everyone that is not a part of the gay community that their marriages, civil unions, and other forms of partnership were invalid and no longer existed in the eyes of the government? There would be a societal upheaval. Anarchy would ensue and the government would be dismantled by the people. Later, when the people had decided that there had been enough chaos, reformed by the people and for the people. The only reason this has not happened with the gay community is because they are the minority in this case.For centuries of our country’s history, we have been guilty of oppressing and even enslaving the minorities within our society, to say n othing of denying them the inalienable rights called for in our own Constitution. Over time, those minorities that have fought and fought hard for these rights have eventually been afforded these rights by Constitutional Amendments. Yet still, here we sit in the twenty-first century, and we still cannot see past our own biases and our deep rooted fears of anything that is different or contrary to us.At the end of the day, our opposition to gay marriage stems ultimately from a deep-seeded homophobia in our culture and society, borne almost entirely out of religious prejudice. While many of us do not realize that homophobia exists to the extent that it does, it is a very real part of every gay person's life, just like racism is a very real part of every African American’s life. It is there, it is pervasive, and it has far more serious consequences for our society than most of us realize, not just for gay people, but for society in general.This religious prejudice comes from sev eral well known entities. Those entities include, but are not limited to, the Catholic Church, the Mormon Church, the American Family Association, and Focus on the Family, and the most conservative of Protestant sects. Together with their various political subsidiary groups, a whole host of smaller right-wing political and religious organizations, and a few out-right hate groups, they are shaping national and local policy towards the gay community.They spend millions of dollars twisting and deforming referendums, propositions, and other local instruments of law solely for the purpose of fear mongering to scare the populace into line at the polls. It is these kinds of tactics being employed that are outdated and flat out wrong in the moral and ethical sense. They say that money corrupts; well the proof is in the proverbial pudding. The fear mongering turns into unparalleled hate and it is fueled by these so called â€Å"Christian†organizations. This is contrary to the Christi an way of life and contrary to the convictions of a Christian.Hatred by itself, dressed up as religious dogma has been used for so long that it is beginning to lose its effectiveness (eventually people begin to figure out that it is mostly a tactic for filling pews, collection plates and campaign coffers more than it is a way of reforming lost souls and improving society), so the more clever of these organizations have begun to move onto a slick propaganda effort based on that long-time favorite winner, fear (Bidstrup, Gay Marriage: The Arguments and Motives, 2009). The time for rhetoric and Bible thumping is over. Our country had its time of religious revolution.It is now time for every person, regardless of gender, race, religious belief, or sexual orientation, to be given the rights that our laws and traditions provide. This idea has been the cornerstone of our society and our nation for hundreds of years. â€Å"We cannot accept the view that Amendment 2's prohibition on specifi c legal protections does no more than deprive homosexuals of special rights. To the contrary, the amendment imposes a special disability on those persons alone. Homosexuals are forbidden the safeguards that others enjoy or may seek without constraint. (Kennedy, Stevens, O'Connor, Souter, Ginsburg, & Breyer, 1996) In the Supreme Court opinion that this quote is taken from, it says very plainly that a state (Colorado in this case) cannot prevent any group of persons from taking part in any public or private transaction. Though this case was hotly debated over the next fifteen years, Colorado in 2007 passed a law prohibiting any discrimination against homosexuals. Now if one state can do this and then another and then another, why is it so hard for our federally elected officials to do the same thing?The only answer that I can give is the activists, hate groups, and church lobbyists that throw millions of dollars into the coffers of our Senators and Congressman. This dirty money en sures that once again they will get elected and that once again they will vote to keep the gay community as second class citizens. This state of affairs is unacceptable. The time for change is now. Freedom is the right of every American regardless of gender, race, religious affiliation, and sexual orientation. It is high time that we, as a society, stand up and say in one unified voice, â€Å"This is wrong and we are not going to stand for it any longer!Works CitedBidstrup, S. (2009, June 3). Gay Marriage: The Arguments and Motives. Retrieved August 19, 2010, from Bidstrup. com: http://www. bidstrup. com/marriage. htm Bidstrup, S. (1996, December 4).Why Gays Should Be Allowed To Marry. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from Bidtrsup. com: http://www. bidstrup. com/hawaii. htm Kennedy, A. M. , Stevens, J. P. , O'Connor, S. D. , Souter, D. H. , Ginsburg, R. B. , & Breyer, S. G. (1996, October 20).Supreme Court Bound Volume 517. Retrieved August 18, 2010, from United States Supreme Court : http://www. supremecourt. gov/opinions/boundvolumes/517bv. pdf
Hermeneutic Gaps in “Young Goodman Brown”
1) Explain the hermeneutic gaps to be found in â€Å"Young Goodman Brown†and in â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death. †See A Study Guide for American Literature to 1900, page 99. As readers, we come across pieces of information that are deliberately withheld by the writer. These information or hermeneutic gaps can range from trivial details to crucial parts of the texts that become the main interest of the reading process. Gaps can both be temporary and resolved at some point of the story or permanent and remain unsolved even after the end.Permanent gaps exist both in the story and in the text, for the information is never given and readers must take a dynamic participation to â€Å"reconstruct†and make the text signify. Gaps enhance interest and curiosity, add suspense and contribute to achieve later maximum impact. Both Hawthorne as well as Poe, supreme masters of the narrative techniques handle hermeneutic gaps brilliantly. Within â€Å"Young Goodman Brownâ⠂¬ , Hawthorne deals with Good and Evil resorting to allegorical features and intermingling gaps, both temporary and permanent.The voyage this young man takes through a gloomy, spectral forest, his companion with the serpent-like staff and even Faith? s pink ribbons stand as temporary gaps that hold our interest in the story. The final question we are left with (Was it a dream? ), is a good example of a permanent gap that leads us to examine many elements that will, in another level , stand as symbols of a deeper degree of significance. Poe gives us a new approach to fiction highlighting the importance of Aesthetics and condemning didacticism. The â€Å"Art for Art? sake†concept is a big step towards the New Criticism theory in which the text should stand out for its own, without considering the circumstances that deal with its composition and/or the particularities of the authors’ biographies.In this new esthetic criterion, which foreshadows the later known Close An alysis, literary devices and techniques take a prominent protagonism. â€Å"The Masque of the Red Death†draws different interpretations in its multiple significance and shows that it is not only a mere tale of horror. Poe? â€Å"theory of unity or impression†proves perfectly demonstrated in it, for everything is carefully calculated to contribute to the story? s organic unity and strong impact. Its prevailing Gothic mood and mysterious atmosphere are enhanced by missing details that readers must â€Å"recreate†in order to find an explanation to the temporary and permanent hermeneutic gaps that appear. The seventh black room with its scarlet windowpanes and the ebony clock, both permanent gaps, takes us into a deeper significance of symbolism, too.The horrid disguised figure, that enters the castle and later reveals itself as the Red Death, stands as a temporary gap as well as the colours and design of the seven rooms, which Poe himself relates to the cycle of life. 2) Discuss the place and time settings of the excerpts you have read from the works of Frederick Douglass and Harriet Beecher Stowe. See A Study Guide for American Literature to 1900, pages 130-33. In their writings, both Frederick Douglass and Harriet Beecher Stowe dealt with slavery.Both showed testimony of the cruelties of the â€Å"institution†and exerted strong influence on the public opinion, as well as they proved effective in supporting the antislavery movement. Nowadays, some of the slave narratives are regarded as historical documents and others also as texts, for they are worthy of a prominent position in the canon of American Literature for its superb command of the rhetorical figures. Such the case of Frederick Douglass. As a politician, he embellished his writings and showed an outstanding mastery of the language.Douglass attained a political career and came to be one of the most important black political leaders in American History. His writings were li nked to his political concerns. In his â€Å" From the Narrative of the Life of Frederick Douglass†he places his story in Maryland, the slave state in which he was born. As we know, settings are far from being incidental and play a significant role in texts, for they affect other narrative elements( theme,plot, characterization).Thus, his biography highlights the ignorance of his own birthday and his father? s identity as well as tells about the separation that babies experienced from their mothers predicting the sufferings slaves went through. Although places are not described in detail,his portrait of the Chesapeake Bay serves to contrast his submission against the freedom of the â€Å"mighty ocean†. Finally, New Bedford is the place where,now a free man, he engaged himself in â€Å"pleading†the cause of his brethen. Place setting stands for a certain kind of evolution or growth he is forced to go through in order to become a respectable man and make his dre ams of freedom true. Harriet Beecher Stowe wrote from the position of a religious woman, raised in a family of preachers and social reformers. She displeased the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 and subscribed to the romantic racialism of her time. She created a universally famous classic treating the theme of evil in its theological,moral,economic and political dimensions.Her novel is a combination of different sources,blending sentimentalism and realism. In â€Å"Uncle Tom? s Cabin†settings cover other dimensions such as the social context and historical milieu in which the plot is developed. Chapter XXX describes the slave wharehouse in New Orleans, the men? s sleeping room, the women? s sleeping room and the auction room. But she does not resort to lengthy expository description of setting. Instead, she gradually integrates them to the text giving them a cinematic treatment as if a camera were moving slowly across the scene.The mythological setting she describes at the beginni ng clearly emphasizes the slaves? feelings. The contrast between the neat exterior and what is happening inside highlights one of the themes: hypocrisy. Characters and locations are perfectly attuned and Uncle Tom? s mood strongly opposes the gay atmosphere of other slaves while mother and daughter grieve singing together and despairing. People function as part of the setting and day contrasts night,its darkness and shadows reflect the characters? feelings.
Wednesday, August 14, 2019
A Perspective of the Modern World
A Position of the Modern World The construct of where the modern universe began was ne'er much of a idea of mine prior to taking this class. Believe it or non, I ne'er even gave much idea to what the word â€Å"modern†even meant. However, I do remember what my first inherent aptitude was when the inquiry was posed on the really first twenty-four hours of category. â€Å"What comes to mind when you hear the phrase, the modern universe? †My encephalon rapidly leapt to that of a functioning economic system. An economic system that leads to the formation of more sophisticated Torahs in which society starts to develop and map about. That made sense to me at the clip, but now when I read that back in print I wonder what the heck I was even believing about. My ideas were centered on the constitution of the U.S. settlements and get downing a new society. I was non even needfully believing about post-revolution U.S. , but instead the beginnings of a new state that was puting the tone for the universe that we know today. It made sense to me that the â€Å"modern world†would necessitate holding the concept of the universe that presently exists, even if it was merely in its babyhood phases. Diging in to that thought though led me to the realisation that the U.S. was far from the first economic system in the universe. In fact, economic system day of the months back good in to the early antediluvian times. I slightly seem to remember larning about early economic system when being taught about Mesopotamia in my secondary instruction old ages. So possibly holding all that exists in the current universe is non necessary for the â€Å"modern†, but instead merely holding that avenue for its growing. If a working economic system was non the driving force of the modern universe, what was? Through the hebdomads of the category we had the chance to discourse at least eight different countries that saw important alteration from about the mid 15th century until the late 20th century. And while there will ever be many lending factors to the development of civilization and society over clip, our modern universe seemed to be launched chiefly from one major influence†¦a alteration in position. Perspective is what allowed the modern universe to get down to develop and would finally take us to what we have today. The Renaissance motion in Italy helped catapult a wholly new mentality of that which was standard in antediluvian and mediaeval times. It was a period in clip where a new position began to originate. The displacement from a God-centered point of view to a man-centered 1 developed a whole new originative manner of nearing political, societal, economic and cultural countries, and brought approximately great alteration in each of them. It marked a gradual displacement from a agriculture focussed society to an urban one, where metropoliss assumed a greater importance than in the past because of trade. It was besides a clip when originative thought and new engineering Lashkar-e-Taiba people comprehend and describe the universe more accurately. Science, doctrine, faith, art, and history combined to make a humanist attack to understanding the universe. Switching off from a society dominated by God-focused thought allowed creative persons and scientists likewise to get down progressing some reasonably extremist constructs. In ancient times the justification for anything that seemed unaccountable was based on a intent that the Gods had put away. The Gods brought the rain, pulled the Sun across the sky, changed the seasons, etc. When the Renaissance brought about a displacement in the manner we thought and saw things, there started to be a more scientific attack in the logical thinking behind the inquiries that were raised. Columbus challenged that the universe was round as opposed to level. Copernicus, pant, stated that the Sun is more likely to be the centre of our solar system and non the Earth. It was forward minds like these gentleman that brought about a alteration in society that would get down taking to a patterned advance of alteration instead than a stale and dead being that had been most outstanding in the clip period merely before the outgrowth of the Renaissance. A displacement in the manner society thought would be the accelerator for transmutation of the universe. Critically of import to this displacement in thought was the innovation of Gutenberg’s publishing imperativeness with movable type, which aided the spread of the Renaissance. Prior to holding the printed word, humanity relied on unwritten conveyance of cognition. Perpetrating information to memory was critical to successful life. The passage to books may hold damned memory as was one time known, but it besides provided chances to a turning displacement in idea to the multitudes. Printed books became more readily available and people learned to read and derive entree to a wide scope of cognition. As printing imperativenesss were established in Italy and other parts of Europe, printed books exposed educated Europeans to new thoughts and new topographic points. The add-on of printed plants, made available to the multitudes, added a more finite being to the constructs being fed to the populace. Opinions and ideas on social things were now being published for anyone with the ability to read to devour. Changing positions had a new friend that would assist present them to more people across the Earth, motivating quicker and more efficient transmutation. The general populace now had entree to the ideas of people like Martin Luther thanks in big portion to the printing imperativeness. This sort of handiness to positions such as Luther’s led to legion persons oppugning the current being of established establishments such as faith and authorities. In many ways the printed word helped launch positions to people that may hold been less prone to hearing those same constructs by word of oral cavity. These ideas were now able to be readily accessed by many, fostering an development of thought and construct that would alter the class of social development. Monarchial foundations would get down to be questioned as displacements in position led manner to an epoch of enlightenment. Past traditions and undisputed religion would be challenged by philosophers like Bacon, Locke, and Voltaire. Debating thoughts about authorities and single rights finally led to dispute of traditional regulation. Ultimately a path was paved for rebellion, most notably with the American and Gallic revolutions. Timess were switching from authorities of a supreme swayer to that of a way for single privileges. It makes perfect sense that when freedom comes from that which has kept us down, it is clip to get down to spread out and come on in efficiency. Emancipating ourselves from old traditions allows us to travel frontward and to boom more creatively. This is what the industrial revolution was to me. It was a clip following the separation of traditional authorities in which we could now develop ourselves and challenge ourselves in engineerings. Science and engineering progressed at such a rapid gait and new inventions were doing growing non merely feasible but at hand. Steam engines led to go and efficiency in machinery. Advanced fabrication procedures were made available because of growing in machining tools. It is a spot phantasmagoric to believe of the monumental displacements in industry from the late 18th century to mid 20th century. However, when you start to believe of how displacements in position and ways of idea can impact a civilization so rapidly, the concatenation reaction of development seems a small less incredible. It is still astonishing, but credible. Probably my favourite epoch that we had the chance to reflect upon and discuss was that in response to the industrial revolution, the romantic period. Puting accent on emotions and promoting art, literature, and music to new degrees was the halfway phase of this epoch. Switching from modern worlds, the romantic age stressed utilizing imaginativeness to visualise an flight. Poets like Keats, Shelley, and Lord Byron provided a more facile usage of linguistic communication that brought about power and beauty to the mundane. Romantic art centres more on the unmanageable, unpredictable nature as opposed to the controlled order seen in the enlightenment period. Romanticism was and still is all about experiencing no affair what the topic. There is no uncertainty that the promotions we have been able to analyze dating back to the Renaissance have come about quick, comparatively talking. The fact that we have seen geographic expeditions to new lands, freedoms won over oppressors, people able to wing, atomic arms created all in a small over five hundred old ages is mind blowing to state the least. To believe that merely about five centuries ago our universe was still perceived to be the centre of the existence and a level land. No uncertainty about it that a displacement in position was required to convey about a concatenation reaction of alteration. Challenging old thoughts and puting out to turn out new 1s is no original construct. The cardinal difference that enabled the point of view displacements in the Renaissance period to alter the class of our universe was the ability to acquire those new ideas in to the custodies of the multitudes. I wouldn’t needfully travel so far as to state that Gutenberg singlehandedly altered our class by his innovation. But he surely played a major portion in acquiring that class apparatus so that the driving force of disputing idea and position had a topographic point to travel. Once the class of the printed word was set, original positions were now able to travel frontward and convey about inquiries that institute planetary alteration. It about seems that now we have entered in to a period where we have become complacent with where we are. At least from a engineering point of view. Possibly there isn’t much more to contrive or alter. Possibly. I tend to believe that’s far from the truth nevertheless, and hopefully there’s a whole batch more philosophers on the skyline that will go on disputing and forcing us to the following epoch. It’s a good thing to acquire a alteration in position from clip to clip.
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