Tuesday, December 17, 2019

How Social Class Can Change The Way People Handle Punishments

In the year 1975 in Albuquerque, New Mexico, Bill Gates was arrested for driving over the speed limit and for driving without a driver s license in his Porsche 911 (Montaldo 2015: 1). It is rumored that Gates later paid his bail with cash from his wallet. It seems that Bill Gates didn’t care that he got pulled over. In January of 2014 Justin Bieber was arrested for driving under the influence and for resisting arrest. Bieber reportedly donated fifty thousand dollars to a youth charity to help as part of a plea deal. Later the drunken driving charges were dropped and Justin went on living his normal life as if nothing had ever happened (Duke 2014: 1). These stories portray how social class can change the way people handle punishments. In this paper, I will review literature found on the topic, view the issue through a sociological perspective, and then present the main argument. Higher class individuals engaged in greater unethical behavior (Dubois, Galinsky, Rucker 2015: 437) There has been a lot of research on this topic. I found multiple sources that helped me better understand the question at hand. In the article â€Å"Social Class, Power, and Selfishness: When and Why Upper and Lower Class Individuals Behave Unethically† written by David Dubois, Adam D. Galinsky, and Derek D. Rucker, I found that the upper class seem more prone to engage in â€Å"unethical, deviant behavior†. There are a multiple of reasons why. Selfishness among those higher in social class increasesShow MoreRelatedThe Legal System Of School1438 Words   |  6 PagesAmerica. These changes include changes in family style and child care, the English Poor Laws, the apprenticeship movement, and the role of the chancery court. (Siegel and Welsh) Changes in family structure made a huge difference with children’s rights. 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