Monday, September 30, 2019

Century Genius/Stephen Hawking

The Logical Insurrection Computing Engine was built in 1958. He attended college on scholarships and focused on physics and mathematics. However he showed strong interest in theories. Especially those theories of Einstein; and the theory of relativity and the study of cosmology. In 1963 he met his first wife Jane Wiled and in 1995 they got married but divorced in 1991. Stephen began getting sick when he and Jane got married so the testing began and the news came back that Stephen had ALAS.He was told he had two years to live however he is alive to date. ALAS attacks the nerves and speaking ability, walking, breathing, and swallowing. Stephen communicates with a computer that is connected to his wheelchair. During his marriage token they had three children. The marriage didn't last and they divorced in 1991. He then married Elaine Mason which he divorced in 2006. Hawking worked for 30 years at Cambridge as the Lucian Chair of Mathematics. Sir Isaac Newton once held that position as we ll.Stephens has been the world leader in research on black holes, the birth of the universe, and the nature of space, time and gravity. He has written many best-selling books which have sold millions of copies. â€Å"A Brief History of Time† is a best-seller of Stephens and has been made into a movie. In this book Stephen tries to explain physical and mathematical ideas and calculations without using math. And also a range of subjects in Cosmology including the Big Bang, black holes, light cones and superstring theory. â€Å"A Brief History in Time† stayed on the London Sunday Times est.-selling list for 237 weeks.Stephen has won many awards In his life. He has received the CUBE in 1982 and made Companion of Honor In 1989. 1974 Stephen was elected Fellow of the Royal Society he was one of the youngest to receive this award to date. Stephen is a known Atheists and his belief Is Science will win. With all of Stephens problems and disability he has not let this stop him. He continues to use his mind and remains a strong force In the Science field. References: * penguin Books USA Inc.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Increase in Tommy John Surgery Amongst Young Athletes

In order to keep up with the competition, athletes must constantly look for a competitive advantage. There are many ways to do this, both good and bad, legal and illegal. The hottest trend in today's society is very unique and out of the ordinary. Young athletes have been turning to a procedure called Tommy John surgey in order to get a boost in athletic performance. This surgery has been sought out by these young athletes even when not injured, and this has outraged many professionals and doctors around the world.This growing trend has been highly debated and will continue to be until some sort of guidelines are set. Tommy John surgery is reconstructive surgery of the ulnar collateral ligament in the elbow. This surgery has been common amongst college and professional athletes over the last few decades, most notably baseball players. The surgery was first performed in 1974 on former Major League Baseball star Tommy John by Doctor Frank Jobe. The surgery was so revolutionary, Doctor Jobe decided to name the surgery after his first patient.The process for Tommy John surgery is a quite simple process that has evolved over time. Basically, when ulnar collateral ligament in the elbow becomes damaged, a tendon needs to be taken from another part of the body in order to replace the damaged one. The new tendon is carefully woven into a figure eight pattern in the elbow bone. There is a slight risk of damage to the ulnar nerve, but if done carefully, the process is pretty routine these days. One of the key reasons why young athletes are opting for this surgery is the rising success rate ever since it has been in existence.When it was first discovered and performed, the surgery was given a 1 in 100 success rate by surgeon Frank Jobe. The success rate as of 2009 is an astonishing 85-92 percent. The time it takes to recover depends on the sport, and the position played in that sport. On average, it takes between 6 and 12 months to fully recover, with baseball pitchers tak ing the longest. The causes for this surgery can be a variety of situations. Through the repetitive stress of the throwing motion, the ulnar collateral ligament can become stretched, frayed, or torn severly.In pitchers, the total number of pitches thrown is the best way to monitor elbow issues. The type of pitch thrown, such as a curveball or a slider, also has an effect but not quite as much of one as the number of pitches thrown. Children these days are beind overworked more than ever, thus causing a dramatic increase in elbow issues in young athletes. The growing concern with this surgery as of late has been the urge of these teenagers who want to get this surgery even when they are not injured.The reason for this is because since so many athletes come back from this surgery playing at a much higher level than pre-surgery, these young kids figure that they might as well get the surgery before they can get hurt. Parents are also at fault here as well because there are many cases w here the parent is the initiator as well. Beau Wycoff, a freshman baseball player for his hometown high school Toms River North, is facing this same issue. His father believes that he should get Tommy John surgery because he doesn't throw as hard as the other boys on the team.He isn't looked at as a top player, and his father believes that this will make him stronger and throw much harder. Beau is not on the same page and is very torn about this situation. â€Å"I want to be the team's top pitcher, but having this surgery when I'm not hurt is something I am not sure about,† Beau said. This is just an example of what goes on all over the country with young athletes and their decisions to acheive a competitive advantage. In an e-mail response from the Center for Sports Parenting, they simply are irate about this situation.They believe that there should be a significant medical issue with the elbow for someone to legally go through with the surgery. Also mentioned was pressure f rom parents in order to get this surgery is a huge concern in dealing with this topic. The Center believes that operating on a perfectly healthy elbow in order to get some kind of advantage is an unnecessary risk for a young athlete. Situations like these make Tommy John surgery look like it's a bad thing, and that certainly is not the case. It should only be seen as a bad thing when it is abused by people who truly do not need it.This surgery has been proven by many studies to be very positive. In one study where a questionarre was sent out to 743 patients who had the surgery, 94. 5 percent were baseball players and the other 5. 5 percent were track, football, and other. Out of these people questioned, 622 patients or 83 percent, returned to their previous level of play or higher. The average recovery time of these patients was 11. 6 months. Also recorded was that only 10 percent of these patients had complications, which were mostly minor.Guisto Salicetti has been a baseball pitch er since he was 7 years old. He came to St. Peter's College on a baseball scholarship after dominating the high school ranks for 4 years. After arriving at school he soon had elbow troubles and found out he needed Tommy John surgery. The surgery went well and he is currently lightly throwing and should be able to pitch in a game in no time. â€Å"The surgery was a very positive for me and even though the recovery has been a lot of hard work, hopefull it will all be worth it in the end,† Guisto said.Tommy John surgery has become a phenomenon in the last couple of years. If done for the right reasons, the procedure is a great innovation is surgical medicine. There are some circumstances where this surgery can be abused and mistreated. This needs to be addressed in the near future because young athletes and parents are taking this too far. Tommy John surgery should be all about success stories and revitalizing careers, not about controversy and potentially ruining a young teenag ers's promising athletic experience.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Topic about Drugs Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Topic about Drugs - Essay Example Some causes of drug abuse among people are such like lack of self control, acute physical or mental disability, to deal with physical or emotional problems in the work, home or in relationships, which stresses the affected individual. These causes of drugs abuse comes from the failure of a person to alleviate a condition in their mind which is resultant from the relationships with his colleagues. On the other hand, drug abuse can result from the family influence where a family has a history of using drugs, peer pressure, mental illness as well as misuse of prescribed drugs by patients (Kinlock, OGrady and Hanlon 265). The effect of drug abuse can be broadly divided into three parts in the categories of health of the individual, societal effects which reflect the impact on the social institutions and the relationships and family. In terms of health, the drug abusers deteriorate in their physical and their mental abilities and may be incapacitated to do various things, socially drug abuse causes constraints in financial terms and commotion in institutions like schools and work and in family, drugs threaten and cause family breakups (Kinlock, OGrady and Hanlon

Friday, September 27, 2019

Ayn Rands Approach Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Ayn Rands Approach - Essay Example In the first case the argument was presented that there exist some privileged starting points for knowledge which effectively translates to arguments being meaningless if they are not connected along the 'correct lines.' Moreover in regards to confusing meanings with reference this means that all concepts that are formed uniquely would be ruled out. Finally confusing universals with concepts this is simply an error that makes for a difficult argumentation. Having highlighted all of these weaknesses it is important to highlight some strengths. It was argued by Firehammer (2005) that Ayn Rand ultimately admired the strong and frowned upon weakness. In regards to the character development in her writings (And ultimately her outlook as a person) many her type characters were portrayed as being physically strong and of strong moral character. What this could translate to is an argument that it is the purpose of art to not only highlight what the world is but what is could be. In essence p eople should moralistically strive for better which is a wise philosophical outlook. In essence, Atlas sort of represent the societal members that make life worth living.

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Describe three important reforms that occurred during the Progressive Essay - 2

Describe three important reforms that occurred during the Progressive Era in American history. Describe what each one of them was, and why each one was an important reform - Essay Example Government reform encompasses one of the major changes that occurred in the reform era. Robert LaFollette who was a republican governor in Wisconsin (Mintz 2014) championed reforms in this sector. It was termed as the â€Å"Wisconsin idea† and it included changes such as a development of a railroad commission to control taxes, direct primaries to choose party nominees for public offices, as well as initiative and recall opportunities for the public (Fishback 289). These reforms were important since they increased the efficiency of the government (Fishback 289). The direct primaries gave the public an opportunity to participate in the political process and also limited the influence of city bosses in selecting there favourable personnel. The initiative device enabled the public participate in passing proposed laws through voting and recall device gave the public the power to remove elected officials from their position. These reforms put government officials on their toes and e nsured they did their work with efficiency and transparency. Civil rights reforms in the progressive era are very critical and their benefits curently felt. These reforms occurred following the publication of W.E.B. Du Bois. His publication highlighted the plight of African Americans and the disparaging racism effects. Du Bois condemned the belief that African Americans could not work as manual laborers and nothing more. This publication led to the establishment of the first national civil rights movement known as the National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) (Mintz, 2014). This organization boasted of 6,000 members by 1914 whereby it extended to establishing offices in fifty cities. These reforms in civil rights were very important since they ensured that the rights of the colored minority were protected. Initially, the minority endured hard and forced labor, coupled with low wages as well as denial of certain necessities.

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Delivering Family Centred Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Delivering Family Centred Care - Essay Example The reason Iris was in a nursing home is not clear although her family say it was increasingly difficult to take care of her. Maybe they did not have the ability to do it. Nursing homes do not have the best reputation but they give care families may not. However, Iris was not very debilitated that is why she would take care of Sam. Additionally, her situation got worse while she had to be hospitalized and later joining the Roberts. Her health deterioration while at the home shows a bad reputation and maybe this calls for Care Quality Commission. The Care Quality Commission is a health inspecting body that works to make sure each person gets care that is safe, effective, high quality and compassionate (McLeroy et al 1988.p.360). For this to be, it inspects hospitals, GPs, care homes, dental and other general practices. Although this is a worthy cause, the commission additionally takes enforcement action, register services and collaborate with other organizations. For the case of Iris, who is now returning home, a decision has to be made. However, although this is important, both her family and the health experts should listen carefully to her ideas, if any and paraphrase them to be easily understandable to her (Iris). Let each of the other two parties (health care experts and Iris’ family) express their concern and engage constructively to get a common ground. Basically, this process is called optimal decision and might be reached for a patient at a fateful health crossroad (Burns et al 2004). Mostly, it involves the patient as well as a clinician, although family is invited. This is applicable in Iris’ case. Since it is the will of Iris to return home, both parties should share information: clinicians will offer options as well as describe their dangers and advantages, while Iris and her family express their values and

Tuesday, September 24, 2019


CRANBERY SUPPLEMENTS AS PROPHYLACTIC TREATMENT - Assignment Example From the above parameters it may be anticipated that if cranberry supplements are really useful then the frequency of urinary tract infection will decrease, the symptoms of UTI like polyuria and hematuria will decrease, the diagnostic results will show normal count (5000-9000 cu mm) of WBC and reduced levels of C - reactive protein. The further anticipated outcome will be the reduction in the frequency of antibiotics prescribed or there will also be a reduced need to escalate the dosage and class of an antibiotic. This means that though infection may occur but it does not require the intervention with an antibiotic and the innate immunity of the body can take care of the situation. Further decreased need to escalate the dosage and class of an antibiotic also implicate that chances of antibiotic resistance would not be high, if cranberry supplements are administered (Lane and Takhar,2011) (Wang, Fang and Chen, 2012) The protocol will be evaluated with the help of statistical tests of significance and in this regard the â€Å"chi square test† will be performed. First of all stratified random sampling would be done to specify the sample sizes and the limits. Seven groups will be formed with the women in the age range of 18 to 67 years. These groups are 18-28 years, 29-38 years, 39—48 years, 49-58 years, 59-68 year, 69-78 years and 79-88 years. Data will be collected from the urologists who classify that these women are patients of recurrent urinary tract infections. Patients below and above the specified age range will not be included in the study. Further newly diagnosed patients of UTI will also be not included in the study. After selection of samples the patients in each group will be separated as the experimental arm and control arm. The patients of the experimental arm will only be administered cranberry supplements and the patients of control arm will receive placebo treatment. However as the study will

Monday, September 23, 2019

Accessibility testing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Accessibility testing - Essay Example The society also helps researchers and engineers to contribute their findings and experiences through similar opportunities. An accessibility test was performed on the society’s website ( to determine the site’s usability across a number of parameters and to evaluate whether the site was accessible to people with various abilities. Some of the core criteria that were used to perform this test included site design, content and functionality. All test cases were constructed on the basis of the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) developed by the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). The purpose of testing the accessibility for the website is to perform a conformance evaluation of the site to determine whether the site meets industry guidelines such as the WCAG. While the site can be evaluated using automatic and semi-automatic testing tools like HTML Validation service or WAVE (Web Accessibility Evaluation Tool), it was decided to perform a manual evaluatio n of the website. The purpose of the manual method is to evaluate a webpage based on a list of checkpoints or criteria as specified under WCAG 1.0. The W3C recommends the use of a Graphical User Interface (GUI) to evaluate a sample of web pages. For the purpose of this project, two different web browsers, namely Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) and Google Chrome (GC), served as the GUI for the accessibility tests. The following tests were performed to evaluate the website’s conformance to the WCAG (W3C, 2011): 1. Image test: Turned off the images and checked whether the alternate text was available. Method: (in IE) Tools ? Internet Options ? Advanced ? Uncheck ‘Show Pictures’. (In GC) Options ?under the Hood ? click ‘Content Settings’ under the Privacy tab ? select ‘Do not show any images’ under the ‘Images’ tab. 2. Sound test: Turned off the sound and checked whether the audio information was available through other alternatives like text or images. Method: Open Volume from quick tray, click ‘Mixer’ and click on ‘Mute Speakers’ 3. Font test: Changed the font size of the text on the various controls in the webpage and evaluated if the site was still usable for larger font sizes. Method: Hold CTRL key and move the mouse wheel up or down to increase or decrease the font size respectively. 4. Resolution test: Tested the pages under various screen resolutions to determine whether any scrolling was required to navigate across the web page. Method: On Windows 7 machines, click ‘Show Desktop’ icon, right click on any part of the screen and select ‘Screen Resolution’. Modify the screen resolution in the resulting dialog. 5. Color contrast test: Changed the screen color to Grayscale and determined whether the color contrast in the web page was still sufficient. Method: Open ‘Calibrate Display Color’ from the Control panel and change color settings in the fields pro vided. 6. Keyboard accessibility test: Attempted to navigate across the page controls using the keyboard (especially using the TAB key) alone. Determined if the site was navigable without the use of a mouse. Method: load the webpage and use the keyboard for all navigation and interaction with the webpage. 7. Backend Content test: Disabled all style sheets, scripts and applets and evaluated whether the site was working as expected. Method: (in IE) Tools ? Security ? click ‘Internet’ in the zone section ? click ‘Custom Level’ ? Scroll down to ‘Scripting’ ? disable ‘Active Scripting’. (In GC) Options ?under the Hood ? click ‘Content Settings’ under the Privacy tab ? select ‘Do not allow any site to run JavaScript’ under the ‘JavaScript’ tab. Results The following table summarizes the results for the

Sunday, September 22, 2019

The PODSCORB Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The PODSCORB - Assignment Example PODSCORB The emerging style of business is therefore concentrating significantly on the efficient & systematic functioning of their organizations. For this purpose, most of the organizations follow the famous principles of management which was first established by Henry Fayol & F.W. Taylor & later on those were modified by Gullick and Lyndall (Opara & Nosike, 2012). These principles are known as The PODSCORB which includes planning, organizing, directing or staffing, coordinating, reporting or budgeting. Here we will discuss about the implementation of these principles in a real organization. Planning This article is based on the functioning of an organization were I worked previously. My previous employer was an FMCG firm which specialized in preparing herbal products. I was appointed as the marketing officer & my job was to co-ordinate between the sales team & marketing team. As strategic planning is considered to be a new aspect in the field of marketing therefore the organization trusted on the abilities of the young graduates & constantly encouraged them to take initiative for taking up responsibilities. The leading or directing function were carried out by the sales & marketing managers. The conventional ways of leadership describes it as an activity of supervising & controlling the followers. However modern day management considers a leader as a mentor who guides the trainees & rectifies the mistakes made by them. It is a deliberate influence exerted by an individual over his subordinates to assist them in activities within an organization. (Karp & Thomas, 2009). The managers used to take feedback everyday from those who used to visit the market & then me & my team was instructed to prepare a plan for their next day’s activity. Any kind of grievance among the team members was skillfully managed by those leaders & there used to be a participative style of management where each one shared their opinion, suggestion, complaints with the managers. The managers used to direct the team as well as support & guide them by teaching them various sales tactics. Handling

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Christian College Thought Paper Essay Example for Free

Christian College Thought Paper Essay Going to school can offer many experiences. We are taught that we should do well in school so we can graduate, continue on to college, and from there have a job. But what if we went to college where the scholastic dream meant more than just attending your typical classes? What if you not only found yourself, but you found your spiritual path as well? Looking at colleges and finding the right one that offers what you need to succeed after graduation can be a time-consuming task. There are many colleges now, and they all offer something different. Times have changed so much that we can now attend college online. When reading Arthur F. Holmes book, The idea of a Christian College the four main themes I found were; understanding the student life, how liberal arts applies to life, how a Christian college can inspire other parts of your education and the results of education with Christian liberal arts. College Life as a Student According to Arthur F. Holmes book The Idea of a Christian College, many young people attend college or university, and their parents encourage them, without any gripping sense of what college is all about, beyond tentative vocational goals or questionable social aspirations. (Holmes pg 3) Many students are attending college because they have been programmed that way. They show up for class day in and day out, not very sure of the purpose or meaning behind it all. College students in this economy need to have a college education to get a job. Most students become misguided by outside influences of college life and end up partying away their tuition money. The  social scene becomes more important when the focus is lost. There is a lot of stress put on a new college student from the beginning of the registration process all the way to the classroom. So how do you choose the school and stay on track for success? Looking into a Christian college, you might think, Why choose a Christian college over a secular college? Its distinctive atmosphere should support an education that cultivates the creative and active integration of faith and learning, of faith and culture. (Holmes pg 6). With the idea of a Christian college, we have God-given, God-preserved, God-restorable potential, a potential to be developed, disciplined, and invested in response to God. In a Christian college gaining our education, we are more than just becoming the future job; we are already molded and placed here for a reason, a reason that God knows and one we journey for self discovery. If we do not work on the entire being while we are expanding our minds and stretching the muscle, then how do we expect to become that person that God has placed us here for. We need to not only focus on our education but on the entire being from the spirit within. Why doesnt this all come easily since we are all made in Gods image? Its because we are all human and given free will. The foundation of the theological mandate for Christian involvement in higher education can be focused on four concepts: creation, the human person, truth, and the culture mandate. (Holmes pg 13) Following what Gods will has for us and not to misuse them, value what he has given to us. Truth, if we confess that God is, the all-wise Creator of all, then he has perfect knowledge of everything we ever sought to know or do. All truth is Gods truth, wherever it may be found. (Holmes pg 17) Liberal Arts Liberal art teaches you to think. We are taught many things in our education that may not have anything to do with our career directly. These other classes allow our minds to grow and stretch in all areas of real life. Vocations and jobs are made for people, not people for vocations and jobs. The question to ask about an education is not what can I do with it? but  rather what is it doing to me as a person? (Holmes pg 25) When we go off to college, we are going with fresh minds to be taught and molded into our future career. Liberal education is an open invitation to join the human race and become more fully human. (Holmes pg 35) Understanding liberal arts and how the purpose of it will enrich our lives further within our career goals is very helpful in succeeding in the world. The most embracing contact between Christianity and human learning is the all-encompassing world and life view. The contemporary university tends to concentrate on the parts rather than the whole and to come away with a fragmented view of life that lacks overall meaning. (Holmes pg 57) The Result of an Educated Person What would a well-rounded, educated person look like, be like, and know? To train specifically for just one job and not allow yourself the freedom to educate your whole being will only limit you in the future. To cover and explore a range of capacities that help you feel part of a whole human race, develop yourself not just into a farmer or a physician or a businessman, but as a human being. Be reflective and moral in everything you do. Become a thoroughly responsible agent; that is the mark of an educated person. (Holmes pg 101) Fostering morals and virtues, believing in the quality of life, and applying those in our education, as well and learning from our experiences will enlighten us as humans. Taking the gifts that God has given to us and by his freeing us from the bondage of sin, we move forward with realistic hope. Faith, love, and hope bring to life purposefulness, expectations, and humility. (Holmes pg 102) After reading this book I have found that there is much more to having an education. I have focused my attention on just one thing becoming a nurse. My life experience of working in the hospital is to have core values such as understanding, honesty, faith, and openness. When Arthur Holmes writes Not just verbal skills and powers of communication but grace and eloquence therein as well, the ability to say the right thing in the right way at the right time, it reminds me of my blessings. (Holmes pg 103). If  we put god first in our lives everything else will fall into place for us such as, work and school. By going to a Christian college I found I am learning how to educate my spirit.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Theories of myth

Theories of myth Mythology involves sociological or even philosophical the studying of myths. Myths involve characters such as supernatural heroes or gods. Within sacred stories, the characters involved are priests and rulers. Myths have been used extensively in explanation of the world formation and establishment process of taboos, customs and institutions (Csapo, 2005). Scholars have been trying to explain myths in the past decades using theories. Claims by Euhemerism theory have demonstrated myths to be fuzzy accounts of authentic or real historical events. According to Csapo (2005), explanations show that storytellers carry out repeated elaborations upon historical measures. Such repetitions made the myth figures to gain the position of gods. For example, a wind-god development emanating from a kingly historical account, teaching his followers on wind-interpretation and use of sails. Prodicus and Herodotus made such claims in the 5th century BC. The origin of this theorys name is from the 320 BC novelist called Euhemerus. This novelist made claims of the Greek gods evolving from legends humans. Explanations of allegory theory suggest that myths started as allegories. For example, in relation to one theory myths started as natural phenomena allegories. For instance, historically representation of Apollo was fire while Poseidon represented water, among others. Another theory explains that myths started as allegories of spiritual or philosophical concepts. For example, Athena represented wise judgment, while Aphrodite represented desire. Sanskritist Max Muller in 19th century believed that myths originated from nature, but came to be literally interpreted gradually. For example, poetry described a sea to be raging and literally this was taken to interpret the sea as a raging god. Personification theory as explained by some scholars, myths originated from personification of forces and objects which are inanimate. In their regard, these scholars observed people of ancient days worshipped natural phenomena such as air, fire. With time this described the natural phenomena as gods. For example, mythopoeic thought described ancients to observe things as persons but not as mere objects. Thereby, they described events of nature to be actions of natural gods, hence myths evolution. Cosmogonic or creation myths relates to supernatural stories giving explanations to humanity, life, earth or universe existence (Csapo, 2005). Generally, myths tend to broadly share the same themes. Myths commonly involve fractioning of worldly things from primordial chaos. Such aspects include father and mother separation gods or emergence of land from an infinite and from timeless ocean Among the Finnish, people believed that the world was made from a broken egg. Descriptions reveal that a bird was flying over the sea as it searched for a place set-up her nest and lay eggs. The birds search was futile everywhere. The only thing in existence was water. After that, the bird identified the 1st dry place to some it was a boat, others it was an island, and others a floating body such as a wizard. However, the dry place was unstable to set-up a nest hence a large wave broke those eggs, their parts being spread all around. Upper part of the egg formed the sky, yolk formed the sun and lower egg parts formed the earth. The first human being was vainamoinem born to air maiden Ilmatar impregnated by the sea. Vainamoinem gave orders for trees plantation and initiated the human culture. This myth relates to the allegory theory which explains representations of natural phenomena (Csapo, 2005). Upper part of the egg in this myth represents the sky yolk represents the sun while the lower part represents the earth. The allegories here are the sun, the sky and the earth. On the other hand, among the Hindu, universe existence is governed by Trimurti of brahma. Brahma is the creator Vishnu is the sustainer while shiva is the destroyer. The first Avatar generated from water. Hindus believe universe creation originated from the word Aum. The word stands for the sacred sound uttered by every person during birth. Their belief states that creation cycle has no beginning, neither preservation nor destruction. A Brahmas day takes 4.32billion years and the night too. Their belief is that nights and days follow in cycles. To them time is represented as Kala. This Hindu myth relates to the euhemerism theory where people try to explain the existence of natural phenomena (Csapo, 2005). The Hindus have applied the historic events, explaining each occurrence with natural phenomena. As this myth continues to be told repetitively, the myth figures have developed to take the positions of gods. In this reference, the Hindus god is Brahma emanating from Hindus accounts t o historical events, explaining where the universe originated from. In conclusion, as drawn the discussion, I believe that myths have been associated with several purposes. Myths are believed to shape or establish behavior models. Figures of myth are normally sacred hence positioning them playing the role models on humans. Similarly, myths uphold current social institutions and structures. Myths serve the purpose of justifying social customs in claims that sacred beings established them. Additionally, myths act as a good source of entertainment and also providing human beings with experiences which are religious in nature. Myths unraveling repetitions detaches people from modernity to mythical era presenting them nearer to the Devine. For example, a society can reenact healings done by gods in ancient days in order to heal an individual in the present. References Csapo, E. (2005). Theories of mythology. London, UK: Wiley-Blackwell Publishers.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Anti Dress Code Essay -- essays research papers

School is in the 'business' of learning. School is the place where the next lawyers, bankers, CPA's and Doctors are given the fundamentals of working in this economy. One of the basics of our culture in the working world is conservative dressing, dress code, or even uniforms. What is wrong with sending our kids the message that they are in 'the business of learning' by enforcing dress codes?   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  School is also the place where the next actors, writers, artists, politicians, inventors, designers and musicians are trained. School uniforms send a clear early-life message to students that conformity is important and creativity is not, that authority is allowed to abuse it's power and constrain our constitutional right to free speech and expression. Students learn from uniforms that their individuality, political opinions and religious rights are unimportant, as is their education: students are regularly suspended for non compliance to the uniform code even if their school work is excellent. If uniform-requiring schools were actually in 'the business of learning' this would not occur. Many proponents say that school uniforms help to reduce the amount of violent out bursts of gang members in schools. To them I say why don’t we get rid of the gang members. Why don’t we simply place these gang members that are so prevalent into a more suitable learning environment, like boot camp. If you go out and look there is little research done to prove that school viol...

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Argumentative Essay: The Appalling Lack of Gun Control in the United States :: Argumentative Persuasive Argument Essays

There is an appalling, despicable lack of gun control in the United States. In my opinion the manner in which the issue of gun control is approached in this country is bordering on criminal negligence in and of itself. The insanity surrounding this controversial issue is taking the Second Amendment to the Bill of Rights in the United States constitution way too far. I ask myself this question, could the Founding Fathers of this amazing country have possibly envisioned a world in which teenagers could casually walk into a classroom, pull out a loaded pistol and cold bloodily murder their teachers and fellow classmates? I think not. I would posit that these fine men, these symbols of American liberty and democracy would turn in their graves if they could see how their words, their intentions, were manipulated and grossly misinterpreted, to serve the purposes of those who pretend to be protecting the rights of their fellow American Citizens. On the contrary, it is my belief that t hey, the politicians, are recklessly endangering those whose rights they claim to be protecting. The Government needs to take a hard, honest look at the tragic loss of life that occurs in this country due to gun shootings, both intentional and accidental. The government needs to assume responsibility for this outrageous situation and realize that gun control in the United States needs to be Federally regulated, sooner rather than later. Wherein lies the difficulty in subjecting citizens to more stringent gun control measures? What possible reasons could politicians have for opposing safety measures such as the mandatory registration of firearms, five day waiting periods, gun licensing for owners, permits to purchase and permits to carry guns as well as mandatory background checks? If you want to carry a firearm, I feel that all of the afore mentioned requirements, at the very least, should be instituted in every single state. For heavens sake, it is more difficult to enroll your child in school than it is to buy and own a gun in this country. Does that seem logical? Not to me. The reason being that as this controversy plays out, as the NRA (National Rifle Association), the various politicians and the many interest groups squabble aimlessly back and forth with each other, more innocent people are losing their lives everyday, no in fact, every minute!

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Rousseau, the Individual, the State, and David’s The Oath of the Horati

Rousseau, the Individual, the State, and David’s The Oath of the Horatii Rousseau’s view on the relationship between the individual and the state and David’s painting ‘The Oath of the Horatii’ are two different genres with the same views, having French Revolution as the connecting factor. David’s painting is not done for art sake but rather an art for the people sake. His painting does not include only aesthetic purposes but includes with ulterior motives. David has a preconceive notion in his mind and has decided to give a pictorial representation of the preconceived notion and exploits all his techniques to ensure what is in his mind. It is because of Rousseau’s impact of philosophy that David was able to use his medium of painting to achieve his purpose. In ‘The Oath of Horatii’, Rousseau’s impact on David is expressed very well in the David’s neoclassical style which is characterized by clarity of line, logical and balanced composition, restrained facial expression, bold effects of light and a minimum of distracting detail. It is very apt for David’s purposes since the style enhances and highlights David’s purposes in conveying his political messages. The Horatii were chosen as champions of ancient Rome (Audio-Visual Notes 2001) and the legitimacy of being chosen as champions suggests the power of the state. According to Jean-Jacques Rousseau, a person or institution has authority if they are able to command others to do things. That authority is legitimate only if the person, or institution, possesses the right to command others. To be legitimate, the authority the state has over the people must come from the people themselves, and not from a single entity such as the king. Power that comes from such sources is usually referred to as naked power. In such a scenario, we cannot totally agree that the Horatii were comfortable with the title as champions. They might be indulged to obey the state because they ought to, or because they are afraid of the consequences. In contrast, they might be honoured to be chosen as champions of Rome and this title might influence them into offering their lives on behalf of the country. On the viewer’s left, a third of the vertical space is dedicated to three men, Horatii, who are sons to the man, Horatius. The lights flood across the scene onto the viewer’s right side, illuminating the main characters and presenting th... ...r heads are facing down with eyes closed with their backs slouching. These choices of colours, postures and gestures suggest that David wants to create the solemn ambience within the female figures and the contradiction of their particular will against the general will of the state. In Rousseau’s view, particular will is concerned with an individual’s advantage. The ladies may be convinced by their three brothers and their father to think that their particular will is the product of appetite while general will is the product of reason. Since a person acting on his appetite is slavish and bad, while a person acting on reason is noble and good, they should therefore obey the general will and allow their brothers to fight; even to the extent of having duels with their own family members. With the cross referencing between Rousseau’s views and David’s painting â€Å"The Oath of the Horatii† that has been presented, we can conclude that it is because of Rousseau’s impact of philosophy that David was able to use his medium of painting to achieve his purpose and this is evident through the pictorial representation in conveying particular will and the general will of â€Å"The Oath of the Horatii†.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Achilles vs Hector Essay

In the story the Iliad, there are two main characters Achilles and Hector, who both are incredible warriors. Achilles is the leader of the Myrmidon soldiers, and he fights for the Greeks. Hector is the son of Kind Priam and he fights for the Trojans. Both of these characters are said to be the strongest and greatest warriors of each of their armies. Both Achilles and Hector have many different heroic characteristics that are the similar and that are very diverse. Achilles and Hector both share a similar glory of war and that love is a driving force and both of them have different views that set them apart which are military glory over family life and both of their overall hero characteristics which differ significantly. The differences between Achilles and Hector are very unique in the since that Achilles is basically the exact opposite of Hector. Hector believes that family comes first, after each battle he will come home and spend time with his wife and children instead of getting congratulated by his people. Achilles only cares about gaining glory that will last forever, since he knows that he will live a short life by continuing with his actions. But he finally chooses to live a short life so that his name will be remembered forever. When Achilles loses Briseis, he chooses not to fight with the Greeks even though this war is incredibly important to his people of Phthia and Greece. Achilles shows absolutely no support for Greece and doesn’t care about whether they win this war or not. Achilles begins to act very immature in the since that his fellow Greeks are dying and his soldiers around him want to fight but he chooses not to fight. When Petroclus dies, Achilles is full of absolute rage wanting retaliation for losing him. Achilles goes to Troy to fight Hector, and not only does Achilles kill Hector but he defiles and insults all of Troy by taking Hectors body and dragging his body back with him and leaving it to rot on the beach. Achilles is a very egoistic arrogant person who is only concerned with things that will benefit him and by killing Hector the way he did shows absolute disrespect. Achilles says to Hector before he dies, â€Å"My fury would drive me now to hack your flesh away and eat you raw-such agonies you have caused me† (409-411). This proves that Achilles was so mad that he believed the only way to kill him was the way he did. Furthermore, the similarities between Achilles and Hector are their strength and the fact that both of them are incredible warriors. Achilles is half god and half human which give him his extraordinary strength. Both of them possess a bravery that only exists in true heroes. Achilles and Hector are natural born leaders who all of their soldiers would happily end their life to save their leaders. Hector has an inconceivable amount of love for his country. He is willing to end his life to save the people of Troy. Hector knows that this war was started by his younger brother Paris’ juvenile decision to take Helen from Agamenmon. But instead of scolding his brother, Hector encourages him to fight for his country and his new wife. Hector says to Paris, â€Å"Look, your people dying around the city, the steep walls, dying in arms-and all for you† (251-253). Hector loves Paris because he is his brother and wants to help him let their people know that their prince is willing to fight with them. Throughout the Illiad both Achilles and Hector show that they are both natural born leaders and warriors. They both believe that glory in war and love is a driving force. Also both Achilles and Hector have many differences but mostly are shown in the fact that military glory is more important to Achilles than Hector’s strong family life.

In the Time of the Butterflies By Julia Alvaraz Essay

Organizational Patterns: In the Time of the Butterflies is organized into three parts—Part I, Part II, and Part III. These parts are followed by an Epilogue critical to the story. Each part of the book consists of four chapters, each chapter is told by a different narrator. The narrators are the four Mirabal sisters (aka the butterflies), Dede, Minerva, Maria Teresa, and Patria. As each chapter changes narrators, bits and pieces of the story are revealed as each different personality finds different facts important. Dede, Minerva, and Patria all use a standard narration, but Maria’s narration is related through her journal: she includes drawings, dates, pictures, and more trivial and personal experiences of her days. Maria’s chapters add something a little unique and therefore contribute to the creativity and interest of the story. Narrator: Dede is the leading character as she is the only sister who is not claimed by the martyrdom. The narration begins in second person with Dede in her current time (1994), relating the story of the butterflies by going back in time. Each sister then begins taking her turn, rotating chapters, narrating in first person. With Dede, Minerva, Patria, and Maria all taking a turn by chapter, each girl’s distinct personality and voice adds variety and excitement to the book. The story then does well to validate a large audience who will most likely find some of themselves in a particular sister, or in the sisters combined. Themes: Sacrifice – The central theme of this book is sacrifice; sacrificing oneself for the greater good, for others, and for one’s country. Throughout the entire novel the Mirabal sisters are exemplars of this as they sacrifice of their time, energy, and hearts to help not only the ones they love, but the many strangers about them who are suffering political injustice and violence. Minerva, who becomes a political icon and some sort of a hero because of her fighting spirit and call to action, consistently sacrifices herself in her combat of injustice, and expects the same of those around her. Her sisters follow her lead in sacrificing themselves through her persuasion and passion for what is right. Political Control – The book resonates with political chains and injustice. All people in the Dominican Republic in this time period, the early and middle 1900’s, lived in constant fear of the way they spoke and the way they lived. The dictator of the time—Trujillo—had planted spies and technology within hearing range of most public homes. If for any reason Trujillo was to suspect a person or family of political disloyalty the suspects would disappear, being sent to either prison or their death. Throughout the book superficiality and fear are continually exhibited through the public who are forced to worship and praise a bloodthirsty dictator or fear for their lives. Loyalty – Many different forms of loyalty are addressed in the book through those fighting for freedom and those fighting for power. The Mirabal family displays strong loyalty and love as they do not allow a political system to tear them apart. At all costs they fight for one another and prove the importance of family, devotion, and forgiveness. The opposing side also displays a different kind of loyalty as loyalty is forced through fear. The superficial loyalty of the government stands in stark contrast to the chosen loyalty of friends and family members. Identity – There is a strong sense of identity throughout the book as each Mirabal sisters’ personality and value system is related in the different chapters. There is an obvious struggle in each sister as she must determine who she is, which side she is on, and what she will stand for. Detailed and intimate conflicts are related as each girl interacts with the people around her, and decides the kind of life she will lead. Choosing the course that is best for all and contributes to the greater good, rather than focusing on just the individual, is stressed. Each sister succeeds in finding a strong and accomplishing individuality through the help and encouragement of each other. Regret and inner battles are something each girl deals with immensely as she struggles to choose the right course for herself, and her conscience. High contribution and expectation are placed upon each sister as they succeed in living up to a strong sense of purpose and identity. Setting: The setting of the book takes place in the Dominican Republic. Because the book relates two different time periods as Dede gives the present view and the relation of the story by going back in time, the time periods and situations do change. When Dede goes back in time the years are 1938-1960 where dictator Trujillo has control of the country. In this setting the political unrest and fear of the people are very high. The Mirabals begin as a regular family who then gradually become famous in this time period through their noncompliance with the government and â€Å"radical† political views. Dede also relates her present circumstances in the year 1994 throughout the book. In this this time period the effect and fame of the Mirabals are related as current political icons and martyrs in a now free Dominican Republic. The two different settings accomplish cause and effect. The cause of the Mirabals is related in the first setting and time period of the book, and the effect of their action is displayed in the second and current time period for Dede. Tone: The tone of the book is one of action and enjoyment. As the Mirabal sisters choose a dangerous and outspoken course the book becomes very high spirited. Through many adventures, love stories, relationships, and sorrows, reader is called to a more active lifestyle with high expectation. While the book deals with very dangerous situations ultimately resulting in death, somehow it is also able to keep a tone of love, loyalty, and pleasure through the optimism and energy of the sisters. A tone of willpower definitely comes forth, most highly exemplified through the character of Minerva. Foreshadowing: As the main narrator Dede relates the story of the butterflies through a second person narration as a moment in history, and because she is relating history she knows where the story will go and how it ends. This being the case, there are many moments of foreshadowing through flashbacks as Dede remembers certain parts of the story. Following are a few examples of Dede’s foreshadowing: Chapter 1 -Dede’s garden (year 1994) foreshadows the ending of her sisters, or â€Å"the butterflies†, when she realizes she has accidentally, â€Å"snipped her prize butterfly orchid† (5). -A foreshadowing of the history Dede experienced when she hears a car door slam and jumps, â€Å"Any Dominican of a certain generation would have jumped at that gunshot sound† (5). -Foreshadowed is the inability to freely express oneself in the historical time period to be told, â€Å"Words repeated, distorted, words recreated by those who might bear them a grudge, words stitched to words until they are the winding sheet the family will be buried in when their bodies are found dumped in a ditch, their tongues cut off for speaking too much† (10). The sisters all take part in foreshadowing their future martyrdom as political unrest and their involvement proceed: -Maria comments in her journal early on of her most radical sister Minerva, â€Å"I swear my older sister will be the death of me!† (39) Minerva does end up swaying Maria into the underground fight that ultimately does result in her death. -After the first couple encounters with the dangerous Trujillo, Minerva writes of her family, â€Å"We sit silently, listening to the rain on the thatched roof, a numb, damp, fatalistic feeling among us. Something has started none of us can stop† (116). -As Dede scolds her niece (Minerva’s daughter) at the present time about being on the road at night, she thinks, â€Å"If their mothers had only waited until the next morning to drive back over that deserted mountain road, they might still be alive to scold their own daughters about the dangers of driving at night† (173). -And Minerva as she is feeling the end near, â€Å"Certainly there was something suspicious in his granting us these privileges. But all I felt was numb, resigned, sitting in that stuffy office. Not only was there nothing in the world we could do to save the men, there was nothing in the world we could do to save ourselves either† (283). The sisters are murdered the next month. Affective Issues Related to the Work: Peer Pressure – There are ample amounts of peer pressure as these sisters face a highly energized time where every person must choose a side. Minerva is the sister that gives the most pressure to her other sisters as she works at persuading them to be strong and join her cause. The most inner conflict is seen in the character of Dede as she is torn by what her husband believes and what Minerva believes. Both are fighting for her loyalty. Dede wants to please everyone but finds that it is an impossible task. She is continually swayed back and forth as she battles her conscience about what side she should join. She feels she must be loyal to her husband and his opinion to stay out of the political issues, but then she feels a call morally to join her sister Minerva who is fighting against evil. She never quite finds the solution or a single path to follow, but ends up finding a good in between for herself. This is the more realistic case in most people’s world, and theref ore brings a strong sense of humanness as Dede experiences the power of influence, and the power of inner conscience. Most secondary students are dealing with the same issues and can relate to the pressures of pleasing both ourselves and others. Right and Wrong – There are many examples of people having to choose in quick moments between what is right and wrong. Minerva has an extremely strong sense of what is right and wrong and is continually fighting for fairness and truth. Patria is extremely religious and is guided always by her inner devotion to God. Maria is timid but consistently chooses a good path, and notices in others when they make bad or wrong choices. Dede also fights the same battle within to make choices that are right. All four girls are extremely guided by religion and doing what is right. Their complications and inner struggles are very real and relatable as each person ultimately chooses at some point the path they will choose. There are many good examples in the book of when one needs to stand up for what is right. All secondary students are battling with this same thing in their lives as they make decisions that will affect their character for the rest of their lives, and as they decide whether they will stand for what is right, or for what is wrong. Self Discovery – Because each sister is able to have her turn at narrating, there is a strong sense of self discovery as very personal details of their lives are included. Each girl explains her childhood and the many paths that were before them, and the reasons why they chose the paths they did. The strongest example of self discovery would lie in the character of Patria as she feels an extreme devotion to God as a young child. Because of her extremely large heart and faith she is sent to a religious school where she can be guided in becoming a nun if that is the path she would choose. She is extremely devoted to God and continues to be devoted as she experiences puberty and all things that come with it. Very personally, but not graphically, she relates her desire to be touched as stronger than her desire to become a nun. She chooses to love a man instead of becoming a nun, gets married to her love, and begins having children. She remains extremely faithful religiously and never regrets the path she chooses as she discovers the things she really wants from life. Vocabulary Issues: The book is fairly easy to read on terms of vocabulary; however Spanish is consistently mixed in throughout the book. The story does take place in the Dominican Republic, where the standard language is Spanish, so often Spanish expressions and words are used by the characters. Reader does not need to understand these words to understand the novel by any means, however understanding the few Spanish words would be helpful. It might be nice as a class to either go over the Spanish words together after each reading, or simply have a list typed of all the Spanish used in the book, with English translations for students to refer to as they read. There are a few words that are used repetitively and so should be addressed in the beginning. Males are often referred to as macho—the Spanish word for male. Also the butterflies are referred to as las mariposas—the Spanish word for butterflies. Background Knowledge: Author Julia Alvarez does a fantastic job at explaining the state of political unrest and depicting the power of a government run by a dictator in this historical novel. While background knowledge is not necessary because the book contains good recounting of the history in question with much explanation, background information could still be helpful. One’s interest may be peaked upon learning of the butterflies, the underground political system, Trujillo and his government etc†¦ and their actual role in history. Because the historical facts are so interesting it could be very fun to give a build up lesson or two teaching about dictators and government in general and the power they have successfully gained in the past. Followed by this general outline of government, the specific time period of the book could then be searched and taught about. The characters themselves would be very interesting to study and to learn of in a more historical and brief way before the book is read. This book offers many outside lessons as it deals with actual history, social problems, and real people. Many doors are opened for outside lessons to understand the novel more clearly. Implications for Students of Diversity: This is a great book for students of diversity as it takes place in a different country, with darker colored people, who speak a different language. The book is an experience that the majority of students in the class will be unfamiliar with. Because the majority of minorities in the United States right now are Spanish speakers, this book will be of more interest to them as the characters use Spanish throughout the book and are living in a Spanish culture. It is fun to read this book as a minority because these girls are heroines of a different ethnicity. It would also be helpful to have some of the Spanish speaking students in the class contribute in translating some of the words or explaining the culture for the class if they are acquainted with some of the traditions. This will be a good opportunity for these students of diversity to better acquaint themselves and their background with their classmates. It will also be a good opportunity for the majority of the class to experience and learn about a history and lifestyle other than their own. Gender Issues: Gender issues are addressed strongly throughout the book mainly because the main characters in the story are women. Not only are they women, they are women experiencing the mid 1900’s, they are outspoken, and they are extremely active in areas that women were not usually active in. Minerva time and time again undermines the authority of Trujillo, not just a male but also the leading dictator. The father of the Mirabal girls passionately loves his daughters, but often references to wishing he had sons as they are the preferred gender. Men are shown at their worst often in the story sometimes exuding a feministic tone. Maria continually includes in her journal how she hates men, as she has reason, having seen adultery committed by the men closest to her. Each sister is extremely independent often undermining any kind of authority their husbands â€Å"should† have. The sisters are extremely ahead of their time when it comes to the woman question, and it is referenced again and again throughout the novel. While there are hints of feminism throughout the novel, there is also an extreme devotion of the Mirabal sisters to their father and husbands. Forgiveness plays a key role in the relationships as it should in most relationships, and therefore does not truly exhibit negativity towards men or these relationships. The girls are strong, but still extremely loyal and loving of their male counterparts. The Central Question or Enduring Issue: The central question or enduring issue of this novel would have to do with choice. Each person chooses his or her path. Each person decides their own fate according to what is inside of them, and what the outside circumstances would require. In more of a question form perhaps, when does one act? When does one stand up and manifest who they are? Every person has agency and practices it each day. The Mirabal sisters chose a higher route. They used their agency to battle the fight against evil. They chose to make something of themselves bit by bit in every little decision they made that led to the big decisions in the end. Humans everywhere settle for mediocrity, but a better question might be, when is mediocrity not enough? When does one use his or her agency to accomplish something greater? The battle of right and wrong is everywhere, and the Mirabal sisters chose the path for right. Research Issues/Project Ideas: Because of the historical richness of the novel there are many opportunities for research papers. Students could research the dictator Trujillo, the history of government in the Dominican Republic, the time period, specific characters, the accuracy of the novel in comparison to the facts, the effect of the Mirabal sisters, whether the legend lives on etc†¦ Projects might include expressions of art using the theme of butterflies, or using the different personalities of each sister, characterization in the form of art or a paper on a favorite sister. Other options for papers are available in the form of a compare and contrast essay between the student and a chosen character, or two characters form the novel, a creative writing paper including a new character or an expansion of the chapters on one of the sisters, a paper on a chosen theme or issue, social problems could be studied, feminism could be written about, the relationships between the men and women could be written about etc†¦ The topics go on and on in this novel. Because of its perfect blend of characterization, plot, history, and social issues the opportunities seem endless! Informational/Functional Texts: Wikipedia gives a good intro and brief historical explanation of the book that might be a nice intro: This site gives a brief introduction to the government, history, and culture of the Dominican Republic to familiarize with the students: This is a good picture of a map to help students see where the Dominican Republic is located and how close it is to the United States: This site gives a wonderful introduction to In the Time of the Butterflies historically, followed by facts about Trujillo’s bloody reign. The facts are both graphic and eye opening as the destruction one man caused is related. This makes the Mirabal sisters even more admirable as the ruthlessness of Trujillo is accessed here: This is a wonderful site that con tains pictures of the Mirabal sisters, explains their lives, and their martyrdoms. There is also a picture of their murderer available—Trujillo. There is an English and Spanish option to read and learn more about the lives of the heroines:

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Should Students Wear Uniforms

Are Uniforms A Good Way to Improve Students Discipline and Motivation? AED 200 Introduction Uniforms have been a big debate for years. Some educators and parents believe feel uniforms are a great addition to the school system while others feel it is not giving student’s freedom of speech by expressing themselves in what they wear. Should Students Wear Uniforms? Should students wear uniforms is the big debate across school districts across the united states today. According to Eduguide. rg, school uniforms are one step that may break the cycle of violence; truancy and disorder by helping young students understand what really counts. Some feel students benefit from uniforms because it boosts their self-esteem. Students also have feel like they are in a fashion show dressing in uniforms makes students realize what on the inside that counts. Uniforms decrease the influence of gangs and are known to make things difficult for weapons being brought in hidden inside of clothes. Unifor ms improve learning.Uniforms reduce distraction and shapes focus on school work and making the classroom a more serious environment. Uniforms improve behavior and increase school attendance. Uniforms save families time and money. Parents report uniforms are cheaper than buying designer clothes or keeping up with the latest trends. Uniforms helps the administrators quickly identify outsiders who could be a danger to the students. Some people believe uniforms shows neatness by requiring students to tuck in their shirts, wear belts and wear shoes similar in color.Students dressing the same decreases teasing about clothing and shoe appearance. Uniforms prepare children for following a dress code for the future when they reach adulthood and join the workforce. Some children form their own groups in school in which wearing a certain thing or color or style. Some children use fashion trends to differentiate the popular ones from the unpopular children according to what they wear. Uniforms make it less possible for kids to be judged based on clothing choices. Uniforms prevent the competition to have the most fashionable clothes.Competition in school causes students to lose focus on schoolwork instead of on who is wearing the latest fashion trends. Uniforms eliminate clothes competiveness. Another article from Proffessorshouse. com states that some people claim that requiring a uniform increase graduation rates and also has an impact on children’s educational experience. Students performed on the uniform debate claim that uniforms encourage discipline, helps prevent social groups from forming opinions based on fashion status, gets rid of economic barriers and makes easily to identify persons at the school who should not be there.The article also talks about how some form of dress codes enforced around 75% of all schools dress codes are in place to outlaws offensive clothing being worn to the school. After reviewing another article from Ezinearticles. com uniform s create a source of identity and provides a sense of belonging according to the article the article some children’s believe the school chosen for them is a sort of achievement and the school uniform is a mark of inclusion, something to brag about and they feel proud and empowered wearing it.It eliminates the child having to worry about what to wear each day. Uniforms also relieve the parent of having to spend money to helping the child to keep up with the latest trends every day. Uniforms allow a sense of unified purpose to develop particular rivalry with other establishments. Uniforms reinforce children’s since of belonging to reassuring communities. In a 1996 Long Beach, Calif. speech, former President Bill Clinton announced his support of that district's uniform initiative.It didn’t get far in the United States but it also helped start the debate. Uniforms also closes the debate on what children are allowed wear to school, then that makes mornings easier for parents and for children. Everyone knows exactly what the kids need to wear, their regulated school uniform. This leads to a decrease in morning arguments. Some experts believe that when the entire student body is dressed in uniforms, they develop a stronger team mentality. When they are all dressed alike, their all-for-one-and-one-for-all attitude is boosted.With parents saving by not having to buy day to day clothes, they can let their children buy a few nicer and more fashionable clothes for weekends and evenings. Wearing a uniform five days a week can make children appreciate their weekend fashions more. Why Students Should Not Wear Uniforms Parents on the opposing side feel uniforms violate the right to freedom of speech and expression; a uniform cost too much for families struggling financially, uniforms are a band aid on the problem of school violence and does not address the real issues behind it.Uniforms hide warning signs that point to problems that maybe going on with th e child. Some feel that uniforms have not been able to prove wither the decreased discipline or violence and uniforms fail to allow children the ability to learn and make good choices based on their own values. Most feel that uniform are not allowing children to be themselves. Some believe that children cannot be themselves clothes are an expression of who they are. Parents feel that uniforms can be more expensive than regular clothes.Some parents may feel they are a big waste of money wither the school paid for them or not. Some feel uniforms made children uncomfortable and made them focus on the uniform rather than focusing on school work. Also uniforms do not change a child’s behavior in school. Wearing uniforms stop children from getting in trouble and acting out in school. Self-expression is an important part of a child’s development and curbing it with uniforms can be determined to children. Some feel if students are not able to express themselves will in another way by excessive make-up or hairstyles or jewelry.Uniform wear delays transitions into adulthood. Some experts feel teenagers to wear uniforms limits their ability to express in their own way in which can delay their transition in adulthood. Studies show uniforms can be a difficult to enforce in public schools. Conclusion Uniforms have many pros and cons, most believe uniforms are a good option for kids while others feel they can compromise who kids are through expressing themselves through the clothes they wear uniforms cuts down on violence and is a solution to economic problems parents may be facing today.My own personal experience with uniforms causes me to look at uniforms in both sides of the issue. I feel uniforms should be forced in middle or high school but voluntary in elementary schools. I feel most kids in elementary school do not notice what each other wear. Middle and high school is the times where students notice what the other person is wearing or form groups based on who they think are popular or the other. Uniforms are a choice based on school officials and it is up to the child or school if uniforms work. References Website: EduGuide. com Website: Ezarticle. com Website: About. com

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Bio-Polymer Chemistry Assessment Task

Production of Materials: Chemistry Assessment Task Part A: Biopolymers Definition: The term â€Å"Biopolymer† refers to polymers that are produced by living organisms. Since these are polymers, biopolymers contain monomeric units that are covalently bonded to form larger sructures. Biopolmers are divided up into 3 main classes. These are: Polynucleotides (which include RNA and DNA), Polypeptides ( short polymers of amino acids) and Polysaccharides. Examples of some Biopolymers include: Cellulose, Starch and Proteins. Source: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Biopolymer#Polypeptides Biopolymer: Polylactic acidFormation: PLA is produced from a renewable source. For example corn. Corn is harvested and then milled to extract the starch from the raw materials. From the starch, dextrose is produced. The dextrose is then fermented, transforming into lactic acid. The lactic acid is altered into a polymer by the process of condensation, then forming long chain molecular compounds into pol ylactic acid. The organism is Lactic Acid. Source: http://www. hitachi-pt. com/products/ip/process/pla. html Properties and Uses: Being able to degrade into lactic acid, PLA is used as medical implants in the form of screws, pins, rods and as a mesh.PLA can also be used as a compostable packaging material. Cups and Bags have been made out of PLA. In the form of film, PLA shrinks upon heating allowing it to be used in shrink tunnels. PLA is also useful for producing loose-fill packaging, compost bags and disposable tableware. PLA can also be used in treatment in the body. Depending on the exact type used, it breaks down in the body within 6 months to 2 years. This degredation is desirable for a support structure because it gradually transfers the load to the body as the organ heals.Source: http://en. wikipedia. org/wiki/Polylactic_acid#Manufacturers Assessment: The impact of PLA on the society is that due to the high demand or PLA products from resources such as corn, corn growers ha ve been tampering with the genes of the corn to produce higher yields in order to suffice the demand. Even though PLA is biodegradable it still takes at least three months in a controlled environment to properly break down into it’s components. However it is estimated to take 100 to 1000 years to decompose in landfill.PLA is also from a different origin than regular plastics, therefore it needs to be kept separate when recycling. PLA is an alternative to the common plastic bag or plastic cup since it can be recycled which can be useful to the society. Source: http://www. scientificamerican. com/article. cfm? id=environmental-impact-of-corn-based-plastics Judgement: Even though PLA is an alternative to common plastic due to it being recyclable and biodegradable, PLA still needs to be refined to make it more efficient to produce, be cost effective and to be able to degrade at a much faster rate.Part B: Batteries Sources: Vertex Learning Centre: Book, HSC chemistry, Vertex Learn ing Centre: Book, Production of Materials Section 6 and 7 Button Cell Plastic seal Zinc case Graphite rod Electrolyte Negative terminal Positive terminal Plastic seal Zinc case Graphite rod Electrolyte Negative terminal Positive terminal Leclanche Cell (Dry Cell) Sources: http://www. comf-hk. com/zcart/index. php? main_page=page&id=3&chapter=1 Leclanche Cell diagram- 4. 6 cells and batteries word document By Bernard Broekhuizen

Friday, September 13, 2019

Risk management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words - 1

Risk management - Essay Example There is a growing recognition that flood risk can be mitigated making space for water through sustainable management. Management of Flood has started considering dilemmas, challenges, and problems† (Begum, et al., 2007). Vulnerability and Flood risk is increasing due to changes in land use and development in flood prone districts as a result of socio-economic demand, changes in climate and rainfall pattern, increasing frequency of extreme events (Begum, et al., 2007). Jeddah is the most cosmopolitan and second-largest city in Saudi Arabia and the gateway to millions of Muslims who want to go to the holy city of Makkah. Jeddah city, which is the main porter of the country’s wealth, the largest seller of oil in the world at all times, and which has paved the way for single currency in the Gulf with its emergence as the second largest bloc in the monetary world, was affected by heavy rains. The rains which lasted for no more than two days caused massive flooding. This flood caused the deaths of more than 120 citizens (al-Ahmed, 2009). To lessen the embarrassment caused by these deaths, spokesperson and media reports reduced the number of flood deaths in the first four days to less than 80 citizens. (Abumansour, 2009) This massive flood was the strongest natural calamity that Saudi Arabia has seen in its history which is less than 100 years old. However the actual reason for destruction and death that occurred in November 2009 is the corruption in some of the sectors of the municipalities in Jeddah. More than four million citizens live in this city and the city still lacks treatment facility and a sewage system. Hundreds of bodies were found during flood rescue operations and some were registered as missing. The main street going to the Holy City was blocked with hundreds of cars floating in the water. The cars were dragged by the water that could not

Thursday, September 12, 2019

Summarize an approved scholarly article regarding any topic in the new Assignment

Summarize an approved scholarly article regarding any topic in the new testament - Assignment Example Indeed, it is not only the dwelling place of God’s name, but an important place of pilgrimage of the ancient Jews that they had to visit three times a year. Furthermore, the figure of the Temple is inseparably connected to eschatology in the Old Testament, making of the most important part of the text. According to the article in question, the connection between Jesus and the Temple is the most understandable in the case of cleansing the Temple. This action shows that Jesus positioned Himself as the new Temple. When being asked to perform a miracle, He noted that He is able to destroy the Temple and restore it in three days. The text shows that this is a direct reference to the future events, namely crucifixion and resurrection. In addition to that, it should be noted that many of the important characters in the Scriptures were connected to the symbolism of the Temple. For example, the Tabernacle of Moses and Jacob’s sanctuary at Bethel. The article notes that active ministry of Jesus is closely connected to the Temple. The author notes that there is a big difference in the text of the Holy Scriptures between words signs and mighty deeds and the first is used to describe the actions of Jesus. In addition to that, there are many signs that are associated with Israel’s liturgical feasts, for example the Passover. The use of the word sign is so numerous in the first part of the Gospel of John that some scholars divide it into the Book of Signs and the Book of Glory. Baptism constitutes another important concept. It is referred to as action of being born again with the help of water and Spirit. One of the major themes with this regard is the connection between earthy and heavenly nature of a person who is being baptized as the latter is largely regarded as spiritual birth. The authors noted that the second Passover that depiction of which involved Jesus is seen in the episode when He fed 5000 people. This is the situation that explains the latter word of

Wednesday, September 11, 2019

The Spratly Islands Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

The Spratly Islands - Essay Example Some of the island claims overlap and have led to international tensions over the right to claim some of the world's largest oil reserves and expand their territorial fishing rights. Powerful nations in the area that have a growing need for energy pose a serious threat for future disputes, but recent agreements have eased the tensions to a degree and offer some hope of a model of economic cooperation. . Claims to the islands in the archipelago largely rest on the claimant's ability to establish a historical record of being there first, their geographical proximity, or a record of diplomatic agreements. China, Japan, France, and Vietnam all made claims to, and inhabited, the islands sporadically before and during the first half of the 20th century. China's claim to the islands dates back 2nd century BC Han dynasty, and in 1933 the Chinese made a formal public declaration of claim to the islands and stated that the islands "are inhabited only by Chinese fishermen, and are internationally recognized as Chinese territories".1 The Japanese used the Spratly Islands as a staging point for their assault on the Philippines during World War II, but the action drew little attention from the British who considered the islands terra nullius, a non-legally binding concept that argues uninhabited islands are open to settlement.2 Vietnam's claims date back to the 17th century and are bolstered by an 1884 treaty that claims the French administered the islands while they were a protectorate of France.3 Vietnam has recently contended that they have continuously occupied the islands since the 1600s and have "exercised effectively, continuously and peacefully its sovereignty" over the Spratly islands as well as the neighbouring Paracel Islands.4 Historians have largely disputed the legitimacy of the claims made by Vietnam and since World War II the islands have become the centre of an international debate involving China, Taiwan, Brunei, Malaysia, Vietnam, and the Philippines. Since World War II the Spratly Islands have gained significant strategic importance for their location amid a rapidly developing area, as well as for the economic value of their natural resources. Ownership of the islands gives the owner internationally recognized fishing rights in an area that is rich in fish and seafood. The discovery of some of the richest gas and oilfields in the world has sparked an intense competition for ownership. The islands lie in the middle of several nations that have a growing need for oil that is mostly currently imported from the Middle East and Africa. In addition, the islands lie in the middle of the shipping lanes that include the Strait of Malacca, which serves the expanding Asia-Pacific economic region, and is the second busiest sea-lane in the world5. It is estimated that over half the world's supertanker traffic and "half of the world's merchant fleet (by tonnage) sails through the South China Sea every year".6 This gives the owners of the islan ds geo-political strength as well as control of the resources in the area surrounding the islands. The island's strategic location and the ability to disrupt trade have given the Spratly Islands an increased military importance in light of the world's growing need for oil. The most recent decades have seen open hostilities as nations have worked to build a spirit of

Tuesday, September 10, 2019

WP2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

WP2 - Essay Example On the other hand, critics of science assert that technologies such as genetic engineering are threat to humanity and contravene societal values and morality, thus creating a tussle between science and society. In Trusting the Future? Ethics of Human Genetic Modification (Op-Ed), Stephanie Saulter explores the extent to which the modern society can trust the future for making the right decision about human genetic modification (Saulter 1). The implication is that the current society attaches too many ethical concerns for genetic engineering of humans though there has been a tremendous success in assisted reproduction and Mitochondria replacements. Saulter argues that the current taboo-driven objection to using technology to promote diversity is unjustified because of the possibility of the human race depending on this technology to maintain its existence and avoid extinction of certain genetic attributes. The topic is about genetic modification of altering human genes to improve our fragile health. The article focused on reproductive and genetic medicine whereby mothers with high risk of genetic disorder through natural conception are given invitro fertilization or pre-implantation tissue to address the defect. This eradicates mitochondrial diseases by replacing the mothers faulty mitochondrial DNA (mDNA) with healthy mDNA from a donor egg and in effect having a third DNA in the reproduction which cause a debate for its propriety. Even though many societies are resistant to technological advancements in the field of medicine, the technologies remain crucial part of survival technique of the human race. This paper explores Saulter’s arguments and delves further to offer response to the main ideas discussed by the author. The article provides enough arguments to address the rhetorical question of what the modern society should consider ethical or not ethical.

Monday, September 9, 2019

A Report on the Foraging Behavior among the Chameleon Species Research Paper

A Report on the Foraging Behavior among the Chameleon Species - Research Paper Example Chameleons are predominantly omnivorous though some species exhibit more preference for carnivorous diet while others are more herbivorous. Some smaller species are preyed upon by some predators like birds and snake making them. Chameleons have a unique feeding strategy due to the wide variety of diets and foraging habit. Aerts Herrel, Meyers and Nishikawa observed that the retraction of the chameleon tongue pad creates suction on the prey and enhances adhesion of the tongue (3262). This report focuses on the foraging behavior of the chameleon. Objectives of the Report The specific objectives of this report are to; I. Provide an in-depth understanding of foraging mode exhibited by different chameleon species II. Examine the prey capturing mechanism in chameleons and how it is associated with the chameleon foraging mode III. Establish whether chameleons exhibit a unique prey capturing mechanism and foraging mode Characteristic Features of the Foraging Mode in Chameleons Foraging mode is one of the most crucial aspects in animal life. Foraging mode is used to describe the manner in which animals obtain food within its ecological habitat. Foraging is usually associated with other natural and behavioral traits like locomotive ability, energy utilization and reproduction among others. More importantly, foraging mode plays a critical role in determining prey-predator interactions among animal species. The chameleon’s feeding behavior is often defined in terms of foraging mode which has been mainly classified as either active or ambush (sit-and-wait) type (Hagey, Harmon and Losos 1). With regards to behavior, there are observable differences between active and ambush foragers. Active foragers exhibit a high frequency of movement, tend to prey on sedentary prey, use more energy and possess small clutch size (Butler 797). As a result of their highly motile behavior, active foraging chameleon species are likely to obtain their prey through encounter. On the other hand, the sit-and-wait foraging chameleons exhibit less movements, tend to remain still for longer periods and often run to the prey as they spot it. Active and ambush foraging is largely determined by other factors including morphological and behavioral characteristics, the type of prey and habitat use among others. It has been found that variations exist among active and ambush foragers in terms of activity levels, body temperatures and intake of calories. Most active foragers have higher levels of activity, high caloric intakes and higher body temperatures than their ambush counterparts (Hagey, Harmon and Losos 1-2). This phenomenon is true for chameleons as such differences have been observed among different chameleon species. Chameleons have unique morphological and behavioral characteristics which influences their foraging behavior. In a study aimed at investigating chameleon foraging mode in the dwarf chameleon (Bradypodium pumilum), Butler suggested that in addition to the u sual active versus ambush foraging strategy in chameleons, some species have adapted an alternative cruise mode

Sunday, September 8, 2019

To compare the quality of health care in U.K and Saudi Arabia Essay

To compare the quality of health care in U.K and Saudi Arabia - Essay Example is that it has to ensure that EU citizens obtain equal treatment in a host State. Thus while in case of U.K., one must both refer to the guidelines of WHO as well as E.U., Saudi Arabia needs to follow the guidelines of WHO only. In some countries health care for their respective citizens are regulated statutorily and some others it is only voluntary. Thus before going into the prevailing conditions in U.K. and Saudi Arabia, guidelines of the WHO and the E.U. must be examined. Standards of quality of general health care must be seen before going into the disease-specific health care quality standards. Some definitions relating to quality of health care need to be mentioned. They represent performance indicators or are used to describe performance measurement of health care industry. Rather than quality indicators, financial indicators have only played so far crucial role to describe performance. Financial indicators such as length of stay, average cost per discharge are no longer sufficient to understand quality of health care delivery of an organisation. In fact, Florence Nightingale set the tone for tracking healthcare outcomes. Later Earnest A. Codman, a surgeon from Boston, in early 1900s opined that physicians instead of just measuring what they did, should track results of their performance over a period. His thinking was ahead of his time and he called it the â€Å"end-result idea† saying that there should be some feedback system on what happened to the patients one year after receiving their treatment, though it was not welcomed by the profession and his colleagues at Massachusetts General Hospital criticised him for his outlandish idea.1 In his two volume classic Explorations in Quality Assessment and Monitoring (1980,1982), Donabedian, another physician proposed three key issues in the health care delivery. They are Structures, Processes and Outcomes. Structures are the tools, resources and organisational components. Processes are

Saturday, September 7, 2019

Global warming Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Global warming - Essay Example (Nebel and Wright) As the industries produce different things, they burn fuel as a result of which pollution is created. The most common outcome of the burning of fuel is carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is one of the members of the green house gases which include water vapors, nitrous oxide and methane as well. These emissions of carbon dioxide raise the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere. The level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere is measured in ppm (parts per million). Greg Craven book, â€Å"What’s the Worst that could happen?† illustrates the planet as a bath tub and shows carbon inflows and outflows. There, the safe level of carbon dioxide is 350 ppm which we have already crossed in 2009. Although the level of carbon dioxide was as low as 280 ppm before the industrial revolution but it then began to increase at an increasing rate and if we keep going like this, it will reach up to 900 ppm in 2100. The prime source of the dangerous carbon dioxide is burning of fossil fuels. Carbon dioxide emissions are measured in gigatons per year (gtc/yr). Although there are other sources as well which even more carbon dioxide but the emissions are cancelled some way or another, like the oceans emit 10 times more carbon than humans but they also absorb massive amounts of it. These green house gases, when present in the atmosphere, trap the heat coming from the sun which otherwise would have been reflected. This leads to a rise in the temperature of the planet and this rise in the temperature is called global warming. Global warming affects many people, plants and animals and those who are unable to tolerate this change die. Global warming nowadays has become a very big problem as it has many adverse effects on living things and the planet. (Craven) There are a lot of reasons to worry about the global warming; some of them are related to individual human beings and some are related collectively to all of us. First of all global warming is causing the snow levels at the northern hemisphere to fall as the temperature there is increasing as well and causing the ice to melt which causes the sea levels to rise. To begin with, the increase in sea level would only be an inch or two. Even a tiny climb in sea levels may well cause flooding troubles for low-lying coastal areas. On the other hand, if the West Antarctic Ice Sheet were to liquefy and fall down into the sea, it would thrust sea levels up 10 meters, and a lot of coastal areas would wholly fade away beneath the sea. According to IPCC, the sea levels rose about 17 centimeters in the 20th century. People may lose their homes and food sources as a result of these floods. (Strickland and Grabianowski) Global warming can also cause different diseases as the temperature becomes hotter it gives rise to the growth of some bacteria especially to those who cannot survive in colder climates like pathogens. In a study, authors examined how increasing temperatures already are letting insec ts and microorganisms overrun regions where they formerly were barred by ruthless recurring chills. They believed that mosquitoes are moving up mountainsides, spreading sickness amongst animals previously sheltered by temperature. They also discovered some pathogens reproduce more frequently in warmer temperatures, so there are comparatively more germs around, to cause infection. Richard S. Ostfeld, an environmental researcher at the

Global sourcing Essay Example for Free

Global sourcing Essay 1) What is global sourcing? Global sourcing is defined as the process of identifying, developing, and utilizing the source of supply for the enterprise through expanding purchasing activities internationally. It is a part of post reengineering activities which is an useful measure of cutting cost. Global sourcing is a typical example of foreign construction outsourcing firms which process construction by distributing each process of construction work to vendors instead of running on its own. Such construction method not only does reduce costs in terms of managing construction sites such as labor cost and equipment cost including vehicles, but also is being adopted by various companies for value-adding construction management (CM) project. For instance, global sourcing was utilized when building Daewoo Business Center at Warszawa, Poland, on March, 1997. The process of erecting the center was alloted to vendors; construction was executed by VOICE(England), design through RTKL(U.S.), facility management was duty of Dongwoo which is a department of Daewoo Group, hotel management by Hilton hotel(U.S.). 2) Global sourcing factors Global sourcing factors that must be understood and balanced can be segmented into 5 categories. First factor is material cost. The bottom line of execution of global sourcing is reduce cost by minimizing material cost. Another category is transportation cost. Various costs including inventory delivery cost can be dwindled through global sourcing. Moreover, significant amount of transportation expense can be reduced when marketing products at outsourcing regions. Cross-border taxes, tariffs, and duty costs are third factor which form global sourcing. Instead of relying on domestic production but rather outsource each process internationally, costs can be reduce by avoiding trade barriers which include cross-border tax, tariff and duty cost. Next factor is supply and operational performance. With effective resource management and cheap labor cost, supply and operational performance can be efficiently managed which enables global sourcing companies to manufacture high quality-low price merchandises. The last category of global sourcing is supply and operational risks. Cultural and geographical disparities can yield additional costs such as labor cost and transportation cost. If not managed thoroughly, they can militate as huge risks in terms of conducting sourcing. 3) Advantages of global sourcing There are three major merits of performing global sourcing; gumption to changes, reduction of cost, and trade barriers avoidance. To begin with, global sourcing allows a firm to develop capacity to cope with changes in market condition. Importing numerous raw materials and resources economically and steadily can be done through global sourcing. With such abundant resources, a firm can flexibly adopt to environmental alterations when confronting unexpected economic crisis. Secondly, average 20% of cost saving is possible. Components of products or raw materials procured from abroad is advantageous in terms of price. Furthermore, many countries such as American and Europe are sourcing materials to cut cost in terms of distribution industries. As a result, China has become the hub of production base for global sourcing. Even in case of Korea, sourcing products from China are 30%~40% cheaper than Korean domestic goods. In particular, simple functional merchandizes whose design and quality are relatively less considered are largely influenced by global sourcing. Consequently, over 70% of commodities and clothes are imported from China. Last merit of global sourcing is evasion of trade barriers. In case of global sourced goods, the price is lower, leading to economical purchase, by avoiding trade barriers such tariffs and cross-border taxes. On top of that, firms are able to acquire restricted raw materials and resource. Thus, unique and competitive products can be created. 2. Case-Study (LiFung) 1) Introduction LiFung is a professional trading company which specializes in global sourcing and was founded in 1906. It functioned as a broker between Asian manufacturers and foreign traders and expanded as a trading company later on. Today, LiFung acts as a professional sourcing and distribution firm focusing on toys and textile. Becoming an intermediary, it reconstructed the business by forming it as a connection and manager of diverse supply chains. LiFung is the representative of smokeless factory without owning any equipment and factories regarding production process from raw material to final goods and distribution of final products. 2) Business area / Present condition LiFung won the rewards in Fabulous 50 selectied by Forbes Asia, 50 for 2012 from Morgan Stanley, and The most influential companies 25 from Business week. The sales of LiFung in 2007 was 92.4 billion in Hong Kong dollars, approximately 36% increase in sales compared to that of 2006. Net income reached 30 billion dollars(2007) and LiFung Co. Ltd. succeed in gaining 19.8% increase in sales (110.7 billion Hongkong dollars)than that of previous year. After 1998, foreign companies such as The Limited, Gymboree, American Eagle, Warner Brothers, Abercrombie Fitch, Bed, Bath Beyond, Tesco, Avon Products, Levi-Strauss, Reebok have become major customers of LiFung, and Royal Ahold, Guess Jeans, Bebe also joined as major customers of LiFung in 2000. As a result, LiFung currently has 68 offices in the 38 countries, and shareholders numbers 17,900. In addition, it consists of 107,000 employees engaged in the business associated with LiFung, especially 40,000 related businesses only in the United States. Thus, it can be said that LiFung has entered plateau stage as a company settling new form of SCM rather than just being a simple trading firm. 3) Platform / Operation System LiFung is one of the enterprises which effectively employ platform strategy. In terms of strategy, LiFung adequately balances SRM and CRM strategy to manage producers and customers. LiFung distributes textile component orders to vendors as soon as receiving orders from textile industries. It makes most of 15,000 subcontractors which are located around the globe. When producing a jacket, for example, LiFung procures materials from diverse vendors; outshell is from Korea, Zipper from Japan, lining is done from Thailand, and trademarks and thread from Hongkong. Fabric is dyed in Southern Asia, China sews, and finally quality inspection and packaging are done in Hongkong. Then, headquarter in Hongkong generally manages cash flow and value-added process. 4) Success Factors Success factors of LiFung can be categorized into three elements. The first factor is IT evolution. Through IT development, product lead time dwindled through forming network among producers and customers, and even efficiently manage vendors. Another facet is SRM and CRM, especially have strength on SRM. LiFung analyze customer’s needs and scrutinize supply chain to meet the desires. Since firms tend to focus on maximizing their capability instead of in accordance with needs, LiFung can otherwise strive to fortify supply chain or value chain for customers. In other words, the key role of LiFung is to direct manufacturers of supply chain to the intended direction. For that specific purpose, it establishes education to producers on scattered network management rather than having strict control system for managing vendors, and emphasizes on trust and active empowerment. Lastly, LiFung follows 30/70 rule, which is to set a standard(from 30% to 70% of total production) on production quota to LiFung. This enables LiFung to have loose liaison among subcontractors. Minimum 30% of total production allows LiFung to possess minimum supply from each subcontractors and prevention vendors from being subordinates can be done by setting maximum 70%. The core objective of this principle is to assure vendors of gaining huge profit from being a member of the network and on the other hand guaranteeing flexibility of business and availability of a room for growth. Other vendors also benefit from the principle by being expose to opportunities to work with others, which help them to learn and come up with innovative ideas. Such principle demonstrates value of LiFung on making supply chain more dynamic and lively. Thus, change in partners frequently happens in supply chain of LiFung. In conclusion, LiFung shows contradictory management of pursuing stable and long-term partnership whereas also demanding loose network instead to forming strict organization. 3. Problem Solution 1) Wage stagnation / Pricing pressure The first problem of LiFung is wage stagnation of China. China accounts for 60% of total global sourcing of LiFung, which means that shift in China impact LiFung heavily. After the economic liberalization of China, China has been able to attract world companies as the most suitable production base due to cheap and abundant labor. As a consequence of substantial growth, China’s wage has been increasing 16% annually. As labor cost takes up the largest portion of garment industry’s costs, Li Fung’s first half of 2011 net income dwindled 18%. Therefore, there is high necessity for finding a new production base(a new partners) and gain price competitiveness through such measure. Second problem is overseas buyers’ desire to lower supply pricing due to high uncertainty from global recession. As shown in the ‘average import price of textile in the U.S.’ graph on the right, the average import price has been continually decreasing, from $3.18 in 2006 t o $3 in 2009. Heavy pressure on supply pricing is having negative impact on net income of LiFung. 2) China U.S Trade conflict Third adversity is potential trade disputes between the United States and China. This trade conflict, which is referred to as protectionism, is noteworthy of a notice as 69% of total production of LiFung is sold to the United States. The United States has criticized China on the currency exchange rate manipulation, along with accusation of exchange dumping. In addition, Section 421 is an article which can be executed in a situation where increased import of Chinese products acts as a severe damage to American domestic industries. Accordingly, it is inevitable to exclude potential trade conflict between two countries on account of high possibility of implementing additional countervailing duty by executing section 421. 3) Expanding partners in Southern Asia In preparation for deterioration of China’s production environment and falling competitiveness of China as a sourcing region, Southern Asia is evaluated as the most practical alternative for strategic sourcing of LiFung. In terms of percentage change in world textile industry sourcing, diminution of China is noticeable, as –7%, whereas Vietnam and Bangladesh show growth, respectively displaying 1% and 20% of sourcing uprising rate. To demonstrate suitability of sourcing to Banladesh, environment of Bangladesh such as social infrastructure and facilities, and educational level should be thoroughly examined. Nevertheless, wage of Bangladesh is much cheaper than that of China, Bangladesh being one third that of China, in terms of only considering unit labor cost. Furthermore, Bangladesh is likely to be significantly equipped with garment-industry infrastructure judging from the large number of textile industries sourcing to Bangladesh. Therefore, it is no hasty conclusion that Bangladesh is the most appropriate region for new production base of LiFung. 4) Quality management system Controlling over 15,000 vendors is demanding and the possible drawback is failure of consistency in quality. Since quality is prerequisite these days, stricter vendor’s quality management system should be made. One of the tools that LiFung can utilize and apply stricter is ‘Vendor compliance index’. There are six indexes LiFung should keep attention to; efficient operation, productivity, process innovation, ensuring the quality, purchase the appropriate law material, and good working condition of labor. By balancing and fulfilling following vendor compliance indexes, LiFung will be able to afford products to customer with coherent quality. 4. Conclusion The concept having used by LiFung is highly familiar to us as global sourcing is also deployed by domestic companies such as Samsung and LG. Global sourcing can be divided into two factors; risk element and opportunity element. These two elements are in trade-off relation which means that change in one element accompanies the other, while endeavoring to maximize opportunity element. Thus, taking advantage of opportunity and risk element in a timely manner is the premise for successful global sourcing and in-depth analysis on local region and strategy should be followed when implementing global sourcing.