Wednesday, August 26, 2020
We should embrace nihilism for growth
Agnostic PERSPECTIVEâ€Å"Nihilism is the conviction that all qualities are ridiculous and that nothing can be known or imparted. It is regularly connected with outrageous negativity and an extreme wariness that denounces presence. A genuine agnostic would have faith in nothing, have no loyalties and no reason other than, maybe, a motivation to destroy†( In an agnostic point of view, there are no convictions in doctrine, religion and other socially developed standards and guidelines. Agnostics question the arrangement of generally cleared a path of reasoning and that there is nothing genuine in this world.SOCIAL CONSTRUCTIONâ€Å"Social builds are organized substance or antiquities in a social framework, concocted or developed by members in a specific culture or society that exist since individuals consent to act as though it exist, or consent to adhere to certain regular principles, or carry on as though such understanding or rules exi sted†( Social develops are made substances in which individuals or gatherings of individuals saw them to be valid. Social builds are seen real factors that are placed into a show to be transformed into social convictions. A few instances of social develops are religion, profound quality, sexuality, class and numerous more.These social builds assume a significant job in people’s day by day lives. Social develops turned into a fundamental piece of people’s every day lives. These became inescapable real factors of their reality. Essentially, how individuals act depend on social developments. Social developments direct the regular day to day existences of individuals. Social develops decide how individuals will act and what their example of activities is. These social develops are the apparent rightness of activities in a specific given circumstance. In this way, people’s lives are controlled and move by social constructs.Social develops advanc e and changes as time cruise by. It relies upon the wealth of thought of people. The psyches of people are rich and brimming with conceivable outcomes. Individuals have the ability of developing one arrangement of thought into another. A specific social build isn't perpetual and won't keep going forever in light of the fact that it just relies upon the individuals who were the ones who built them. Social builds are dynamic on the grounds that the psyches of individuals are additionally powerful. What a great many people are encountering now may simply turn into a background marked by tomorrow.THE WORLD AS A REALM OF MEANING AND CAN BE DISCLOSED BY NIHILISMFor Heidegger, he saw the world as a domain of implications and conceivable outcomes. These conceivable outcomes are for Da-sein to find and the implications are for Da-sein to acclimatize. This world for Heidegger is the place the Da-sein is arranged and part of the facticities given to the Da-sein. This world is for the Da-sein t o find and comprehend. The world offers importance to the presence of man and man is to debilitate these implications or potential outcomes. Subsequently, the world is the place the Da-sein collaborates and for him to assimilate.This word â€Å"aletheia†portrays the world for Heidegger. â€Å"Aletheia†implies disclosure and disguise which establishes the world’s disclosedness to man. The world is the domain of implications for man that man is consistently in steady digestion. Regardless of whether it uncovers itself to man, it additionally covers something to man and that the undertaking of man to absorb and comprehend is an endless errand and that Heidegger called man as â€Å"always previously understanding the world†.The word â€Å"always†means the limitlessness of understanding that man is assignment to uncover the world, the ceaseless assignment of connection and comprehension. Man as Da-sein is the very nature and capacity of man as a bein g who is tossed into this world. â€Å"Da†implies there and â€Å"sein†implies being. Da-sein is receptiveness to the world and the availability of man to deplete and acclimatize. Da-sein is the there of being of man, the extremely tossed ness of man into a specific setting. To see a greater amount of man as Da-sein, we will handle on the succeeding parts the elements of being a Da-sein.According to the incomparable Heidegger, attunement is man’s temperament or perspective in which influences his impression of the real world. He saw man as consistently in the state of mind and is consistently prepared to get reality. Man as being tossed into this world, attunement is as of now installed in his being. This attunement as effectively inserted in the being of man braces man to comprehend. Given the facticity of Da-sein as being-in-a-world, he is consistently in the mind-set to hold onto reality or to be aware of the real world and in this manner establishing manâ €™s receptiveness to the world. Da-sein as the there of being is constantly arranged on the planet accordingly, a transient being.This arranged ness of man gives him sufficient chance to connect with the world and to satisfy his very nature as a comprehension being who is as of now sensitive to do as such. Man gets cognizant by ideals of connection, which is the very procedure of comprehension for Heidegger. To associate with the world is to debilitate its prospects, to absorb its importance. Through collaboration, man gets aware of the real world, gets aware of importance. The truth is as of now in the domain of implications, which establishes the world, and it is just for man that he can be aware of and that is by excellence of corresponding with the world.To question authoritative opinion and religion and other social develops can be an instrument for better comprehension of the real world. As talked about, Heidegger underlined that man can gradually uncover the truth of crea tures by corresponding with the world which is the universe of significance and potential outcomes. The world has its own significance. The agnostic view in its appropriate use, for example, not absolutely for obliteration yet of finding reality behind the world, it can open man’s eye to the genuine importance of this world. Man as Da-sein in being a skeptic can have the option to show up at a superior truth with respect to the world. The world despite everything has a great deal to give in man’s comprehension of it that is the reason creeds and standards of today should be addressed on the grounds that it is still not in its outright state.NIHILISM AS A TOOL TO A BETTER UNDERSTANING OF REALITYMan’s life is brimming with socially developed standards and convictions that are the ones directing what he should do and act. There is religion that directs profound quality and there is government that directs who are adversaries and not, for example, who are psychologi cal oppressors and not fear mongers. A general public is involved numerous thoughts and points of view that fights to pick up imposing business model. Man is placed in the focal point of differentiating views.With the introduction of agnosticism, there came a chance to show up in a reality wherein wrong creed and convictions can be deleted and supplanted with better ones. Agnosticism can give great impacts if not put in its outrageous nature of demolition. Addressing convictions and creed is a solid procedure to attempt. Through addressing, man can gradually uncover to himself the genuine pith of his reality. Addressing must likewise not be entwined with annihilation since it tends to be a genuinely extraordinary methods for improvement and better understanding.â€Å"I want to carry some adjust and lucidity to various real factors that appear to pull in a lot of misconception: [1] the intense issues of savagery in Islam [including ongoing Muslim violence]; [2] the severe dislike th at numerous Muslims have of viciousness; [stereotypes of Islam and Muslims as innately violent]; and [4] the bigger setting of brutality in our reality [not simply the Muslim world], quite a bit of which is woven into the texture of our general public so that we may not see it as our own violence†(Hussain, 2006). The mistaken assumptions, for example, looking as a Muslim to be savage can be adjusted by the agnostic point of view. Individuals can show up to a specific truth that not all Muslims are rough and generalizing can be erased.NIHILISM AS A TOOL TO END CHAOS AND VIOLENCE IN THIS WORLDThe confused world is achieved by the distinctions in convictions and standards and even in the acts of various religions. These are results of social developments. With various convictions and standards and with the commitment to such convictions and standards, it brings disorder and even to brutality. Individuals appear to force their own convictions to others which likewise have their o wn allowance of faith based expectations. By forcing one’s convictions, it makes an environment of rivalry that gives pressures and confusion to this world.Nihilism can be an apparatus to end all turmoil and discover harmony in this world. Individuals, in there alternate points of view, can take a gander at the shared view of their various convictions. To scrutinize their own convictions is a solid procedure and in any event, contrasting their own convictions with others is additionally a sound procedure. This is a demonstration of agnosticism. Individuals won't decimate their standards and convictions yet rather, creating it to be better allowance of faith based expectations and principles.One model can be found in the domain of religion where we can see contrasts however taking a gander at its more prominent truth, there are considerably more similitudes that can be utilized in showing up to a superior conviction, a conviction that can be bannered by all individuals from va rious settings. Indeed, even the distinction of science and religion, if agnostic point of view can be utilized in a legitimate method of arguments and addressing, individuals may show up at a specific truth that science and religion has its shared opinion and that one won't be a restriction of the other.CONCLUSIONThe world is a domain of importance and conceivable outcomes and is plague with socially developed convictions and standards. With the introduction of agnosticism, which is a point of view that a large portion of a period credited to obliteration, the world may discover better comprehension in its grasp. By the technique for addressing which is a solid procedure, individuals can show up to better comprehension of the real world and the very standards and convictions that they accept. Subsequently, we should grasp nihilism.BIBLIOGRAPHYBogossian, Paul. What is Social Construction. 03 Mar. 2007<
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Robert Herrick- To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time , Andrew Marvell- Essay
Robert Herrick-To the Virgins, to Make Much of Time , Andrew Marvell-To His Coy Mistress , John Donne-The Flea - Essay Example Any individual that has conveyed or been forced to bear an announcement, for example, â€Å"C’mon darling, it’s the Prom! We aren’t ever going to have one more night like this again,†comprehends where Herrick is coming from. He is encouraging the women not to dismiss him now in light of the fact that there is just such a great amount of time for great cherishing. The sonnets from Marvell and Donne adopt various strategies to the subject. Marvell is telling his paramour that she can quit playing timid since he realizes she needs to be with him. Donne is by all accounts attempting to inspire compassion from his sweetheart by considering how you could â€gasp-dismiss moi? Coupled near this subject of the lost second or the awfulness of lonely love is by all accounts the idea that the man was to be the attacker in issues of the heart, trying to pick up the kindness or disappointment, of the lady. I truly adored the Herrick sonnet. He is such an unpretentiou s refined man from one viewpoint and a playboy on the other. He is plainly utilizing a strategy that lone takes a shot at the unpracticed (consequently the Virgins in the title) however he does it so well, one can nearly make certain of the result.
Thursday, August 20, 2020
February Wave of Admits - UGA Undergraduate Admissions
February Wave of Admits - UGA Undergraduate Admissions February Wave of Admits Later this afternoon (Friday, 2/26), we will be releasing acceptance letters for a small group of freshman applicants. These admits, who are primarily Regular Decision (RD) applicants, are students who meet the criteria that UGA admissions used for Early Action (EA) admits. Whenever we release these late February decisions, we always get questions, ranging from Why didnt I hear to Does this mean that more decisions will roll out through the month of March and so on. for those of you who have been following my blog, here is a quick reminder. The three freshman decision release dates: Mid December EA Decisions released Late February Admit letters for applicants meeting EA admit criteria Late March Final Decisions for all remaining freshman applicants Why do we release a small group of February acceptances? Well, if an applicant has applied Regular Decision, have a perfect 4.00 GPA, 8 AP classes in a variety of areas, and a 1600/770 SAT (an actual situation this year), why wouldnt we want to admit this student? Just like with EA admits, there are a group of Regular Decision applicants who are well above what is expected academically, and we want to move forward with admitting these students now. As well, this is a good example of the of how the rumors and myths out there, such as it is easier/harder to be admitted EA/RD, are not true. We are carefully reviewing the applicant pool, and treating them equally regardless of EA/RD. Please remember, we still have a large amount of file reading, reviewing of the overall applicant pool, and a great deal more admission decisions to make before this years admission cycle is done, so be patient. Ignore any wild rumors, know that there will still be a substantial number of admit letters to go out, and finish up your senior year strong! Go Dawgs!
Sunday, May 24, 2020
The Marvel Of The Movie Watchmen - 1316 Words
Subsequently, while most superhero plots involve an element of fantasy, the characters in Moore’s graphic novel are, for the most part, embedded into pessimistic version of reality with only lifelike traits. Obviously, the one glaring exception in Watchmen is Doctor Manhattan, who is transformed into a being capable of a number of otherworldly abilities. However, the other five heroes in the story are regular humans who take the initiative to aid in the protection of society. This is unlike most superheroes in previous comics, who are often blessed with a divine power that allows them to conquer all evil. Additionally, referring to the society in which Moore’s heroes are immersed in, it is situated in a location known to its readers, with a certain twist. While Superman has his Metropolis and Batman has his Gotham City, the six costumed adventurers are based in New York City, or more accurately, a filthy parody of it. The universe in which Moore sets his story is the cl osest to reality, with a hyperbolic emphasis on the evil in society, in which superheroes have been set it. Hence, the problems presented to the superheroes are not something to be combatted with fantastical talents, but more nuanced with realistic obstacles without a clear solution. In Watchmen, the imminent threat of nuclear war is a state of affairs that would have been realistic for readers, particularly during the time period of the graphic novel’s release in 1987. This, coupled with the urban violenceShow MoreRelatedMarvel vs Dc1428 Words  | 6 Pagesbetween Marvel and DC. With both companies, having their ups and downs, we can only compare whose moment is now, and whose moment is coming. With character development and storylines are too opinionated to compare, like comparing an apple with an orange, we can only judge on who’s making more money. From a financial analyst’s standpoint, Marvel would be the clear winner. Marvel stocks have seen a huge increase in the past few years, after grossing millions of dollars with the Spiderman movie alone
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Analysis Of The Book The I Watch - 1354 Words
From the beginning of time, art has played a momentous part in the lives of those who came before us and shaping history, and has continued to evolve to become what society needs it to be. Many, like Karen Armstrong, acknowledge the significant role art plays in a community. Throughout her essay, Homo Religiosus, she argues that art, much like religion, has the capability to allow one to temporarily forget and transcend their daily struggles, and rather focus on an ideal future. Maggie Nelson’s essay, Great to Watch, questions how society relates to the world and through what can we do so. Nelson opens her text with a discussion of Sister Helen Prejean, who proposes in her memoir, Dead Man Walking, ignorance was a major obstacle that paused social and moral progress. Prejean was convinced that exposure to a world crisis will inspire others to help make change. Nelson rejects this. Rather, Nelson challenges Armstrong’s firm belief in the power of art and claims that usi ng media and art as a platform for exposure will not spark one’s desire to create change, but instead will create a sense of estrangement and ultimately numb us from major world problems. More specifically, Prejean asserts â€Å"that if executions were made public, ‘the torture and violence would be unmasked, and we would be shamed into abolishing executions’†(Nelson, 300). In other words, the sight of such horrific violence and injustice in the world would potentially shock and motivate one into creatingShow MoreRelatedAnalysis Of The Book I Am A Mighty Watch Dog 2251 Words  | 10 PagesI am a mighty watch dog, Erich announced on these days and puffed out his chest. You women rest and I will keep my eyes out for anything dangerous that comes close. He always believed he needed to protect us. Mama smiled at her beloved son, but I could see her eyes. It was then I knew she wouldn t depend on him. 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Orwellian means, of or related to the works of George Orwell ( especially his picture of his future totalitarian state.) People believe that Orwell is realistic and say his work part of our society now. George Orwell was a writer in th e twentieth centuryRead MoreTelevision Shows and Offensive Language1038 Words  | 4 PagesReality. My research question is how does watching television with offensive language affect the viewing audience when they hear offensive language outside of the television shows. Specifically my research would target high school students who watch one or more television shows with offensive language, and how acceptable they believe offensive language to be inside and outside of these shows. It is important to view the high school students, because they are the future parents and leaders of
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Teaching and Coaching Free Essays
The teaching-coaching function of the domains of nursing practice is a very important aspect that nurses must practice to be effective. We learn many things from textbooks, clinical environments and job placements; but I think some of the most valuable lessons and skills that I have learned were from my fellow nurses and other healthcare providers while on the job. I work with adolescents on a daily basis that are cognitively impaired that need to be taught many life skills. We will write a custom essay sample on Teaching and Coaching or any similar topic only for you Order Now The competencies that I want to emphasize in my post are the first that is listed which is; â€Å"Timing: Capturing a Patient’s Readiness to Learn†. This one particular patient that was on my unit was a 14 year old male that was being resistant to the teaching of proper use of his metered dose inhaler. The patient did not want to accept the fact that he had asthma. He stated that the only reason that he has shortness of breath was, â€Å"because I smoke too many cigarettes†. I recognized that the patient just simply wasn’t ready to learn at this time. Assessing where a patient is, how open he is to information, deciding when to go ahead even when the patient does not appear ready, are key aspects of effective patient teaching†(Benner, 2001). So I waited a few hours later and gathered some information about asthma and the benefits of using the inhaler. After hours upon hours of speaking with the patient, he was finally able to realize that the inhale r would give him a better quality of life when used correctly. This was about a month ago, and the patient is now using the inhaler as needed, the correct way. This may seem like a small achievement to some, but I felt very complete when I went home that night after speaking with this patient. Thank you for reading my post, I look forward to reading your feedback. James 5:15 – And the prayer of faith shall save the sick, and the Lord shall raise him up; and if he have committed sins, they shall be forgiven him. Reference Benner, P. (2001). From Novice to Expert: Excellence and Power in Clinical Nursing Practice. Upper Saddle River: Prentice Hall. How to cite Teaching and Coaching, Papers
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a City free essay sample
A city means a large and important town. Some people say that city is the best place to live. Nowadays, more and more people are choosing to live in the city. They are willing to leave their homes and migrate to the city because there are plenty of job opportunities and entertainment in the city. One has an easy access to all the amenities of life. Additionally, city centers are the places where all the business, educational, official and trade activity centers are located. The commuting time is nothing as compared to those living in the suburbs. There are many advantages living in a city.Living in a city is very convenient. There ara many important things for life such as cloths, furniture and health care here. There are better choices because there are more shops. We can also choose an expensive or cheap things that suit to our budget. Living in a city can makes chances of getting a proper education because we can go to a better school, colleges or universities. We will write a custom essay sample on Advantages and Disadvantages of Living in a City or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Most of the good and famous universities are situated in big cities. Its is also easier to find chances of getting a good job and of course a good salary if you choose to live in a big city.A big city has more opportunity to find job with good salary as there are many companies, corporations and businesses. The facilities are also good. During emergency, we do not have to be transferred to other hospital as we need only short time to get to the hospital. In addition, living in city, we can enjoy the best entertainment. There are many entertainment for our family. Furthermore, we can also enjoy many kinds of food as there are many restaurants in city. The public transportations in city are always better than the one that we have in the rural area.We can choose transport like busses, LRT or monorail which the rural area does not have. These will reduce our expenses. However, without them realizing it, there are many disadvantages of living in the city. This is because the people living in the city have a hectic lifestyle and the city is often flooded by criminal cases and pollution. Most people living in the city have a very busy lifestyle. They are too busy with their work that they do not have time to spend with their neighbours.Therefore, when there is an emergency such as fire, there are no neighbours to help because they are too busy. Other than that, there are tons of crimes happening every day in the city, for example, kidnapping, robbery and snatch theft. This threatens the society who lives in the city. Thus, living in the city is not safe because there are a lot of crimes going on. Last but not least, the air pollution in the city is very bad and severe. The air is much polluted as there are a lot of cars in the city. The industry is rapidly developing in cities and many factories are being constructed which increases the rate of air pollution. Therefore, air pollution in cities is very obvious when compared with the rural. . In city is everything more expensive than in a village and there is not home-grown food but mostly junk food. The most serious problem of a town is a high level of criminality. Of course, you can also find criminality in a village but there is not so much pickpockets, thieves, murderers and drug dealers than in a town.
Wednesday, April 1, 2020
Locke -- Unequal Wealth Essays - Philosophy, John Locke,
Locke -- Unequal Wealth Tuesday, September 26, 2000 protesters marched in the streets of Prague as the World Bank, and the International Monetary Fund held global finance meetings. Many protesters stated the statistics that more than 3 billion people live on less than 2 dolla a day. They claim that unequal divisions of wealth are not legitimate, and should be changed. James D. Wolfenshon president of the World Bank stated, ?something is wrong when the richest twenty percent of the global population receive more than eight percent of the global income? (New York Times Sep. 27, 2000). According to Locke there is nothing wrong with those statistics. It is legatee for people to amass great wealth, only to the point that what they have, they do not destroy or let spoil. To understand Locke's claims of unequal divisions of wealth, one must first understand his claim of labor and how it interacts with land, specifically property. An apple is picked from a tree, it is eaten, and digested. When did that apple become personal property. When it was picked, or when it was bitten, or when it mixed into the body and digested. Locke claims that the apple became property of that person when it was picked. The person invested labor into the harvesting of that fru , and thus made it his. His reasoning for this was that man's labor removes things from a state of nature. The apple is no longer part of a growing tree, it has now become nourishment. When an apple is removed from the state of nature it becomes prop ty. When a rabbit is removed from its state of nature it also becomes property. When land is removed from the state of nature it too becomes property. Enclosing a parcel of land, of which one improves by pasturage, tillage, or planting ,does not harm or bruise the welfare of the common. Instead benefits mankind by increasing the amount of land available to others. That same plot of land left untouched, would not nor could not produce the same harvest. If land was left in its natural state, it might require ten plots of land to provide the nourishment and other necessities of life for one person. When labor is a ed to land it becomes personal property. This property that now produces more bounty leaves nine other plots of land for others. In short, if the world consisted of ten people, those ten would require one-hundred plots of land if none could claim thei property. By claiming property, so that there was still enough, and as good left for everyone, those ten would only need ten plots of land, thus leaving ninety plots in common. Locke claims, ?that labor makes the far greatest part of value? which is true. Land in general, is basically the same from one acre to another. If equal amounts of labor are invested into the land, the amount of return is generally the same. If disproportionate amounts of labor are invested into a piece of land the returns will be disproportionate. To understand Locke's claim that it is legitimate for people to have unequal divisions of wealth, one must understand the perimeters that bind that legitimacy. First, a person can only take enough, from the earth that which they will use (Locke 21). This is to say that mankind can not waste what they take from nature. For example; if one gathered fifty apple, and only ate twenty-five, the other twenty-five would rot and go to waste. By wasting twenty five apples that person would be detrime al to the common wealth of the people. Secondly one can only take of the earth so that there is still some reaming that is as good for others(Locke 21). It is legitimate for people to take what they need, as long as they do not destroy any, or let it go to waste. What ever surpasses this, is more than his portion, and belongs to the others. Locke states, ?Nothing was made by God for man to spoil or destroy?(Locke 21). Trading however, is expectable; if one traded the twenty-five apples before they went to waste for nuts, which last much longer. That person would not be in any way damaging or taking from that which
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Attitudes towards woman at the begging of the twentieth century Essay Example
Attitudes towards woman at the begging of the twentieth century Essay Example Attitudes towards woman at the begging of the twentieth century Essay Attitudes towards woman at the begging of the twentieth century Essay Essay Topic: Literature The Inspector starts his enquires with Mr. Birling, who is a prosperous business manufacturer. He is not from the same social class as his wife, Sybil. He is confident but betrays his lack of social graces, we see this when his wife corrects him, Arthur, youre not supposed to say such things We can also see that Mr. Birling is aware of business advantages from the union of the two families. Mr. Birlings business aspirations come into the open when he tells Gerald about his knighthood, theres a fair chance that I might find my way into the next Honours List. Just a knighthood, of course. These are all good examples of how being higher up the social hierarchy in this era was regarded as being extremely important. Mr. Birling also shows us the attitude towards women at the time. His involvement with Eva Smith goes back two years. He employs hundreds of women so is obviously a successful businessman. He sacked her because she asked for a pay rise; he did it without consideration of personal consequences for Eva Smith and refuses to accept responsibility. As his impatience grows we see his true colours, obviously it has nothing whatever to do with the wretched girls suicide. This is a good example of how women in the lower or working class meant nothing to the upper class. He does not seem to be at all bothered about what has happened to this girl and finds it all a complete nuisance. We also see later on that the only reason this was a nuisance is because if it were to get out in the open it would be a great threat to the chance of Mr. Birling getting a knighthood. This once again shows how important climbing the class hierarchy was to people of this era, even more important than a womans life. The next person the Inspector questions is Sheila. Sheila tried an item of clothing on in the shop where Eva worked but it didnt suit her. I caught sight of this girl smiling at Miss Francis and I was absolutely furious. So she went to the manager and said that Eva had been impertinent. Furthermore that Eva must be sacked immediately otherwise she would persuade her mother to shut her account with them. Obviously her mothers account was worth a lot more to the company than one working class girl. She did this out of jealousy, embarrassment and vanity, which we later go on to see is similar to her mother. Afterwards though she feels upset and guilty. This once again shows that the attitudes towards women especially in the lower class were poor ones. Next the Inspector questioned Gerald, Sheilas fianci. He had an affair with Eva, but she had changed her name so he knew her as Daisy Renton. His affair with her gave him sex and a sense of being a hero. This affair is not criticised by Sheilas parents though as in that time this was a thing that higher-class men would often do. He is embarrassed, defensive and looks for ways out of feeling guilty. Gerald suggests, young women ought to be protected against unpleasant and disturbing things which is quiet ironic considering he cheated on Sheila and used Daisy as a prostitute. From the way he treated these two women we can see that he did not have a lot of respect for either of them. This was often the case in this era, men went around doing as they pleased and the women were just seen as second-class citizens who could be treated however the men pleased. Mrs. Birling is the next one to be questioned by the Inspector. Mrs. Birling met Daisy when she came to Mrs. Birlings womens charity asking for help. She needed help, as she was unemployed, homeless and pregnant. Mrs. Birling refuses to help Daisy, she says that she was personally insulted and lied to. Just like Mr. Birling she is angry and refuses responsibility. We see that people in the higher class had the right to decide whether or not the lower class deserved help and whether or no they were telling the truth. Mrs. Birling puts her foot in it firstly when she says, I blame the young man who was the father of the child she was going to have. If, as she said, he didnt belong to her class, and was some drunken young idler, then thats all the more reason why he shouldnt escape. She then goes on to say, hed be entirely responsible and that he ought to be dealt extremely severely. We then go on to see that the man she is talking about is in fact her own son Eric. The I So from the source we can learn that Polly Nicholls murder consisted of extraordinary violence. Inspector ends his enquires with Eric, who got Daisy pregnant. The fact that once more Daisy was used as prostitute, and also used for a mans pleasure and then dropped when he felt like it. He got her pregnant and although he did try to help her afterwards by giving her money other than that he made no real effort to help her. This once again shows how being a lower class woman in this era was just about as low as you could get in the class hierarchy. Afterwards he does realise though what he did was irresponsible and he does feel guilty for it. Like Sheila he also wishes that the others would take responsibility for their parts leading up to the death of Daisy. In conclusion we can see that An Inspector calls tells us a lot about the class hierarchy and attitudes towards women in the begging of the twentieth century. We see that women were treated very badly by men and sometimes even by other women who were in higher classes to themselves. We also see how the higher up you were in the class system the easier it was for you and the easier it was for you to get your own way in matters.
Thursday, February 20, 2020
New Product Development Accounting Project Math Problem
New Product Development Accounting Project - Math Problem Example Operating Profit $152,124,000 $2,112.83 *COMPUTATIONS FOR INCOME STATEMENT Sales = Total sales units * Total per unit sale = 72000 * 14,500 = $1,044,000,000 Total Variable Expenses = Variable cost per unit * Total sales units = 8,770.5* 72000 = $631,476,000 BREAK EVEN ANALYSIS Number of Sales Units for Break Even: Break Even Sales Units = Fixed Cost Price - Variable Cost per unit = 260,400,000 5729.5 = 45,449 units. Sales Volume In Dollars for Break Even Total Sales = Total break even units * Total sales units = 45,449 * 14,500 = $659,010,500 Profit if the Sales is 6000 Units Per Month Sales per year = 6000*12 = 72000 units Profit per month = $152,124,000 Sales per month = 6000 units Profit per month = 152,124,000 / 12 = $12,677,000 Required 3: Based on the contribution income statement, the operating leverage ratio and margin of safety are calculated below: OPERATING LEVERAGE RATIO: The formula to compute the operating leverage ratio is: Operating Leverage = Contribution Margin/Net Income = $412,524,000/152,124,000 = 2.71 Operating leverage indicates what change in net income can be expected from a change in sales volume. An operating leverage of 2.7 implies that the change in net income will be 2.7 times as large as the change in sales volume. Therefore, for the projected profitability of Water Play Inc. that if sales increased by 10%, net income should increase by 27%. The net income of Water Play Inc. would be 2.7 times greater than its sales volume. MARGIN OF SAFETY: The margin of safety is measured in either dollars or units. It measures... This would be a discretionary cost for the company as the cost on research and development arises form management decision to spend a particular amount and management can reduce it in the short term if it is needed. The management can minimize this cost by delaying for short term, the unnecessary maintenance and repair expenses in the office. Reduction in these costs does not cause an irreparable loss to the company's operations. Operating leverage indicates what change in net income can be expected from a change in sales volume. An operating leverage of 2.7 implies that the change in net income will be 2.7 times as large as the change in sales volume. Therefore, for the projected profitability of Water Play Inc. that if sales increased by 10%, net income should increase by 27%. The net income of Water Play Inc. would be 2.7 times greater than its sales volume. Margin of safety reveals the amount by which actual sales can drop before a firm will incur Loss. The larger the margin: the lesser the risk. (Sales can fall by a larger percentage before the company will show a loss.). The Margin of safety or Safety stock of Water Play Inc. is 26,551 units. It means that the company should maintain 26,551 units as safety stock in order to avoid the risk.
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Five Effective Leadership Qualities Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Five Effective Leadership Qualities - Assignment Example Lastly, a leader can only be regarded as effective if he/she is able to achieve the organizational aims and objectives. In order to become an effective leader and influence others, an individual requires certain leadership qualities including the quality of being courageous, emotionally intelligent, and able to motivate others, open to challenges and a sound communicator. Body Courage is defined as an individual’s ability as well as willingness to counter fear and taking steps that may seem difficult. Courage is one of the most important qualities a leader should possess as courage is the quality that helps a leader in conducting most of his/her task. A leader is required to perform various activities such as taking risks, getting involved in unknown scenarios, communicating a positive vision of change to followers and without the quality of courage a leader cannot perform any one of these tasks. Any individual can perform tasks and make decisions that are taken on routinely basis and that comply with the culture of an organization. But a leader is one who has the courage to face unforeseen circumstances and take decisions that are novice. A leader has to show courage as a tool to motivate his/her followers because it is the followers who look up to their leaders and if they fail to spot courage in their leader, they will be de-motivated. Winston C hurchill is highly regarded for being a courageous leader. He once stated that that courage is the quality due to which an individual is able to stand up and speak for him and for others and it is this quality that enables an individual to take retaliation and face criticism in a positive manner (Warrell, 2013, p.92). Churchill is highly renowned for being a person who had the quality of moral courage as he knew what should be done in a particular scenario, but due to his moral courage he chose to perform activities that are morally correct. Another key quality that individuals need to possess in order to become effective leader is emotional intelligence. Emotional intelligence is a quality that an individual is said to possess when he/she has the ability to not only be aware of his/her own emotions, they should even be aware of emotions experienced by others and he/she should have the ability of controlling emotions and responding to the emotional issues experienced by others. In c ase of leadership, an emotionally intelligent leader is one who recognizes his/her own emotions and can control those emotions while making decisions and the leader even needs to be aware about the emotional issues experienced by followers in order to help solve those issues in order to motivate followers. According to a research conducting by Bommer during the period of 2005, an emotionally intelligent leader has the ability to positively change the attitudes and behaviors of other individuals. Emotional intelligence is qualities that can help leaders conduct various tasks that are required of him (Ciulla, 2008, p.88). A leader is expected to be a conflict resolver in conflicts that arise between lower level of employees and conflicts that arise within the employees who work at the same level. Emotional intelligence can help leaders identify the grievances that employees of the lower level of the organization have with the decision making level of employee
Monday, January 27, 2020
Influence of Promotional Activities on Fast Food Buying
Influence of Promotional Activities on Fast Food Buying Dining out in Pakistan is an exciting and rich experience. In Pakistan food has many different styles with many great restaurants in all the major cities of Pakistan. Fast food trend is quite new in Pakistan. It was introduced in Pakistan about two or three decades ago and it is growing very fast which indicates that this type of food industry have a very bright future in Pakistan. Fast food is pre-prepared food or which can be quickly cooked when you order for it. Two major fast food restaurants having strong presence in Pakistan are Mc Donalds and Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). Fast food restaurants attract customers through different techniques in which promotional tools are widely used. Our research is based on the hypothesis that several promotional techniques like coupons, new product, value deals, price discounts and promotional deals are having influence on fast food consumers buying behavior or not. A research has been carried out which is based on the consumers response to s urvey which involved questions regarding several promotional techniques used in fast food. CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION The concept of sales promotion could easily be understood by considering this simple example â€Å"Suppose you visit the market to buy any product and there it is suggested to you that if you buy two of that product then you will get an extra piece according to their scheme. You will be delighted to know that you are saving money of that extra piece of product given to you. That extra piece can be a product used on a regular basis which you can keep for later use. These are exactly the sales promotion techniques for increasing sales of a certain product which every business person wants for the sales of goods that he deals in and he can use many different ways for this purpose. Some of those methods you might have heard about such as â€Å"Win a tour to Dubai†, â€Å"20% extra on a large pack†, â€Å"Scratch and win†, â€Å"Free gifts like lunch box, pencil box and shampoo sachet, â€Å"Buy one get one free†etc. In every industry, promotions are key sources of increasing sales of products. Fast food industry is one of the industries which very much rely on its foods promotion to increase the sales. For this purpose, it practices several techniques including price discounts, coupons, new product and offer different deals to attract its customers. Every organization wants a greater share of the total customer market and for this purpose it becomes very important for organizations to know their consumers reactions and responses towards their promotional campaigns in order to implement them successfully. Now we will look at fast food industry and its presence in Pakistan. FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS Fast food restaurants are those restaurants where no table service is provided. Its a self service restaurant and food is ordered only at a counter. The term fast food is the term used for food which is prepared and served very quickly with precooked ingredients. Fast food restaurants represent one of the largest segments of the food industry. Some of the largest players in this category include international giants like McDonalds, and Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC). FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS IN PAKISTAN Fast food chains are becoming increasingly commonplace in nations around the world. Many American based companies have expanded into and are thriving in the global market. The concept of fast food restaurants was introduced in Pakistan in the early 1980s. There are several fast food chains operating in Pakistan but two of them are very dominant. A brief introduction of these fast food chains is given below. MCDONALDS Mc Donalds was opened in 1940 by brothers by Dick and Mac Mc Donald in San Bernardino, California. McDonalds opened its doors in Pakistan in September 1998 at Lahore and presently operating in almost every major city with a network of several restaurants in each city. McDonalds Pakistan has an aggressive plan to expand in all over Pakistan and is rapidly growing with the passage of time. It has a strong presence in Pakistan with locations in Lahore, Karachi, Hyderabad and Islamabad. KENTUCKY FRIED CHICKEN (KFC) The company was founded as Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC) by Colonel Harland Sanders in 1952. KFC has a strong presence in Pakistan. In Pakistan its locations include Lahore, Peshawar, Islamabad and Karachi. KFC opened its first outlet in Gulshan-e-Iqbal in 1997 and today KFC has several branches in main metropolitans throughout Pakistan which include Karachi, Lahore, Gujranwala, Sukkur and Murree with more than 60 outlets nationwide. FAST FOOD DEVELOPMENT IN PAKISTAN Our nation has been denoting a fast food nation as we look around. We see them on road corners, shopping areas, petrol pumps and even in hospitals whether is an international franchise of fast food or a lo al burger wala, people spend extra money on burger and French fries as compared to other food; in a very short time period our civilization has become faster paced and attracted to this style of dining out. Dining out is an important part of our emerging lifestyle as compared to the past as it was considered as an unusual luxury. Children are also an important market targeted by fast food because they offer special value meals for them. The young generation who considers it faster is the potential high fat fast food consumers. The fast food environment is not considered only for eating but for enjoyment also today, keeping in mind the several activities practiced in fast food especially for children such as birthday, get together parties and other unforgettable occasions. Several p romotional activities are practiced in order to attract the new customers and to retain the existing one. Now lets look at some sales promotion approaches used by fast food restaurants. COUPONS A coupon is a printed document that can be exchanged for reduction when buying a product. Basically coupons are issued by manufacturer of a product which is used as sales promotion method. Coupons usually fall into three categories. (1) Absolutely free, (2) Discounted, (3) Buy one get something. These are often seen in newspapers and magazines and packs. PRICE DISCOUNTS Price discounts are incentives offered to consumers in order to catch their attention. Actually price discounts is the initiative which give consumers feeling of receiving some additional value by not paying a certain percentage of amounts of that product such as 10%, 20% or 50%. This is one of the most commonly used ways to convince customers to increase their purchases. PROMOTIONAL DEALS In the fast food industry, different deals are offered to its customers better suited to their needs and requirements as it is a quick service food. Such kinds of deals are known as midnight deals and lunch deals etc to provide value to customers. VALUE DEALS Value deals are those deals offered by fast food restaurants to their customers as value for their money. Fast food restaurants come up with these attractive ideas by offering some extra amount of food with a minor difference of amount. For example, upsizing the meals by paying extra smaller amount or getting 20% for the same price. NEW PRODUCTS Fast food chains such as Mc Donalds and KFC introduce new products to its consumers in different seasons to attract new customers and keep hold of the existing customers by offering/ adding something new in their menu. STATEMENT OF THE PROBLEM The objective of sales promotion is to market activities in order to add the basic value of a product or services which encourages people to purchase. As the fast food industry is growing in Pakistan and obviously the reasons are speed, convenience and price. People are now more attracted towards fast food with the introduction of different promotional offers which suits customers in different occasions and timings. The rapid rate at which the fast food industry continues to include promotions to its menu to attract its customers is as much a reflection of consumer attraction towards those promotions itself. Therefore, with an emphasis on sales promotional activities, its impact on sales and consumers responses towards them is going to be analyzed. The main purpose of this research is to study the different independent variables which could encourage fast food consumers to dine in the fast food franchises. To investigate the consumers behavior/ response towards sales promotion in fast food industry, Consumers can have a positive or no response to sales promotion. PURPOSE OF STUDY The purpose of this research is to investigate the influence of promotional activities practiced in the fast food restaurants. For this purpose some important and most practiced promotional approaches which are used in fast food franchises are taken which are given below: Price discount Coupons Promotional deals Value deals New products RESEARCH SCOPE AND LIMITATIONS The scope of this research is to investigate the influence of several promotional activities practiced in fast food restaurants. These are some limitations imposed on this study: Respondents are randomly selected and mostly were youngsters and college/university students because they are more attracted towards fast food and definite users. Access to fast food franchises was limited in order to meet respondents inside because they did not allow. The questionnaire was filled by researcher from respondents outside the franchises. Lack of response from some respondents. THESIS STRUCTURE This thesis consists of four chapters. Chapter 1 discusses the problem about which the research was carried out and in general about the fast food industry and its scope in Pakistan. Chapter 2 is about the literature review. In Chapter 3, researcher describes the methodology adopted including sources of information and data collection methods are discussed. In chapter 4, the experiential data collected through questionnaire is analyzed and results are concluded on the basis of a survey. Conclusions are drawn and necessary recommendations are suggested. CHAPTER II- LITERATURE REVIEW In todays competitive environment it is very important for marketing managers to utilize the complete variety of marketing mix tools to achieve maximum result and one of these marketing tools is sales promotion which has been very important in the food retail division(Sue Peattie; 1998). Nowadays several promotional tools such as coupons, bonus packs, free samples and sweepstakes are very commonly practiced activities offered by manufacturers to its consumers but the next step which is the consumer response to these activities has not been understood well in this regard (Chem L. Narayan and P.S. Raju; 1985). So keeping in mind the importance of consumers reactions and response towards promotional campaigns of organizations in order to implement these promotional activities successfully, the influence of these promotional activities on sales and consumer decision is going to be analyzed. Promotional campaign is an attempt to influence the consumer buying decision; and promotional stra tegist is a functional behavioral analyst who finds the nature of the response towards any promotional activity and seriously weighs up the facts and support provided by the respondents via behavioral research in order to achieve utmost results and efficient findings (Peter L. Wright; 1973). The impact of advertising on the purchasing behavior of the consumer has been acknowledged in the marketing literature while the impact of promotional activities has given lees consideration (Deborah L. Owens, Michael Hardman, Bruce Keiller). Advertising has a much closed relation with sales promotional tools. Sales promotion is consist of short term incentives to encourage purchase or sale of a product or service while advertising offers reasons to buy a product or service. Sales promotion offers reasons to buy now (Kotler, Principles of Marketing). Recently the use of promotional activities has availed noticeably increased attention due to the effectiveness of easily measurable and manuscript promotional campaign as compared to advertising campaign. This investigation has been intended to assist managers of marketing and sales departments in order to implement various consumer promotions efficiently in a combined marketing program. The usage graph of sales promotions has gone up significantly in few years and one of the major reasons for this is that effectiveness of sales promotions is very much easier to calculate than the effectiveness of advertising campaign (Deborah L. Owens, Michael Hardman, Bruce Keiller). There are some internal factors and external factors which contribute in the growth of sales promotional activities. The main internal factor is the acceptance of sales promotion as an effective sales promotion technique by the product managers because they face greater pressure by top management to increase their current sales while external factors include large number of brands and then the increasing competition among them seeing that the competing brands are less differentiated. Third, advertising efficiency has declined because of changing economic conditions, rising costs and media disorder (Philip Kotler), (Chem Narayan and P.S. Raju; 1985). Given the importance of sales promotional techniques the most important decision for marketers is to choose the mixture of suitable sales promotional activities (Philip Kotler), (Chem Narayan and P.S. Raju; 1985). The modern fast food uprising basically was originated in the US in 1950s and since then this style of cuisine has captured the whole world. Fast food is seen as a symbol of globalization and post-modern society and the world is attracting to this style of food (Yasser Ibrahim, Claudio Vignali; 2005). The fast food industry is more global now and international fast food expenditure goes on to enhance in popularity (Ali Kara, Erdener Kaynak, Orsay Kucukemiroglu; 1997).In the developing countries a very little research has been done on fast food and its consumers thus a very little is known about fast food consumers. Timothy J. Richards and Luis Padilla in 2007 has found that promotional activities increase the market share of the company and also expand the fast food demand generally. This shows that promotional activities influence the buying decision of fast food consumers due to price change. Promotions obviously contain a great impact on buying decision. What is important to keep clear is the process through which consumers act in response to these offers. This understanding is very important for successful scheming of promotions as well as for assuring the minimum harmful causes of other communication elements (Meryl P. Gardner, Roger A. Strang). A very little work has been done in the past concerning consumers perceptions and preferences for fast food industry. Previous researches done on fast food industry have been limited to the features of fast food consumers in terms of demographic and socio-economic factors while a very little attention has been given to study the behavior and attitude of fast food consumers (Ali Kara, Erdener Kaynak, Orsay Kucukemiroglu; 1997). Consumer behavior is expected to be found fairly different as compared to the developed countries in view of the fact that these countries are mainlyinfluenced by social, political and economic conditions (Raju, 1995). It can be forecasted that the concept of fast food in developing countries is different than developed countries and their perceptions and attitudes differ as compared to international fast food industry in the industrialized countries (Brady and Robertson; 1999; Watson; 2000; Eckhardt and Houston; 2002). It has been acknowledged that marketing m anagers and strategist should have sufficient knowledge and understanding of consumers perceptions and preferences of dining out in fast food restaurants and how they are diverse across cultures and countries. This understanding will help in targeting countries and their different cultures in order to promote fast food culture and to improve and modify the perception of fast food restaurant there to increase the demand of the consumers (Ali Kara, Erdener Kaynak, Orsay Kucukemiroglu; 1997). Fast food restaurants practice several types of promotional activities throughout the year in which coupons are the most used promotional tool. Coupons have grown by more than 500% in the last decade which proves the importance of coupons (Chakravarthi Narasimhan1984) and coupons are the representative among other promotional tools like new product offers, promotional deals and price discounts etc. It is well acknowledged in the marketing literature that coupons have immediate impacts on sales (Jeongwen Chiang 1995). Fast food restaurants offer consumer a mixture of tangible and intangible elements. Here the purpose of the study is to examine the influence of promotional activities on consumer decision in fast food industry. Several big fast food giants are engaged in satisfying consumer needs and Kentucky fried chicken (KFC) is the leading fast food franchise satisfying its consumer needs followed by Mc Donalds, Subway and Mr. Burger. CHAPTER III: METHODOLOGY DATA COLLECTION Two types of sources are used in data collection for any research function which are primary and secondary data. In this research study, both types of sources are operated. Secondary data is obtained from the books, articles, research journals, and internet while primary supply of data is dependent on questionnaire survey. According to the requirement the researcher is dependent on both the sources for academic and experimental data. We are very much relying on the questionnaire survey results for empirical data because limited information is available on promotional activities and its influence on consumer buying behavior in Pakistan. RESEARCH AND TESTING INSTRUMENTS Questionnaire has been used for surveys for this research and for testing purpose SPSS has been used as a testing tool. During the analysis of data in SPSS researcher has used technique of one sample T- test. FEEDBACK FORM For the purpose of data collection about different promotional tools and its influence on consumer buying behavior in the fast food restaurants a questionnaire has been used. Information regarding the influence of different promotional activities offered in fast food restaurants on consumer buying behavior is availed by knowing the satisfaction and agreement level with every promotional activity independently offered in fast food. QUESTIONNAIRE TESTING T o detect weaknesses in the instrument a questionnaire testing was conducted. According to Malhotra (2003), pre-testing refers to the testing of the questionnaire on a small sample of respondents to recognize and to get rid of likely trouble. For such purpose the researcher filled out 10 questionnaires from fast food consumers. Burns and Bush (1998) suggested that a pre-test of 5-10 representative questionnaires is usually adequate to spot the problems in a questionnaire. SAMPLING For this thesis, the influence of different promotional activities on consumer buying behavior was carried out through a survey of consumers of selected fast food restaurants. A questionnaire was filled out from 100 respondents in a good environment in order to avoid any hustle and weak response. SAMPLE SIZE The sample size of research is 100 respondents. It includes the following: Male/ Female Age group: 20 years or above Employed/ unemployed Fast food consumers Karachi based HYPOTHESIS h3= Price discounts influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. h3= Coupons influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. H3: Promotional deals influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. H4: Value deals influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. H5: New product influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. CHAPTER IV: RESULTS AND DISCUSSION In our finding the statistical test which has been applied is the one sample t-test. One sample t-test compares the mean value of a sample (computed from a set of observed values) with the hypothesized mean value so this is the easiest test to understand and determine the likelihood or the difference between sample score and hypothesized values. Following is the output of our research. We compared the mean level of our output to a known test value of 4 because 4 is our agreement level. First see the descriptive statistics. The mean of our samples are the following: Price discounts = 4.0 New products = 3.9933 Coupons = 3.9767 Promotional deals = 3.9033 Value offers = 3.8767 The above mean values are closest to the test value of 4. Price discounts is having the highest mean value 4 which is equal to the test value of 4 and then new products have mean value (3.9933) and followed by coupons (3.9767), promotional deals (3.9033) and then value offers (3.8767). Now, see the results of our one sample t-test: Our T-value for each observation is: Price discounts = 0.000 New products = -.111 Promotional deals = -1.219 Value offers = -1.559 Coupons = -.306 The cut point of T-value is 1.5. If the T-value is greater than 1.5 then the significant value becomes lower and goes to significant level. We have 99 degrees of freedom. Our significance values are: Price discounts = 1.000 New products = 0.912 Promotional deals = 0.226 Value offers = 0.122 Coupons = 0.760 It means that the mean difference is not significant and the test value which is (4) â€Å"Agreement level†is equal to the mean value of price discounts, new products, promotional deals, value offers and coupons and there is no significant difference between the test value and the mean values of the sample. ACCEPTED HYPOTHESIS: Following hypothesis has been accepted: h3, h3, H3, H4, H5 Based on statistical test and results of above table, following hypothesis has been accepted and it was found that these factors influence the consumer buying behavior in fast food restaurants. h3= Price discounts influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. h3= Coupons influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. H3: Promotional deals influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. H4: Value deals influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. H5: New product influence purchase decision of fast food consumers. CONCLUSION A very little research has been done so far on fast food consumers and their buying behavior as well as promotional activities practiced by fast food restaurants and its influence on consumer buying decision. To the best of my knowledge, the research work done so far of fast food outlets have been limited to the explanation of the characteristics of the fast food consumers in terms of demographic and socio-economic factors and some work is done on the restaurants brand equity and their competitiveness while a very small number of consideration has been related to the fast food consumers behavior and attitude orientation. Research conducted by Syed Mehdi Raza and Tariq Jalees in 2005 measures the brand equity of fast food chains operating in Karachi. Timothy J. Richards and Luis Padilla believe that fast food promotion is a major cause of the obesity. The purpose of the learning is to understand the influence of promotional activities on the buying behavior of fast food consumers. For findings we apply the One Sample T-test to check the significant impact of all selected variables, it was found that the all variables (Coupons, Price discounts, Promotional deals, value offers and new products) significantly influence the buying behavior of fast food consumers. The results of the study have shown very optimistic response from fast food consumers for the influence of promotional activities in fast food restaurants. Consumers really think and appreciate that promotional activities influence their dining out decision in fast food restaurants, it also affect their frequency of dining out in fast food and they think that promotional activities should be offered by fast food restaurants.
Sunday, January 19, 2020
Ivanhoe :: Essays Papers
Ivanhoe Ivanhoe Written by Sir Walter Scott Narrative Text Structure Characters: Wilifred of Ivanhoe Maurice De Bracy King Richard â€Å"Black Knight†Prince John Robin Hood â€Å"Locksley†Isaac of York, the Jew Cedric the Saxon Lady Rebecca, daughter of Isaac of York Sir Brian de Bois-Guilbert Lady Rowena Reginald Front-de-Boeuf Wamba, the jester Sir Philip Malvoisin Gurth, servant to Wilifred of Ivanhoe Templar Friar Tuck Location: England, more specifically- â€Å"In that pleasant district of merry England which is watered by the river Don there extended in ancient times a large forest covering the greater parts of the pleasant town of Doncaster. The remains of this extensive woods are still to be seen at the noble seats of Wentworth, of Wharncliffe Park, and around Rotherham.†-Ivanhoe, Sir Walter Scott Time: A period of time toward the end of the reign of Richard I, which lasted from 1157-1199 AD Protagonist: Robin Hood â€Å"Locksley†Goal: To defeat Prince John and have him exiled or executed Antagonist: Prince John, Maurice De Bracy, and Reginald Front-de-Boeuf Problem: De Bracy and Front-de-Boeuf capture Cedric the Saxon and all the people traveling with him and the household of Isaac the Jew, with whom was Wilifred of Ivanhoe Climax: When Locksley announced that he was Robin Hood to King Richard Resolution: Richard is restored to the throne and Prince John is given what he deserves Plot: There is to be a jousting match and other such games sponsored by Prince John.
Saturday, January 11, 2020
Letter of complain Essay
Wong Kah Yee Secretary, 28, Jalan Jati, Taman Bahagia, 56000 Kuala Lumpur Michael Chan Manager, Kuala Lumpur Town Council, 56000 Kuala Lumpur. 7th JANUARY 2014 Dear Sir, Dissatisfaction With The Condition Of The Apartment As the secretary of the Residents’ Association of Taman Bahagia, I would like to make a complaint on behalf of the residents of Taman Bahagia about the poor condition of the block of apartment . 2. One of the main problem of the apartment is the lifts are vandalised. There are many leaflets on the walls of the lift. Some of the buttons are also missing. Moreover, the corridors are littered with rubbish. Initially, rubbish was collected three times a week. However, since December last year the garbage collectors have only been coming once a week. Our litter bins are always full of rubbish and we have no choice so we leave the bags of rubbish next to the bins. This causes a terrible stench in our housing area. Furthermore, stray cats and dogs scatter the rubbish in searching for food. This brings very unhealthy environment in the neighbourhood. 3. Furthermore, the drains around our apartment are block and always clogged with rubbish resulting the water becoming stagnant. It is n ot uncommon to see bottles, dry leaves and plastic bags in these drains. These drains need to be clear as the stagnant water is an ideal breeding ground for mosquitoes. The residents are worried as there had been a sharp increase in dengue cases in the last two months. Besides, there are also limited parking space for residents. This causes cars congesting our streets and a less stressful parking situation. 4. I have some suggestion to solve this problems. You should plan to install security cameras in the lifts. So, we can guard the lifts from being vandalism. The security guard should always patrol around the apartment to avoid this problem happen. The council should also do some surprise checks on cleanliness. So our apartment can maintain the cleanness. Additionally, you should always send officer workers to our apartment to ensure the drains are cleaned regularly. The council should also prepare more parking lot in our apartment for the visitor, so our street outside wouldnà ¢â‚¬â„¢t be so congested. I hope the council will look into our complaints and take prompt and immediately action to solve our problems. Thank you. Yours faithfully, Kahyan (WONG KAH YAN)
Friday, January 3, 2020
Marketing Plan Launch of Osamax - 4859 Words
Marketing Plan for the launch of â€Å"OSAMAX †Current market situation Nepalese Pharmaceutical market and its marketing practices is complex to understand. With no such specific guidelines and policies from its regulatory body DDA, Nepalese pharmaceuticals feel the gap for visionary support from government. Though the country is self reliant in various categories the chunk of market share is still being enjoyed by foreign and Indian companies due to the lack of specific guidelines. Nepal pharmaceutical Laboratory is going to introduce its new product in the market where its competitors already exists. Osamax competing brands are : RESTOFOS – Sun Pharmaceuticals – Indian company OSTEOFOS – Cipla Pharmaceuticals – Indian company†¦show more content†¦Due to its significant achievement in work system and standardization NPL is the only domestic pharmaceutical company that has been awarded with â€Å"FNCCI National excellence award for three consecutive years since 2059 to 2062 and recently been awarded with FNCCI Service excellence award in the year 2067. NPL has also been honored with NICCI excellence award 2003 by Nepalese chamber of commerce and industry. Technological advancement: NPL is the first company to collaborate with academia for the development of research activities in NPL, NPL has collaborated with Kathmandu University school of science for conducting bioavailability and bioequivalence testing of medicine testing of medicine, NPL has also expanded its QC plant with the name of Nepal Research Foundation in the year 2066 basically for the development of novel drug delivery system and research activities. NPL holds the pioneer ship to manufacture cardiovascular, psychotropic, anti-diabetic products in Nepal .It is also the first company to manufacture veterinary medicines. There are different divisions within the company. Divisions of NPL | | | Division I | Deals with high value molecules | Molecules that requires doctor prescriptions | Division II | Primary care products | Me too ( push strategy ) | Lapen DIV | Sophisticated molecule | Cardiovascular, diabetic, psychotropic | Vet DIV | Veterinary products | Vet | Future plans: NPL is constantly on a move to
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